Kenneth Moreland 3a812b044e Make default ColorTable preset
Changed the "default" ColorTable preset from "cool to warm" to
"viridis." Also made a default constructor for ColorTable that sets it
to this default preset.

The main reason to change to viridis for the default is that it is in
LAB space. We are concerned that having the default ColorTable preset
being Diverging space could lead to users using that color space
2018-04-02 15:32:23 -06:00

679 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2015 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2015 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2015 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_ColorTable_h
#define vtk_m_cont_ColorTable_h
#include <vtkm/Range.h>
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/vtkm_cont_export.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ColorTableSamples.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/VirtualObjectHandle.h>
#include <set>
namespace vtkm
namespace exec
//forward declare exec objects
class ColorTableBase;
namespace cont
namespace detail
struct ColorTableInternals;
enum struct ColorSpace
/// \brief Color Table for coloring arbitrary fields
/// The vtkm::cont::ColorTable allows for color mapping in RGB or HSV space and
/// uses a piecewise hermite functions to allow opacity interpolation that can be
/// piecewise constant, piecewise linear, or somewhere in-between
/// (a modified piecewise hermite function that squishes the function
/// according to a sharpness parameter).
/// For colors interpolation is handled using a piecewise linear function.
/// For opacity we define a piecewise function mapping. This mapping allows the addition
/// of control points, and allows the user to control the function between
/// the control points. A piecewise hermite curve is used between control
/// points, based on the sharpness and midpoint parameters. A sharpness of
/// 0 yields a piecewise linear function and a sharpness of 1 yields a
/// piecewise constant function. The midpoint is the normalized distance
/// between control points at which the curve reaches the median Y value.
/// The midpoint and sharpness values specified when adding a node are used
/// to control the transition to the next node with the last node's values being
/// ignored.
/// When adding opacity nodes without an explicit midpoint and sharpness we
/// will default to to Midpoint = 0.5 (halfway between the control points) and
/// Sharpness = 0.0 (linear).
/// ColorTable also contains which ColorSpace should be used for interpolation
/// Currently the valid ColorSpaces are:
/// - RGB
/// - HSV
/// - HSV_WRAP
/// - LAB
/// - Diverging
/// In HSV_WRAP mode, it will take the shortest path
/// in Hue (going back through 0 if that is the shortest way around the hue
/// circle) whereas HSV will not go through 0 (in order the
/// match the current functionality of vtkLookupTable). In Lab mode,
/// it will take the shortest path in the Lab color space with respect to the
/// CIE Delta E 2000 color distance measure. Diverging is a special
/// mode where colors will pass through white when interpolating between two
/// saturated colors.
/// To map a field from a vtkm::cont::DataSet through the color and opacity transfer
/// functions and into a RGB or RGBA array you should use vtkm::filter::FieldToColor.
class VTKM_CONT_EXPORT ColorTable
std::shared_ptr<detail::ColorTableInternals> Impl;
// Note: these are in flux and will change soon.
enum struct Preset
/// \brief Construct a color table from a preset
/// Constructs a color table from a given preset, which might include a NaN color.
/// The alpha table will have 2 entries of alpha = 1.0 with linear interpolation
/// Note: these are a select set of the presets you can get by providing a string identifier.
ColorTable(vtkm::cont::ColorTable::Preset preset = vtkm::cont::ColorTable::Preset::DEFAULT);
/// \brief Construct a color table from a preset color table
/// Constructs a color table from a given preset, which might include a NaN color.
