Kenneth Moreland 51e817adc1 Introduce vtkm::ErrorCode
This is a flag that functions in the execution environment can return to
report on the status of the operation. This way they can report an error
without forcing the entire invocation to shut down.
2020-03-13 18:58:33 -06:00

241 lines
8.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#include <vtkm/exec/FunctorBase.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/ParametricCoordinates.h>
#include <vtkm/CellTraits.h>
#include <vtkm/StaticAssert.h>
#include <vtkm/VecVariable.h>
#include <vtkm/testing/Testing.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <random>
#define CHECK_CALL(call) \
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT((call) == vtkm::ErrorCode::Success, "Call resulted in error.")
std::mt19937 g_RandomGenerator;
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent MAX_POINTS = 8;
template <typename CellShapeTag>
void GetMinMaxPoints(CellShapeTag,
vtkm::IdComponent& minPoints,
vtkm::IdComponent& maxPoints)
// If this line fails, then MAX_POINTS is not large enough to support all
// cell shapes.
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT((vtkm::CellTraits<CellShapeTag>::NUM_POINTS <= MAX_POINTS));
minPoints = maxPoints = vtkm::CellTraits<CellShapeTag>::NUM_POINTS;
template <typename CellShapeTag>
void GetMinMaxPoints(CellShapeTag,
vtkm::IdComponent& minPoints,
vtkm::IdComponent& maxPoints)
minPoints = 1;
maxPoints = MAX_POINTS;
template <typename PointWCoordsType, typename T, typename CellShapeTag>
static void CompareCoordinates(const PointWCoordsType& pointWCoords,
vtkm::Vec<T, 3> truePCoords,
vtkm::Vec<T, 3> trueWCoords,
CellShapeTag shape)
using Vector3 = vtkm::Vec<T, 3>;
Vector3 computedWCoords;
pointWCoords, truePCoords, shape, computedWCoords));
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(test_equal(computedWCoords, trueWCoords, 0.01),
"Computed wrong world coords from parametric coords.");
Vector3 computedPCoords;
pointWCoords, trueWCoords, shape, computedPCoords));
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(test_equal(computedPCoords, truePCoords, 0.01),
"Computed wrong parametric coords from world coords.");
template <typename PointWCoordsType, typename CellShapeTag>
void TestPCoordsSpecial(const PointWCoordsType& pointWCoords, CellShapeTag shape)
using Vector3 = typename PointWCoordsType::ComponentType;
using T = typename Vector3::ComponentType;
const vtkm::IdComponent numPoints = pointWCoords.GetNumberOfComponents();
std::cout << " Test parametric coordinates at cell nodes." << std::endl;
for (vtkm::IdComponent pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < numPoints; pointIndex++)
Vector3 pcoords;
CHECK_CALL(vtkm::exec::ParametricCoordinatesPoint(numPoints, pointIndex, shape, pcoords));
Vector3 wcoords = pointWCoords[pointIndex];
CompareCoordinates(pointWCoords, pcoords, wcoords, shape);
std::cout << " Test parametric coordinates at cell center." << std::endl;
Vector3 wcoords = pointWCoords[0];
for (vtkm::IdComponent pointIndex = 1; pointIndex < numPoints; pointIndex++)
wcoords = wcoords + pointWCoords[pointIndex];
wcoords = wcoords / Vector3(T(numPoints));
Vector3 pcoords;
CHECK_CALL(vtkm::exec::ParametricCoordinatesCenter(numPoints, shape, pcoords));
CompareCoordinates(pointWCoords, pcoords, wcoords, shape);
template <typename PointWCoordsType, typename CellShapeTag>
void TestPCoordsSample(const PointWCoordsType& pointWCoords, CellShapeTag shape)
using Vector3 = typename PointWCoordsType::ComponentType;
const vtkm::IdComponent numPoints = pointWCoords.GetNumberOfComponents();
std::uniform_real_distribution<vtkm::FloatDefault> randomDist;
for (vtkm::IdComponent trial = 0; trial < 5; trial++)
// Generate a random pcoords that we know is in the cell.
vtkm::Vec3f pcoords(0);
vtkm::FloatDefault totalWeight = 0;
for (vtkm::IdComponent pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < numPoints; pointIndex++)
vtkm::Vec3f pointPcoords;
vtkm::exec::ParametricCoordinatesPoint(numPoints, pointIndex, shape, pointPcoords));
vtkm::FloatDefault weight = randomDist(g_RandomGenerator);
pcoords = pcoords + weight * pointPcoords;
totalWeight += weight;
pcoords = (1 / totalWeight) * pcoords;
std::cout << " Test parametric coordinates at " << pcoords << std::endl;
// If you convert to world coordinates and back, you should get the
// same value.
