Kenneth Moreland 6797c6e336 Specify return type for GetTimerImpl
The internal function GetTimerImpl has a rather complex expression for
its return type. Prevously this was derived using declspec, but one of
the versions of Visual Studio barfed on that for some reason. So now
declare the return type explicitly.
2019-02-28 15:36:55 -07:00

346 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2016 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2016 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2016 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#include <vtkm/cont/Logging.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/RuntimeDeviceTracker.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/Timer.h>
#include <vtkm/internal/brigand.hpp>
template <typename State, typename T>
struct RemoveDisabledDevice
using type = typename std::conditional<T::IsEnabled, brigand::push_back<State, T>, State>::type;
/// TMP code to generate enabled device timer container
using AllDeviceList = vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterListTagCommon::list;
using EnabledDeviceList = brigand::fold<AllDeviceList,
RemoveDisabledDevice<brigand::_state, brigand::_element>>;
struct EnabledDeviceListTag : vtkm::ListTagBase<>
using list = EnabledDeviceList;
using EnabledTimerImpls =
brigand::bind<vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTimerImplementation, brigand::_1>>;
using EnabledTimerImplTuple = brigand::as_tuple<EnabledTimerImpls>;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
namespace detail
class EnabledDeviceTimerImpls
EnabledDeviceTimerImpls() {}
~EnabledDeviceTimerImpls() {}
// A tuple of enabled timer implementations
EnabledTimerImplTuple timerImplTuple;
} // namespace vtkm::cont::detail
// C++11 does not support get tuple element by type. C++14 does support that.
// Get the index of a type in tuple elements
template <class T, class Tuple>
struct Index;
template <class T, template <typename...> class Container, class... Types>
struct Index<T, Container<T, Types...>>
static const std::size_t value = 0;
template <class T, class U, template <typename...> class Container, class... Types>
struct Index<T, Container<U, Types...>>
static const std::size_t value = 1 + Index<T, Container<Types...>>::value;
template <typename Device>
VTKM_CONT inline
typename std::tuple_element<Index<Device, EnabledDeviceList>::value, EnabledTimerImplTuple>::type&
GetTimerImpl(Device, vtkm::cont::detail::EnabledDeviceTimerImpls* timerImpls)
return std::get<Index<Device, EnabledDeviceList>::value>(timerImpls->timerImplTuple);
template <typename Device>
VTKM_CONT inline const typename std::tuple_element<Index<Device, EnabledDeviceList>::value,
GetTimerImpl(Device, const vtkm::cont::detail::EnabledDeviceTimerImpls* timerImpls)
return std::get<Index<Device, EnabledDeviceList>::value>(timerImpls->timerImplTuple);
struct ResetFunctor
template <typename Device>
VTKM_CONT void operator()(Device device,
vtkm::cont::Timer* timer,
vtkm::cont::detail::EnabledDeviceTimerImpls* timerImpls)
if ((timer->GetDevice() == device) || (timer->GetDevice() == vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny()))
GetTimerImpl(device, timerImpls).Reset();
struct StartFunctor
template <typename Device>
VTKM_CONT void operator()(Device device,
vtkm::cont::Timer* timer,
vtkm::cont::detail::EnabledDeviceTimerImpls* timerImpls)
if ((timer->GetDevice() == device) || (timer->GetDevice() == vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny()))
GetTimerImpl(device, timerImpls).Start();
struct StopFunctor
template <typename Device>
VTKM_CONT void operator()(Device device,
vtkm::cont::Timer* timer,
vtkm::cont::detail::EnabledDeviceTimerImpls* timerImpls)
if ((timer->GetDevice() == device) || (timer->GetDevice() == vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny()))
GetTimerImpl(device, timerImpls).Stop();
struct StartedFunctor
bool Value = true;
template <typename Device>
VTKM_CONT void operator()(Device device,
const vtkm::cont::Timer* timer,
const vtkm::cont::detail::EnabledDeviceTimerImpls* timerImpls)
if ((timer->GetDevice() == device) || (timer->GetDevice() == vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny()))
this->Value &= GetTimerImpl(device, timerImpls).Started();
struct StoppedFunctor
bool Value = true;
template <typename Device>
VTKM_CONT void operator()(Device device,