/// The alpha table will have 2 entries of alpha = 1.0 with linear interpolation
/// Note: Names are case insensitive
/// Currently supports the following color tables:
/// "Cool to Warm"
/// "Black-Body Radiation"
/// "Samsel Fire" [ known previously as "Black, Orange and White"]
/// "Inferno"
/// "Linear YGB"
/// "Cold and Hot"
/// "Rainbow Desaturated"
/// "Cool to Warm (Extended)"
/// "X Ray"
/// "Black, Blue and White"
/// "Virdis"
/// "Linear Green"
/// "Jet"
/// "Rainbow"
explicit ColorTable(const std::string& name);
/// Construct a color table with a zero positions, and an invalid range
/// Note: The color table will have 0 entries
/// Note: The alpha table will have 0 entries
explicit ColorTable(ColorSpace space);
/// Construct a color table with a 2 positions
/// Note: The color table will have 2 entries of rgb = {1.0,1.0,1.0}
/// Note: The alpha table will have 2 entries of alpha = 1.0 with linear
/// interpolation
ColorTable(const vtkm::Range& range, ColorSpace space = ColorSpace::LAB);
/// Construct a color table with 2 positions
/// Note: The alpha table will have 2 entries of alpha = 1.0 with linear
/// interpolation
ColorTable(const vtkm::Range& range,
const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& rgb1,
const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& rgb2,
ColorSpace space = ColorSpace::LAB);
/// Construct color and alpha and table with 2 positions
/// Note: The alpha table will use linear interpolation
ColorTable(const vtkm::Range& range,
const vtkm::Vec<float, 4>& rgba1,
const vtkm::Vec<float, 4>& rgba2,
ColorSpace space = ColorSpace::LAB);
bool LoadPreset(vtkm::cont::ColorTable::Preset preset);
/// Returns the name of all preset color tables
/// This list will include all presets defined in vtkm::cont::ColorTable::Preset and could
/// include extras as well.
std::set<std::string> GetPresets() const;
/// Load a preset color table
/// Removes all existing all values in both color and alpha tables,
/// and will reset the NaN Color if the color table has that information.
/// Will not modify clamping, below, and above range state.
/// Note: Names are case insensitive
/// Currently supports the following color tables:
/// "Cool to Warm"
/// "Black-Body Radiation"
/// "Samsel Fire" [ known previously as "Black, Orange and White"]
/// "Inferno"
/// "Linear YGB"
/// "Cold and Hot"
/// "Rainbow Desaturated"
/// "Cool to Warm (Extended)"
/// "X Ray"
/// "Black, Blue and White"
/// "Virdis"
/// "Linear Green"
/// "Jet"
/// "Rainbow"
bool LoadPreset(const std::string& name);
/// Make a deep copy of the current color table
/// The ColorTable is implemented so that all stack based copies are 'shallow'
/// copies. This means that they all alter the same internal instance. But
/// sometimes you need to make an actual fully independent copy.
ColorTable MakeDeepCopy();
ColorSpace GetColorSpace() const;
void SetColorSpace(ColorSpace space);
/// If clamping is disabled values that lay out side
/// the color table range are colored based on Below
/// and Above settings.
/// By default clamping is enabled
void SetClampingOn() { this->SetClamping(true); }
void SetClampingOff() { this->SetClamping(false); }
void SetClamping(bool state);
bool GetClamping() const;
/// Color to use when clamping is disabled for any value
/// that is below the given range
/// Default value is {0,0,0}
void SetBelowRangeColor(const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& c);
const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& GetBelowRangeColor() const;
/// Color to use when clamping is disabled for any value
/// that is above the given range
/// Default value is {0,0,0}
void SetAboveRangeColor(const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& c);
const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& GetAboveRangeColor() const;
void SetNaNColor(const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& c);
const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& GetNaNColor() const;
/// Remove all existing values in both color and alpha tables.
/// Does not remove the clamping, below, and above range state or colors.
void Clear();
/// Remove only color table values
void ClearColors();
/// Remove only alpha table values
void ClearAlpha();
/// Reverse the rgb values inside the color table
void ReverseColors();
/// Reverse the alpha, mid, and sharp values inside the opacity table.
/// Note: To keep the shape correct the mid and sharp values of the last
/// node are not included in the reversal
void ReverseAlpha();
/// Returns min and max position of all function points
const vtkm::Range& GetRange() const;
/// Rescale the color and opacity transfer functions to match the
/// input range.
void RescaleToRange(const vtkm::Range& range);
// Functions for Colors
/// Adds a point to the color function. If the point already exists, it
/// will be updated to the new value.
/// Note: rgb values need to be between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
/// Return the index of the point (0 based), or -1 osn error.
vtkm::Int32 AddPoint(double x, const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& rgb);
/// Adds a point to the color function. If the point already exists, it
/// will be updated to the new value.
/// Note: hsv values need to be between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
/// Return the index of the point (0 based), or -1 on error.
vtkm::Int32 AddPointHSV(double x, const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& hsv);
/// Add a line segment to the color function. All points which lay between x1 and x2
/// (inclusive) are removed from the function.
/// Note: rgb1, and rgb2 values need to be between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
/// Return the index of the point x1 (0 based), or -1 on error.
vtkm::Int32 AddSegment(double x1,
const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& rgb1,
double x2,
const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& rgb2);
/// Add a line segment to the color function. All points which lay between x1 and x2
/// (inclusive) are removed from the function.
