Kenneth Moreland 0cc9d27e26 Expand the list of types to include multiple widths.
Since we want our code to generally handle data of different precision
(for example either float or double) expand the types in our list types
to include multiple precision.
2014-10-08 15:40:20 -06:00

397 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2014 Sandia Corporation.
// Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2014. Los Alamos National Security
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_testing_Testing_h
#define vtk_m_testing_Testing_h
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/TypeTraits.h>
#include <vtkm/VecTraits.h>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
// Try to enforce using the correct testing version. (Those that include the
// control environment have more possible exceptions.) This is not guaranteed
// to work. To make it more likely, place the Testing.h include last.
#ifdef vtk_m_cont_Error_h
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_testing_Testing_h
#error Use vtkm::cont::testing::Testing instead of vtkm::testing::Testing.
/// \def VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(condition, message)
/// Asserts a condition for a test to pass. A passing condition is when \a
/// condition resolves to true. If \a condition is false, then the test is
/// aborted and failure is returned.
#define VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(condition, message) \
::vtkm::testing::Testing::Assert( \
condition, __FILE__, __LINE__, message, #condition)
/// \def VTKM_TEST_FAIL(message)
/// Causes a test to fail with the given \a message.
#define VTKM_TEST_FAIL(message) \
throw ::vtkm::testing::Testing::TestFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, message)
namespace vtkm {
namespace testing {
// If you get an error about this class definition being incomplete, it means
// that you tried to get the name of a type that is not specified. You can
// either not use that type, not try to get the string name, or add it to the
// list.
template<typename T>
struct TypeName;
#define VTK_M_BASIC_TYPE(type) \
template<> struct TypeName<type> { \
static std::string Name() { return #type; } \
} \
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
struct TypeName<vtkm::Vec<T,Size> >
static std::string Name() {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "vtkm::Vec< "
<< TypeName<T>::Name()
<< ", "
<< Size
<< " >";
return stream.str();
struct Testing
class TestFailure
VTKM_CONT_EXPORT TestFailure(const std::string &file,
vtkm::Id line,
const std::string &message)
: File(file), Line(line), Message(message) { }
VTKM_CONT_EXPORT TestFailure(const std::string &file,
vtkm::Id line,
const std::string &message,
const std::string &condition)
: File(file), Line(line)
this->Message.append(" (");
VTKM_CONT_EXPORT const std::string &GetFile() const { return this->File; }
VTKM_CONT_EXPORT vtkm::Id GetLine() const { return this->Line; }
VTKM_CONT_EXPORT const std::string &GetMessage() const
return this->Message;
std::string File;
vtkm::Id Line;
std::string Message;
static VTKM_CONT_EXPORT void Assert(bool condition,
const std::string &file,
vtkm::Id line,
const std::string &message,
const std::string &conditionString)
if (condition)
// Do nothing.
throw TestFailure(file, line, message, conditionString);
/// Calls the test function \a function with no arguments. Catches any errors
/// generated by VTKM_TEST_ASSERT or VTKM_TEST_FAIL, reports the error, and
/// returns "1" (a failure status for a program's main). Returns "0" (a
/// success status for a program's main).
/// The intention is to implement a test's main function with this. For
/// example, the implementation of UnitTestFoo might look something like
/// this.
/// \code
/// #include <vtkm/testing/Testing.h>
/// namespace {
/// void TestFoo()
/// {
/// // Do actual test, which checks in VTKM_TEST_ASSERT or VTKM_TEST_FAIL.
/// }
/// } // anonymous namespace
/// int UnitTestFoo(int, char *[])
/// {
/// return vtkm::testing::Testing::Run(TestFoo);
/// }
/// \endcode
template<class Func>
static VTKM_CONT_EXPORT int Run(Func function)
catch (TestFailure error)
std::cout << "***** Test failed @ "
<< error.GetFile() << ":" << error.GetLine() << std::endl
<< error.GetMessage() << std::endl;
return 1;
catch (...)
std::cout << "***** Unidentified exception thrown." << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
/// Check functors to be used with the TryAllTypes method.
