2019-12-09 11:06:56 -05:00

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// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_List_h
#define vtk_m_List_h
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/internal/brigand.hpp>
namespace vtkm
template <typename... Ts>
struct List
namespace detail
// This prototype is here to detect deprecated ListTag objects. When ListTags are removed, then
// this should be removed too.
struct ListRoot;
namespace internal
template <typename T>
struct IsListImpl
// This prototype is here to detect deprecated ListTag objects. When ListTags are removed, then
// this should be changed to be just std::false_type.
using type = std::is_base_of<vtkm::detail::ListRoot, T>;
template <typename... Ts>
struct IsListImpl<vtkm::List<Ts...>>
using type = std::true_type;
template <typename T>
using IsList = typename vtkm::internal::IsListImpl<T>::type;
} // namespace internal
/// Checks that the argument is a proper list. This is a handy concept
/// check for functions and classes to make sure that a template argument is
/// actually a device adapter tag. (You can get weird errors elsewhere in the
/// code when a mistake is made.)
#define VTKM_IS_LIST(type) \
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG((::vtkm::internal::IsList<type>::value), \
"Provided type is not a valid VTK-m list type.")
namespace detail
/// list value that is used to represent a list actually matches all values
struct UniversalTypeTag
//We never want this tag constructed, and by deleting the constructor
//we get an error when trying to use this class with ForEach.
UniversalTypeTag() = delete;
} // namespace detail
namespace internal
// This is here so that the old (deprecated) `ListTag`s can convert themselves to the new
// `List` style and be operated on. When that deprecated functionality goes away, we can
// probably remove `AsList` and just operate directly on the `List`s.
template <typename T>
struct AsListImpl;
template <typename... Ts>
struct AsListImpl<vtkm::List<Ts...>>
using type = vtkm::List<Ts...>;
template <typename T>
using AsList = typename AsListImpl<T>::type;
/// A special tag for an empty list.
using ListEmpty = vtkm::List<>;
/// A special tag for a list that represents holding all potential values
/// Note: Can not be used with ForEach and some list transforms for obvious reasons.
using ListUniversal = vtkm::List<detail::UniversalTypeTag>;
namespace detail
template <typename T, template <typename...> class Target>
struct ListApplyImpl;
template <typename... Ts, template <typename...> class Target>
struct ListApplyImpl<vtkm::List<Ts...>, Target>
using type = Target<Ts...>;
// Cannot apply the universal list.
template <template <typename...> class Target>
struct ListApplyImpl<vtkm::ListUniversal, Target>;
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Applies the list of types to a template.
/// Given a ListTag and a templated class, returns the class instantiated with the types
/// represented by the ListTag.
template <typename List, template <typename...> class Target>
using ListApply = typename detail::ListApplyImpl<internal::AsList<List>, Target>::type;
/// Becomes an std::integral_constant containing the number of types in a list.
template <typename List>
using ListSize =
vtkm::IdComponent{ brigand::size<internal::AsList<List>>::value }>;
/// \brief Finds the type at the given index.
/// This becomes the type of the list at the given index.
template <typename List, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
using ListAt =
brigand::at<internal::AsList<List>, std::integral_constant<vtkm::IdComponent, Index>>;
namespace detail
// This find is roughly based on the brigand::find functionality. We don't use brigand::find
// because it has an apparent bug where if a list contains templated types, it trys to
// apply those types as predicates, which is wrong.
template <vtkm::IdComponent NumSearched, typename Target, typename... Remaining>
struct FindFirstOfType;
// Not found;
template <vtkm::IdComponent NumSearched, typename Target>
struct FindFirstOfType<NumSearched, Target> : std::integral_constant<vtkm::IdComponent, -1>
// Basic search next one
template <vtkm::IdComponent NumSearched, typename Target, typename Next, typename... Remaining>
struct FindFirstOfType<NumSearched, Target, Next, Remaining...>
: std::conditional<std::is_same<Target, Next>::value,
std::integral_constant<vtkm::IdComponent, NumSearched>,
FindFirstOfType<NumSearched + 1, Target, Remaining...>>::type
// If there are at least 6 entries, check the first 4 to quickly narrow down
template <vtkm::IdComponent NumSearched,
typename Target,
typename T0,
typename T1,
typename T2,
typename T3,
typename T4,
typename T5,
typename... Ts>
struct FindFirstOfType<NumSearched, Target, T0, T1, T2, T3, T3, T4, T5, Ts...>
: std::conditional<(std::is_same<Target, T0>::value || std::is_same<Target, T1>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T2>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T3>::value),
FindFirstOfType<NumSearched, Target, T0, T1, T2, T3>,
FindFirstOfType<NumSearched + 4, Target, T4, T5, Ts...>>::type
// If there are at least 12 entries, check the first 8 to quickly narrow down
template <vtkm::IdComponent NumSearched,
typename Target,
typename T0,
typename T1,
typename T2,
typename T3,
typename T4,
typename T5,
typename T6,
typename T7,
typename T8,
typename T9,
typename T10,
typename T11,
typename... Ts>
struct FindFirstOfType<NumSearched,
: std::conditional<(std::is_same<Target, T0>::value || std::is_same<Target, T1>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T2>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T3>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T4>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T5>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T6>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T7>::value),
FindFirstOfType<NumSearched, Target, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>,
FindFirstOfType<NumSearched + 4, Target, T8, T9, T10, T11, Ts...>>::type
template <typename List, typename Target>
struct ListIndexOfImpl;
template <typename... Ts, typename Target>
struct ListIndexOfImpl<vtkm::List<Ts...>, Target>
using type = std::integral_constant<vtkm::IdComponent, FindFirstOfType<0, Target, Ts...>::value>;
template <typename Target>
struct ListIndexOfImpl<vtkm::ListUniversal, Target>
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG((std::is_same<Target, void>::value && std::is_same<Target, int>::value),
"Cannot get indices in a universal list.");
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Finds the index of a given type.