Vector3 wcoords;
vtkm::exec::ParametricCoordinatesToWorldCoordinates(pointWCoords, pcoords, shape, wcoords));
Vector3 computedPCoords;
pointWCoords, wcoords, shape, computedPCoords));
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(test_equal(pcoords, computedPCoords, 0.05),
"pcoord/wcoord transform not symmetrical");
template <typename PointWCoordsType, typename CellShellTag>
static void TestPCoords(const PointWCoordsType& pointWCoords, CellShellTag shape)
TestPCoordsSpecial(pointWCoords, shape);
TestPCoordsSample(pointWCoords, shape);
template <typename T>
struct TestPCoordsFunctor
using Vector3 = vtkm::Vec<T, 3>;
using PointWCoordType = vtkm::VecVariable<Vector3, MAX_POINTS>;
template <typename CellShapeTag>
PointWCoordType MakePointWCoords(CellShapeTag, vtkm::IdComponent numPoints) const
std::uniform_real_distribution<T> randomDist(-1, 1);
Vector3 sheerVec(randomDist(g_RandomGenerator), randomDist(g_RandomGenerator), 0);
PointWCoordType pointWCoords;
for (vtkm::IdComponent pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < numPoints; pointIndex++)
Vector3 pcoords;
vtkm::exec::ParametricCoordinatesPoint(numPoints, pointIndex, CellShapeTag(), pcoords));
Vector3 wCoords = Vector3(pcoords[0], pcoords[1], pcoords[2] + vtkm::Dot(pcoords, sheerVec));
return pointWCoords;
template <typename CellShapeTag>
void operator()(CellShapeTag) const
vtkm::IdComponent minPoints;
vtkm::IdComponent maxPoints;
CellShapeTag(), typename vtkm::CellTraits<CellShapeTag>::IsSizeFixed(), minPoints, maxPoints);
std::cout << "--- Test shape tag directly" << std::endl;
for (vtkm::IdComponent numPoints = minPoints; numPoints <= maxPoints; numPoints++)
TestPCoords(this->MakePointWCoords(CellShapeTag(), numPoints), CellShapeTag());
std::cout << "--- Test generic shape tag" << std::endl;
vtkm::CellShapeTagGeneric genericShape(CellShapeTag::Id);
for (vtkm::IdComponent numPoints = minPoints; numPoints <= maxPoints; numPoints++)
TestPCoords(this->MakePointWCoords(CellShapeTag(), numPoints), genericShape);
void operator()(vtkm::CellShapeTagEmpty) const
std::cout << "Skipping empty cell shape. No points." << std::endl;
void TestAllPCoords()
vtkm::UInt32 seed = static_cast<vtkm::UInt32>(std::time(nullptr));
std::cout << "Seed: " << seed << std::endl;
std::cout << "======== Float32 ==========================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "======== Float64 ==========================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "======== Rectilinear Shapes ===============" << std::endl;
std::uniform_real_distribution<vtkm::FloatDefault> randomDist(0.01f, 1.0f);
vtkm::Vec3f origin(
randomDist(g_RandomGenerator), randomDist(g_RandomGenerator), randomDist(g_RandomGenerator));
vtkm::Vec3f spacing(
randomDist(g_RandomGenerator), randomDist(g_RandomGenerator), randomDist(g_RandomGenerator));
TestPCoords(vtkm::VecAxisAlignedPointCoordinates<3>(origin, spacing),
TestPCoords(vtkm::VecAxisAlignedPointCoordinates<2>(origin, spacing), vtkm::CellShapeTagQuad());
TestPCoords(vtkm::VecAxisAlignedPointCoordinates<1>(origin, spacing), vtkm::CellShapeTagLine());
} // Anonymous namespace
int UnitTestParametricCoordinates(int argc, char* argv[])
return vtkm::testing::Testing::Run(TestAllPCoords, argc, argv);