struct TypeCheckAlwaysTrue
template <typename T, class Functor>
void operator()(T t, Functor function) const { function(t); }
struct TypeCheckInteger
template <typename T, class Functor>
void operator()(T t, Functor function) const
this->DoInteger(typename vtkm::TypeTraits<T>::NumericTag(), t, function);
template <class Tag, typename T, class Functor>
void DoInteger(Tag, T, const Functor&) const { }
template <typename T, class Functor>
void DoInteger(vtkm::TypeTraitsIntegerTag, T t, Functor function) const
struct TypeCheckReal
template <typename T, class Functor>
void operator()(T t, Functor function) const
this->DoReal(typename vtkm::TypeTraits<T>::NumericTag(), t, function);
template <class Tag, typename T, class Functor>
void DoReal(Tag, T, const Functor&) const { }
template <typename T, class Functor>
void DoReal(vtkm::TypeTraitsRealTag, T t, Functor function) const
struct TypeCheckScalar
template <typename T, class Functor>
void operator()(T t, Functor func) const
this->DoScalar(typename vtkm::TypeTraits<T>::DimensionalityTag(), t, func);
template <class Tag, typename T, class Functor>
void DoScalar(Tag, const T &, const Functor &) const { }
template <typename T, class Functor>
void DoScalar(vtkm::TypeTraitsScalarTag, T t, Functor function) const
struct TypeCheckVector
template <typename T, class Functor>
void operator()(T t, Functor func) const
this->DoVector(typename vtkm::TypeTraits<T>::DimensionalityTag(), t, func);
template <class Tag, typename T, class Functor>
void DoVector(Tag, const T &, const Functor &) const { }
template <typename T, class Functor>
void DoVector(vtkm::TypeTraitsVectorTag, T t, Functor function) const
template<class FunctionType>
struct InternalPrintOnInvoke
InternalPrintOnInvoke(FunctionType function, std::string toprint)
: Function(function), ToPrint(toprint) { }
template <typename T> void operator()(T t)
std::cout << this->ToPrint << std::endl;
FunctionType Function;
std::string ToPrint;
/// Runs templated \p function on all the basic types defined in VTKm. This is
/// helpful to test templated functions that should work on all types. If the
/// function is supposed to work on some subset of types, then \p check can
/// be set to restrict the types used. This Testing class contains several
/// helpful check functors.
template<class FunctionType, class CheckType>
static void TryAllTypes(FunctionType function, CheckType check)
vtkm::Id id = 0;
check(id, InternalPrintOnInvoke<FunctionType>(
function, "*** vtkm::Id ***************"));
vtkm::Id3 id3 = vtkm::make_Id3(0, 0, 0);
check(id3, InternalPrintOnInvoke<FunctionType>(
function, "*** vtkm::Id3 **************"));
vtkm::Scalar scalar = 0.0;
check(scalar, InternalPrintOnInvoke<FunctionType>(
function, "*** vtkm::Scalar ***********"));
vtkm::Vector2 vector2 = vtkm::make_Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
check(vector2, InternalPrintOnInvoke<FunctionType>(
function, "*** vtkm::Vector2 **********"));
vtkm::Vector3 vector3 = vtkm::make_Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
check(vector3, InternalPrintOnInvoke<FunctionType>(
function, "*** vtkm::Vector3 **********"));
vtkm::Vector4 vector4 = vtkm::make_Vector4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
check(vector4, InternalPrintOnInvoke<FunctionType>(
function, "*** vtkm::Vector4 **********"));
template<class FunctionType>
static void TryAllTypes(FunctionType function)
TryAllTypes(function, TypeCheckAlwaysTrue());
} // namespace vtkm::internal
/// Helper function to test two quanitites for equality accounting for slight
/// variance due to floating point numerical inaccuracies.
template<typename VectorType>
bool test_equal(VectorType vector1,
VectorType vector2,
vtkm::Scalar tolerance = 0.0001)
typedef typename vtkm::VecTraits<VectorType> Traits;
for (vtkm::IdComponent component = 0;
component < Traits::NUM_COMPONENTS;
vtkm::Scalar value1 = vtkm::Scalar(Traits::GetComponent(vector1, component));
vtkm::Scalar value2 = vtkm::Scalar(Traits::GetComponent(vector2, component));
if ((fabs(value1) < 2*tolerance) && (fabs(value2) < 2*tolerance))
vtkm::Scalar ratio = value1/value2;
if ((ratio > vtkm::Scalar(1.0) - tolerance)
&& (ratio < vtkm::Scalar(1.0) + tolerance))
// This component is OK. The condition is checked in this way to
// correctly handle non-finites that fail all comparisons. Thus, if a
// non-finite is encountered, this condition will fail and false will be
// returned.
return false;
return true;
/// Special implementation of test_equal for strings, which don't fit a model
/// of fixed length vectors of numbers.
bool test_equal(const std::string &string1, const std::string &string2)
return string1 == string2;
/// Helper function for printing out vectors during testing.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const vtkm::Vec<T,Size> &vec)
stream << "[";
for (vtkm::IdComponent component = 0; component < Size-1; component++)
stream << vec[component] << ",";
return stream << vec[Size-1] << "]";
#endif //vtk_m_testing_Testing_h