/// Becomes a `std::integral_constant` for the index of the given type. If the
/// given type is not in the list, the value is set to -1.
template <typename List, typename T>
using ListIndexOf = typename detail::ListIndexOfImpl<internal::AsList<List>, T>::type;
namespace detail
template <typename List, typename T>
struct ListHasImpl
using type = std::integral_constant<bool, (vtkm::ListIndexOf<List, T>::value >= 0)>;
template <typename T>
struct ListHasImpl<vtkm::ListUniversal, T>
using type = std::true_type;
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Checks to see if the given `T` is in the list pointed to by `List`.
/// Becomes `std::true_type` if the `T` is in `List`. `std::false_type` otherwise.
template <typename List, typename T>
using ListHas = typename detail::ListHasImpl<internal::AsList<List>, T>::type;
/// Concatinates a set of lists into a single list.
/// Note that this does not work correctly with `vtkm::ListUniversal`.
template <typename... Lists>
using ListAppend = brigand::append<internal::AsList<Lists>...>;
namespace detail
template <class State, class Element, class List>
struct ListIntersectTags
using has_u = vtkm::ListHas<List, Element>;
using type =
typename std::conditional<has_u::value, brigand::push_back<State, Element>, State>::type;
template <typename List1, typename List2>
struct ListIntersectImpl
using type =
ListIntersectTags<brigand::_state, brigand::_element, brigand::pin<List2>>>;
template <typename List1>
struct ListIntersectImpl<List1, vtkm::ListUniversal>
using type = List1;
template <typename List2>
struct ListIntersectImpl<vtkm::ListUniversal, List2>
using type = List2;
template <>
struct ListIntersectImpl<vtkm::ListUniversal, vtkm::ListUniversal>
using type = vtkm::ListUniversal;
} // namespace detail
/// Constructs a list containing types present in all lists.
template <typename List1, typename List2>
using ListIntersect =
typename detail::ListIntersectImpl<internal::AsList<List1>, internal::AsList<List2>>::type;
namespace detail
template <typename T, template <typename> class Target>
struct ListTransformImpl;
template <typename... Ts, template <typename> class Target>
struct ListTransformImpl<vtkm::List<Ts...>, Target>
using type = vtkm::List<Target<Ts>...>;
// Cannot transform the universal list.
template <template <typename> class Target>
struct ListTransformImpl<vtkm::ListUniversal, Target>;
} // namespace detail
/// Constructs a list containing all types in a source list applied to a transform template.
template <typename List, template <typename> class Transform>
using ListTransform = typename detail::ListTransformImpl<internal::AsList<List>, Transform>::type;
/// Takes an existing `List` and a predicate template that is applied to each type in the `List`.
/// Any type in the `List` that has a value element equal to true (the equivalent of
/// `std::true_type`), that item will be removed from the list. For example the following type
/// ```cpp
/// vtkm::ListRemoveIf<vtkm::List<int, float, long long, double>, std::is_integral>
/// ```
/// resolves to a `List` that is equivalent to `vtkm::List<float, double>` because
/// `std::is_integral<int>` and `std::is_integral<long long>` resolve to `std::true_type` whereas
/// `std::is_integral<float>` and `std::is_integral<double>` resolve to `std::false_type`.
template <typename List, template <typename> class Predicate>
using ListRemoveIf =
brigand::remove_if<internal::AsList<List>, brigand::bind<Predicate, brigand::_1>>;
namespace detail
// We want to use an initializer list as a trick to call a function once for each type, but
// an initializer list needs a type, so create wrapper function that returns a value.
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT inline bool ListForEachCallThrough(Functor&& f, Args&&... args)
return false; // Return value does not matter. Hopefully just thrown away.
template <typename Functor, typename... Ts, typename... Args>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT void ListForEachImpl(Functor&& f, vtkm::List<Ts...>, Args&&... args)
auto init_list = { ListForEachCallThrough(
std::forward<Functor>(f), Ts{}, std::forward<Args>(args)...)... };
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT void ListForEachImpl(Functor&&, vtkm::ListEmpty, Args&&...)
// No types to run functor on.
} // namespace detail
/// For each typename represented by the list, call the functor with a
/// default instance of that type.
template <typename Functor, typename List, typename... Args>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT void ListForEach(Functor&& f, List, Args&&... args)
std::forward<Functor>(f), internal::AsList<List>{}, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
namespace detail
template <typename List1, typename List2>
struct ListCrossImpl
// This is a lazy Cartesian product generator.
// This version was settled on as being the best default
// version as all compilers including Intel handle this
// implementation without issue for very large cross products
using type = brigand::reverse_fold<
vtkm::List<List1, List2>,
brigand::lazy::push_front<brigand::_1, brigand::parent<brigand::_1>>>>>>>>>>;
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Generates a list that is the cross product of two input lists.
/// The resulting list has the form of `vtkm::List<vtkm::List<A1,B1>, vtkm::List<A1,B2>,...>`
template <typename List1, typename List2>
using ListCross =
typename detail::ListCrossImpl<internal::AsList<List1>, internal::AsList<List2>>::type;
} // namespace vtkm
#endif //vtk_m_List_h