Kenneth Moreland 7d681fb585 Deprecate templated versions of Field::GetRange
Instead, always use precompiled versions of range computing. This means
you won't be able to specify the type. Currently, types are limited to
scalars vecs up to size 4.

The main motivation for this change is to allow you to include Field.h
with a non-device compiler. This is an important feature for our

I plan in the future to implement a mechanism to pull out a component of
most ArrayHandle's as a single array. This would enable us to support a
precompiled version that can compute the range of arbitrarily sized
2020-11-09 12:28:29 -07:00

527 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_testing_TestingColorTable_h
#define vtk_m_cont_testing_TestingColorTable_h
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ColorTable.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ColorTableMap.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ColorTableSamples.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/testing/Testing.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
namespace testing
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
class TestingColorTable
template <vtkm::IdComponent N>
static void CheckColors(vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, N>> result,
const std::vector<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, N>>& expected)
using Vec = vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, N>;
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(result.GetNumberOfValues() == static_cast<vtkm::Id>(expected.size()));
auto portal = result.ReadPortal();
for (vtkm::Id index = 0; index < portal.GetNumberOfValues(); ++index)
Vec resultValue = portal.Get(index);
Vec expectedValue = expected[static_cast<std::size_t>(index)];
resultValue == expectedValue, "Expected color ", expectedValue, " but got ", resultValue);
static void TestConstructors()
vtkm::Range inValidRange{ 1.0, 0.0 };
vtkm::Range range{ 0.0, 1.0 };
vtkm::Vec<float, 3> rgb1{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
vtkm::Vec<float, 3> rgb2{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
auto rgbspace = vtkm::ColorSpace::RGB;
auto hsvspace = vtkm::ColorSpace::HSV;
auto diverging = vtkm::ColorSpace::Diverging;
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(rgbspace);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetColorSpace() == rgbspace, "color space not saved");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetRange() == inValidRange, "default range incorrect");
vtkm::cont::ColorTable tableRGB(range, rgb1, rgb2, hsvspace);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(tableRGB.GetColorSpace() == hsvspace, "color space not saved");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(tableRGB.GetRange() == range, "color range not saved");
vtkm::Vec<float, 4> rgba1{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
vtkm::Vec<float, 4> rgba2{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
vtkm::cont::ColorTable tableRGBA(range, rgba1, rgba2, diverging);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(tableRGBA.GetColorSpace() == diverging, "color space not saved");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(tableRGBA.GetRange() == range, "color range not saved");
//verify we can store a vector of tables
std::vector<vtkm::cont::ColorTable> tables;
static void TestLoadPresets()
vtkm::Range range{ 0.0, 1.0 };
auto rgbspace = vtkm::ColorSpace::RGB;
auto hsvspace = vtkm::ColorSpace::HSV;
auto labspace = vtkm::ColorSpace::Lab;
auto diverging = vtkm::ColorSpace::Diverging;
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(rgbspace);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.LoadPreset("Cool to Warm"));
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetColorSpace() == diverging,
"color space not switched when loading preset");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetRange() == range, "color range not correct after loading preset");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetNumberOfPoints() == 3);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetColorSpace() == labspace,
"color space not switched when loading preset");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetRange() == range, "color range not correct after loading preset");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetNumberOfPoints() == 35);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT((table.LoadPreset("no table with this name") == false),
"failed to error out on bad preset table name");
//verify that after a failure we still have the previous preset loaded
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetColorSpace() == hsvspace,
"color space not switched when loading preset");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetRange() == range, "color range not correct after failing preset");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetNumberOfPoints() == 35);
//verify that we can get the presets
std::set<std::string> names = vtkm::cont::ColorTable::GetPresets();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(names.size() == 18, "incorrect number of names in preset set");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(names.count("Inferno") == 1, "names should contain inferno");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(names.count("Black-Body Radiation") == 1,
