Kenneth Moreland 866e1d7d5b Update comparison for virtual and multiplexer arrays
Previously the "dynamic" array was taken from a VariantArrayHandle.
However, the VariantArrayHandle will actually cast to a basic array, so
the comparison is not particularly fair. Change that to an
ArrayHandleVirtual so that it is actually calling through a virtual

Also make 2 versions of the multiplexer test. The first version has an
array that is at the 1st index and the second is at the last index. This
tests whether the compiled code has to do lots of actual comparisons to
get to the last index.
2019-07-22 08:36:28 -06:00

234 lines
7.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_ListTag_h
#define vtk_m_ListTag_h
#include <vtkm/internal/ListTagDetail.h>
#include <vtkm/StaticAssert.h>
#include <vtkm/internal/ExportMacros.h>
#include <type_traits>
namespace vtkm
namespace internal
template <typename ListTag>
struct ListTagCheck : std::is_base_of<vtkm::detail::ListRoot, ListTag>
static constexpr bool Valid = std::is_base_of<vtkm::detail::ListRoot, ListTag>::value;
} // namespace internal
/// Checks that the argument is a proper list tag. This is a handy concept
/// check for functions and classes to make sure that a template argument is
/// actually a device adapter tag. (You can get weird errors elsewhere in the
/// code when a mistake is made.)
#define VTKM_IS_LIST_TAG(tag) \
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG((::vtkm::internal::ListTagCheck<tag>::value), \
"Provided type is not a valid VTK-m list tag.")
namespace internal
namespace detail
template <typename ListTag>
struct ListTagAsBrigandListImpl
using type = typename ListTag::list;
} // namespace detail
/// Converts a ListTag to a brigand::list.
template <typename ListTag>
using ListTagAsBrigandList = typename detail::ListTagAsBrigandListImpl<ListTag>::type;
} // namespace internal
namespace detail
template <typename BrigandList, template <typename...> class Target>
struct ListTagApplyImpl;
template <typename... Ts, template <typename...> class Target>
struct ListTagApplyImpl<brigand::list<Ts...>, Target>
using type = Target<Ts...>;
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Applies the list of types to a template.
/// Given a ListTag and a templated class, returns the class instantiated with the types
/// represented by the ListTag.
template <typename ListTag, template <typename...> class Target>
using ListTagApply =
typename detail::ListTagApplyImpl<internal::ListTagAsBrigandList<ListTag>, Target>::type;
/// A special tag for a list that represents holding all potential values
/// Note: Can not be used with ForEach for obvious reasons.
struct ListTagUniversal : detail::ListRoot
using list = vtkm::detail::ListBase<vtkm::detail::UniversalTag>;
/// A special tag for an empty list.
struct ListTagEmpty : detail::ListRoot
using list = vtkm::detail::ListBase<>;
/// A tag that is a construction of two other tags joined together. This struct
/// can be subclassed and still behave like a list tag.
template <typename ListTag1, typename ListTag2>
struct ListTagJoin : detail::ListRoot
using list = typename detail::ListJoin<internal::ListTagAsBrigandList<ListTag1>,
/// A tag that is constructed by appending \c Type to \c ListTag.
template <typename ListTag, typename Type>
struct ListTagAppend : detail::ListRoot
using list = typename detail::ListJoin<internal::ListTagAsBrigandList<ListTag>,
/// Append \c Type to \c ListTag only if \c ListTag does not already contain \c Type.
/// No checks are performed to see if \c ListTag itself has only unique elements.
template <typename ListTag, typename Type>
struct ListTagAppendUnique : detail::ListRoot
using list =
typename detail::ListAppendUniqueImpl<internal::ListTagAsBrigandList<ListTag>, Type>::type;
/// A tag that consists of elements that are found in both tags. This struct
/// can be subclassed and still behave like a list tag.
template <typename ListTag1, typename ListTag2>
struct ListTagIntersect : detail::ListRoot
using list = typename detail::ListIntersect<internal::ListTagAsBrigandList<ListTag1>,
/// A list tag that consists of each item in another list tag fed into a template that takes
/// a single parameter.
template <typename ListTag, template <typename> class Transform>
struct ListTagTransform : detail::ListRoot
using list = brigand::transform<internal::ListTagAsBrigandList<ListTag>,
brigand::bind<Transform, brigand::_1>>;
/// \brief Determines the number of types in the given list.
/// There is a static member named \c value that is set to the length of the list.
template <typename ListTag>
struct ListSize
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent value =
/// For each typename represented by the list tag, call the functor with a
/// default instance of that type.
template <typename Functor, typename ListTag, typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void ListForEach(Functor&& f, ListTag, Args&&... args)
/// Generate a tag that is the cross product of two other tags. The resulting
/// tag has the form of Tag< brigand::list<A1,B1>, brigand::list<A1,B2> .... >
template <typename ListTag1, typename ListTag2>
struct ListCrossProduct : detail::ListRoot
using list =
typename detail::ListCrossProductImpl<internal::ListTagAsBrigandList<ListTag1>,
/// \brief Checks to see if the given \c Type is in the list pointed to by \c ListTag.
/// There is a static boolean named \c value that is set to true if the type is
/// contained in the list and false otherwise.
template <typename ListTag, typename Type>
struct ListContains
static constexpr bool value =
detail::ListContainsImpl<Type, internal::ListTagAsBrigandList<ListTag>>::value;
/// \brief Finds the type at the given index.
/// This struct contains subtype \c type that resolves to the type at the given index.
template <typename ListTag, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
struct ListTypeAt
using type = brigand::at<internal::ListTagAsBrigandList<ListTag>,
std::integral_constant<vtkm::IdComponent, Index>>;
/// \brief Finds the index of the given type.
/// There is a static member named \c value that is set to the index of the given type. If the
/// given type is not in the list, the value is set to -1.
template <typename ListTag, typename Type>
struct ListIndexOf
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent value =
detail::ListIndexOfImpl<Type, internal::ListTagAsBrigandList<ListTag>, 0>::value;
} // namespace vtkm
#endif //vtk_m_ListTag_h