Kenneth Moreland 7d769a8f4a Add classes to manage point coordinates.
Each type of point coordinates has its own class with the name
PointCoordinates*. Currently there is a PointCoordiantesArray that contains
an ArrayHandle holding the point coordinates and a PointCoordinatesUniform
that takes the standard extent, origin, and spacing for a uniform rectilinear
grid and defines point coordiantes for that. Creating new PointCoordinates
arrays is pretty easy, and we will almost definitely add more. For example,
we should have an elevation version that takes uniform coordinates for
a 2D grid and then an elevation in the third dimension. We can probably
also use a basic composite point coordinates that can build them from
other coordinates.

There is also a DynamicPointCoordinates class that polymorphically stores
an instance of a PointCoordinates class. It has a CastAndCall method that
behaves like DynamicArrayHandle; it can call a functor with an array handle
(possible implicit) that holds the point coordinates.
2014-05-15 13:41:45 -06:00

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// Copyright 2014 Sandia Corporation.
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// Copyright 2014. Los Alamos National Security
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#ifndef vtk_m_cont_internal_PointCoordinatesBase_h
#define vtk_m_cont_internal_PointCoordinatesBase_h
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>
/// Checks that the argument is a proper \c PointCoordinates class. This is a
/// handy concept check for functions and classes to make sure that a template
/// argument is actually point coordinates. (You can get weird errors elsewhere
/// in the code when a mistake is made.)
::vtkm::cont::internal::IsValidPointCoordinates<pctype>::type::value, \
"Provided type is not a valid VTK-m PointCoordinates type.")
namespace vtkm {
namespace cont {
namespace internal {
/// \brief Superclass for point coordinates classes.
/// \c PointCoordinatesBase is a simple superclass for all point coordinates
/// classes (by convention named \c PointCoordinates___).
/// The most important feature of this base class is to provide a common class
/// to perform a compile-time check to make sure a templated class is in fact
/// supposed to be a point coordinate class. (It is assumed that the subclass
/// will implement the expected methods.)
/// The second feature of this base class is to provide a type to perform safe
/// up and down casts, although this is easy to get around.
class PointCoordinatesBase
// It is important to declare the destructor virtual so that subclasses will
// be properly destroyed.
virtual ~PointCoordinatesBase() { }
/// Checks to see if the given type is a valid point coordinates class. This
/// check is compatable with the Boost meta-template programming library (MPL).
/// It contains a typedef named type that is either boost::mpl::true_ or
/// boost::mpl::false_. Both of these have a typedef named value with the
/// respective boolean value.
template<typename Type>
struct IsValidPointCoordinates {
typedef typename boost::is_base_of<
vtkm::cont::internal::PointCoordinatesBase,Type>::type type;
} // namespace vtkm::cont::internal
#endif //vtk_m_cont_internal_PointCoordinatesBase_h