"names should contain black-body radiation");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(names.count("Viridis") == 1, "names should contain viridis");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(names.count("Black - Blue - White") == 1,
"names should contain black, blue and white");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(names.count("Blue to Orange") == 1, "names should contain samsel fire");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(names.count("Jet") == 1, "names should contain jet");
// verify that we can load in all the listed color tables
for (auto&& name : names)
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(name);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetNumberOfPoints() > 0, "Issue loading preset ", name);
auto presetEnum = { vtkm::cont::ColorTable::Preset::Default,
vtkm::cont::ColorTable::Preset::RainbowDesaturated };
for (vtkm::cont::ColorTable::Preset preset : presetEnum)
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(preset);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetNumberOfPoints() > 0, "Issue loading preset");
static void TestClamping()
std::cout << "Test Clamping" << std::endl;
vtkm::Range range{ 0.0, 1.0 };
vtkm::Vec<float, 3> rgb1{ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
vtkm::Vec<float, 3> rgb2{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
auto rgbspace = vtkm::ColorSpace::RGB;
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(range, rgb1, rgb2, rgbspace);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetClamping() == true, "clamping not setup properly");
auto field = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandle({ -1, 0, 1, 2 });
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec3ui_8> colors;
const bool ran = vtkm::cont::ColorTableMap(field, table, colors);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(ran, "color table failed to execute");
//verify that we clamp the values to the expected range
CheckColors(colors, { { 0, 255, 0 }, { 0, 255, 0 }, { 255, 0, 255 }, { 255, 0, 255 } });
static void TestRangeColors()
std::cout << "Test default ranges" << std::endl;
vtkm::Range range{ -1.0, 2.0 };
vtkm::Vec<float, 3> rgb1{ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
vtkm::Vec<float, 3> rgb2{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
auto rgbspace = vtkm::ColorSpace::RGB;
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(range, rgb1, rgb2, rgbspace);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetClamping() == false, "clamping not setup properly");
auto field = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandle({ -2, -1, 2, 3 });
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec3ui_8> colors;
const bool ran = vtkm::cont::ColorTableMap(field, table, colors);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(ran, "color table failed to execute");
//verify that both the above and below range colors are used,
//and that the default value of both is 0,0,0
CheckColors(colors, { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 255, 0 }, { 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 0, 0 } });
std::cout << "Test specified ranges" << std::endl;
//verify that we can specify custom above and below range colors
table.SetAboveRangeColor(vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }); //red
table.SetBelowRangeColor(vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }); //green
const bool ran2 = vtkm::cont::ColorTableMap(field, table, colors);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(ran2, "color table failed to execute");
CheckColors(colors, { { 0, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 0 }, { 255, 0, 255 }, { 255, 0, 0 } });
static void TestRescaleRange()
std::cout << "Test Rescale Range" << std::endl;
vtkm::Range range{ -100.0, 100.0 };
//implement a blue2yellow color table
vtkm::Vec<float, 3> rgb1{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
vtkm::Vec<float, 3> rgb2{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
auto lab = vtkm::ColorSpace::Lab;
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(range, rgb1, rgb2, lab);
table.AddPoint(0.0, vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f });
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetRange() == range, "custom range not saved");
vtkm::cont::ColorTable newTable = table.MakeDeepCopy();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(newTable.GetRange() == range, "custom range not saved");
vtkm::Range normalizedRange{ 0.0, 50.0 };
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetRange() == range, "deep copy not working properly");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(newTable.GetRange() == normalizedRange, "rescale of range failed");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(newTable.GetNumberOfPoints() == 3,
"rescaled has incorrect number of control points");
//Verify that the rescaled color table generates correct colors
auto field = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandle({ 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 });