const vtkm::cont::Timer* timer,
const vtkm::cont::detail::EnabledDeviceTimerImpls* timerImpls)
if ((timer->GetDevice() == device) || (timer->GetDevice() == vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny()))
this->Value &= GetTimerImpl(device, timerImpls).Stopped();
struct ReadyFunctor
bool Value = true;
template <typename Device>
VTKM_CONT void operator()(Device device,
const vtkm::cont::Timer* timer,
const vtkm::cont::detail::EnabledDeviceTimerImpls* timerImpls)
if ((timer->GetDevice() == device) || (timer->GetDevice() == vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny()))
this->Value &= GetTimerImpl(device, timerImpls).Ready();
struct ElapsedTimeFunctor
vtkm::Float64 ElapsedTime = 0.0;
template <typename Device>
VTKM_CONT void operator()(Device deviceToTry,
vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId deviceToRunOn,
const vtkm::cont::detail::EnabledDeviceTimerImpls* timerImpls)
if ((deviceToRunOn == deviceToTry) || (deviceToRunOn == vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny()))
this->ElapsedTime =
vtkm::Max(this->ElapsedTime, GetTimerImpl(deviceToTry, timerImpls).GetElapsedTime());
} // anonymous namespace
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
: Device(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny())
, Internal(nullptr)
Timer::Timer(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device)
: Device(device)
, Internal(nullptr)
vtkm::cont::RuntimeDeviceTracker tracker = vtkm::cont::GetGlobalRuntimeDeviceTracker();
if (device != DeviceAdapterTagAny() && !tracker.CanRunOn(device))
"Device '" << device.GetName() << "' can not run on current Device."
"Thus timer is not usable");
Timer::~Timer() = default;
void Timer::Init()
if (!this->Internal)
this->Internal.reset(new detail::EnabledDeviceTimerImpls);
void Timer::Reset()
vtkm::ListForEach(ResetFunctor(), EnabledDeviceListTag(), this, this->Internal.get());
void Timer::Reset(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device)
vtkm::cont::RuntimeDeviceTracker tracker = vtkm::cont::GetGlobalRuntimeDeviceTracker();
if (device != DeviceAdapterTagAny() && !tracker.CanRunOn(device))
"Device '" << device.GetName() << "' can not run on current Device."
"Thus timer is not usable");
this->Device = device;
void Timer::Start()
vtkm::ListForEach(StartFunctor(), EnabledDeviceListTag(), this, this->Internal.get());
void Timer::Stop()
vtkm::ListForEach(StopFunctor(), EnabledDeviceListTag(), this, this->Internal.get());
bool Timer::Started() const
StartedFunctor functor;
vtkm::ListForEach(functor, EnabledDeviceListTag(), this, this->Internal.get());
return functor.Value;
bool Timer::Stopped() const
StoppedFunctor functor;
vtkm::ListForEach(functor, EnabledDeviceListTag(), this, this->Internal.get());
return functor.Value;
bool Timer::Ready() const
ReadyFunctor functor;
vtkm::ListForEach(functor, EnabledDeviceListTag(), this, this->Internal.get());
return functor.Value;
vtkm::Float64 Timer::GetElapsedTime(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device) const
vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId deviceToTime = device;
if (this->Device != DeviceAdapterTagAny())
// Timer is constructed for a specific device. Only querying on this device is allowed.
if (deviceToTime == vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny())
// User did not specify a device to time on. Use the one set in the timer.
deviceToTime = this->Device;
else if (deviceToTime == this->Device)
// User asked for the same device already set for the timer. We are OK. Nothing to do.
// The user selected a device that is differnt than the one set for the timer. This query
// is not allowed.
"Device '" << device.GetName() << "' is not supported for current timer"
<< "("
<< this->Device.GetName()
<< ")");
return 0.0;
// If we have specified a specific device, make sure we can run on it.
vtkm::cont::RuntimeDeviceTracker tracker = vtkm::cont::GetGlobalRuntimeDeviceTracker();
if ((deviceToTime != vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny()) && !tracker.CanRunOn(deviceToTime))
"Device '" << device.GetName() << "' can not run on current Device."
"Thus timer is not usable");
return 0.0;
ElapsedTimeFunctor functor;
vtkm::ListForEach(functor, EnabledDeviceListTag(), deviceToTime, this->Internal.get());
return functor.ElapsedTime;
} // namespace vtkm::cont