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec3ui_8> colors;
const bool ran = vtkm::cont::ColorTableMap(field, newTable, colors);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(ran, "color table failed to execute");
//values confirmed with ParaView 5.4
{ { 0, 0, 255 },
{ 105, 69, 204 },
{ 126, 109, 153 },
{ 156, 151, 117 },
{ 207, 202, 87 },
{ 255, 255, 0 } });
static void TestAddPoints()
std::cout << "Test Add Points" << std::endl;
vtkm::Range range{ -20, 20.0 };
auto rgbspace = vtkm::ColorSpace::RGB;
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(rgbspace);
table.AddPoint(-10.0, vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f });
table.AddPoint(-20.0, vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f });
table.AddPoint(20.0, vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f });
table.AddPoint(0.0, vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f });
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetRange() == range, "adding points to make range expand properly");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetNumberOfPoints() == 4,
"adding points caused number of control points to be wrong");
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec3ui_8> colors;
auto field = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandle({ 10.0f, -5.0f, -15.0f });
const bool ran = vtkm::cont::ColorTableMap(field, table, colors);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(ran, "color table failed to execute");
CheckColors(colors, { { 0, 0, 128 }, { 0, 128, 255 }, { 128, 255, 255 } });
static void TestAddSegments()
std::cout << "Test Add Segments" << std::endl;
vtkm::Range range{ 0.0, 50.0 };
auto diverging = vtkm::ColorSpace::Diverging;
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(vtkm::cont::ColorTable::Preset::CoolToWarm);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetColorSpace() == diverging,
"color space not switched when loading preset");
//Opacity Ramp from 0 to 1
table.AddSegmentAlpha(0.0, 0.0f, 1.0, 1.0f);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.GetNumberOfPointsAlpha() == 2, "incorrect number of alpha points");
//Verify that the opacity points have moved
vtkm::Vec<double, 4> opacityData;
table.GetPointAlpha(1, opacityData);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(test_equal(opacityData[0], range.Max), "rescale to range failed on opacity");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(opacityData[1] == 1.0, "rescale changed opacity values");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(opacityData[2] == 0.5, "rescale modified mid/sharp of opacity");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(opacityData[3] == 0.0, "rescale modified mid/sharp of opacity");
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec4ui_8> colors;
auto field = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandle({ 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 });
const bool ran = vtkm::cont::ColorTableMap(field, table, colors);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(ran, "color table failed to execute");
//values confirmed with ParaView 5.4
{ { 59, 76, 192, 0 },
{ 124, 159, 249, 51 },
{ 192, 212, 245, 102 },
{ 242, 203, 183, 153 },
{ 238, 133, 104, 204 },
{ 180, 4, 38, 255 } });
static void TestRemovePoints()
std::cout << "Test Remove Points" << std::endl;
auto hsv = vtkm::ColorSpace::HSV;
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(hsv);
//implement Blue to Red Rainbow color table
vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
1., //second points color should be replaced by following segment
vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f });
table.AddPoint(-10.0, vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f });
table.AddPoint(-20.0, vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f });
table.AddPoint(20.0, vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f });
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.RemovePoint(-10.) == true, "failed to remove a existing point");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.RemovePoint(-20.) == true, "failed to remove a existing point");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.RemovePoint(20.) == true, "failed to remove a existing point");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.RemovePoint(20.) == false, "can't remove a point that doesn't exist");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT((table.GetRange() == vtkm::Range{ 0.0, 1.0 }),
"removing points didn't update range");
table.RescaleToRange(vtkm::Range{ 0.0, 50.0 });
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec3ui_8> colors;
auto field = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandle({ 0.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f, 30.0f, 40.0f, 50.0f });
const bool ran = vtkm::cont::ColorTableMap(field, table, colors);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(ran, "color table failed to execute");
//values confirmed with ParaView 5.4
{ { 0, 0, 255 },
{ 0, 204, 255 },
{ 0, 255, 102 },
{ 102, 255, 0 },
{ 255, 204, 0 },
{ 255, 0, 0 } });
std::cout << " Change Color Space" << std::endl;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec3ui_8> colors_rgb;
vtkm::cont::ColorTableMap(field, table, colors_rgb);
{ { 0, 0, 255 },
{ 51, 0, 204 },
{ 102, 0, 153 },
{ 153, 0, 102 },
{ 204, 0, 51 },
{ 255, 0, 0 } });
static void TestOpacityOnlyPoints()
std::cout << "Test Opacity Only Points" << std::endl;
auto hsv = vtkm::ColorSpace::HSV;
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(hsv);
//implement only a color table
table.AddPointAlpha(0.0, 0.0f, 0.75f, 0.25f);
table.AddPointAlpha(1.0, 1.0f);
table.AddPointAlpha(10.0, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
table.AddPointAlpha(-10.0, 0.0f);
table.AddPointAlpha(-20.0, 1.0f);
table.AddPointAlpha(20.0, 0.5f);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.RemovePointAlpha(10.) == true, "failed to remove a existing point");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.RemovePointAlpha(-10.) == true, "failed to remove a existing point");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.RemovePointAlpha(-20.) == true, "failed to remove a existing point");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.RemovePointAlpha(20.) == true, "failed to remove a existing point");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(table.RemovePointAlpha(20.) == false,
"can't remove a point that doesn't exist");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT((table.GetRange() == vtkm::Range{ 0.0, 1.0 }),
"removing points didn't update range");
table.RescaleToRange(vtkm::Range{ 0.0, 50.0 });
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec4ui_8> colors;
auto field = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandle({ 0.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f, 30.0f, 40.0f, 50.0f });
const bool ran = vtkm::cont::ColorTableMap(field, table, colors);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(ran, "color table failed to execute");
//values confirmed with ParaView 5.4
{ { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 11 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 52 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 203 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 255 } });
static void TestWorkletTransport()
std::cout << "Test Worklet Transport" << std::endl;
using namespace vtkm::worklet::colorconversion;
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(vtkm::cont::ColorTable::Preset::Green);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT((table.GetRange() == vtkm::Range{ 0.0, 1.0 }),
"loading linear green table failed with wrong range");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT((table.GetNumberOfPoints() == 21),
"loading linear green table failed with number of control points");
auto samples = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandle({ 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 });
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec4ui_8> colors;
vtkm::cont::Invoker invoke;
invoke(TransferFunction{}, samples, table, colors);
CheckColors(colors, { { 14, 28, 31, 255 }, { 21, 150, 21, 255 }, { 255, 251, 230, 255 } });
static void TestSampling()
std::cout << "Test Sampling" << std::endl;
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(vtkm::cont::ColorTable::Preset::Green);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT((table.GetRange() == vtkm::Range{ 0.0, 1.0 }),
"loading linear green table failed with wrong range");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT((table.GetNumberOfPoints() == 21),
"loading linear green table failed with number of control points");
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec4ui_8> colors;
constexpr vtkm::Id nvals = 3;
table.Sample(nvals, colors);
CheckColors(colors, { { 14, 28, 31, 255 }, { 21, 150, 21, 255 }, { 255, 251, 230, 255 } });
static void TestLookupTable()
std::cout << "Test Lookup Table" << std::endl;
//build a color table with clamping off and verify that sampling works
vtkm::Range range{ 0.0, 50.0 };
vtkm::cont::ColorTable table(vtkm::cont::ColorTable::Preset::CoolToWarm);
table.SetAboveRangeColor(vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }); //red
table.SetBelowRangeColor(vtkm::Vec<float, 3>{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }); //green
vtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGB samples;
table.Sample(256, samples);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT((samples.Samples.GetNumberOfValues() == 260), "invalid sample length");
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec3ui_8> colors;
auto field = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandle({ -1, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 });
const bool ran = vtkm::cont::ColorTableMap(field, samples, colors);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(ran, "color table failed to execute");
//values confirmed with ParaView 5.4
{ { 0, 0, 255 },
{ 59, 76, 192 },
{ 122, 157, 248 },
{ 191, 211, 246 },
{ 241, 204, 184 },
{ 238, 134, 105 },
{ 180, 4, 38 },
{ 255, 0, 0 } });
struct TestAll
VTKM_CONT void operator()() const
TestRescaleRange(); //uses Lab
TestAddPoints(); //uses RGB
TestAddSegments(); //uses Diverging && opacity
TestRemovePoints(); //use HSV
static int Run(int argc, char* argv[])
//We need to verify the color table runs on this specific device
//so we need to force our single device
return vtkm::cont::testing::Testing::Run(TestAll(), argc, argv);