/// Note: hsv1, and hsv2 values need to be between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive)
/// Return the index of the point x1 (0 based), or -1 on error
vtkm::Int32 AddSegmentHSV(double x1,
const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& hsv1,
double x2,
const vtkm::Vec<float, 3>& hsv2);
/// Get the location, and rgb information for an existing point in the opacity function.
/// Note: components 1-3 are rgb and will have values between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive)
/// Return the index of the point (0 based), or -1 on error.
bool GetPoint(vtkm::Int32 index, vtkm::Vec<double, 4>&) const;
/// Update the location, and rgb information for an existing point in the color function.
/// If the location value for the index is modified the point is removed from
/// the function and re-inserted in the proper sorted location.
/// Note: components 1-3 are rgb and must have values between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
/// Return the new index of the updated point (0 based), or -1 on error.
vtkm::Int32 UpdatePoint(vtkm::Int32 index, const vtkm::Vec<double, 4>&);
/// Remove the Color function point that exists at exactly x
/// Return true if the point x exists and has been removed
bool RemovePoint(double x);
/// Remove the Color function point n
/// Return true if n >= 0 && n < GetNumberOfPoints
bool RemovePoint(vtkm::Int32 index);
/// Returns the number of points in the color function
vtkm::Int32 GetNumberOfPoints() const;
// Functions for Opacity
/// Adds a point to the opacity function. If the point already exists, it
/// will be updated to the new value. Uses a midpoint of 0.5 (halfway between the control points)
/// and sharpness of 0.0 (linear).
/// Note: alpha needs to be a value between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
/// Return the index of the point (0 based), or -1 on error.
vtkm::Int32 AddPointAlpha(double x, float alpha) { return AddPointAlpha(x, alpha, 0.5f, 0.0f); }
/// Adds a point to the opacity function. If the point already exists, it
/// will be updated to the new value.
/// Note: alpha, midpoint, and sharpness values need to be between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive)
/// Return the index of the point (0 based), or -1 on error.
vtkm::Int32 AddPointAlpha(double x, float alpha, float midpoint, float sharpness);
/// Add a line segment to the opacity function. All points which lay between x1 and x2
/// (inclusive) are removed from the function. Uses a midpoint of
/// 0.5 (halfway between the control points) and sharpness of 0.0 (linear).
/// Note: alpha values need to be between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive)
/// Return the index of the point x1 (0 based), or -1 on error
vtkm::Int32 AddSegmentAlpha(double x1, float alpha1, double x2, float alpha2)
vtkm::Vec<float, 2> mid_sharp(0.5f, 0.0f);
return AddSegmentAlpha(x1, alpha1, x2, alpha2, mid_sharp, mid_sharp);
/// Add a line segment to the opacity function. All points which lay between x1 and x2
/// (inclusive) are removed from the function.
/// Note: alpha, midpoint, and sharpness values need to be between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive)
/// Return the index of the point x1 (0 based), or -1 on error
vtkm::Int32 AddSegmentAlpha(double x1,
float alpha1,
double x2,
float alpha2,
const vtkm::Vec<float, 2>& mid_sharp1,
const vtkm::Vec<float, 2>& mid_sharp2);
/// Get the location, alpha, midpoint and sharpness information for an existing
/// point in the opacity function.
/// Note: alpha, midpoint, and sharpness values all will be between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive)
/// Return the index of the point (0 based), or -1 on error.
bool GetPointAlpha(vtkm::Int32 index, vtkm::Vec<double, 4>&) const;
/// Update the location, alpha, midpoint and sharpness information for an existing
/// point in the opacity function.
/// If the location value for the index is modified the point is removed from
/// the function and re-inserted in the proper sorted location
/// Note: alpha, midpoint, and sharpness values need to be between 0 and 1.0 (inclusive)
/// Return the new index of the updated point (0 based), or -1 on error.
vtkm::Int32 UpdatePointAlpha(vtkm::Int32 index, const vtkm::Vec<double, 4>&);
/// Remove the Opacity function point that exists at exactly x
/// Return true if the point x exists and has been removed
bool RemovePointAlpha(double x);
/// Remove the Opacity function point n
/// Return true if n >= 0 && n < GetNumberOfPointsAlpha
bool RemovePointAlpha(vtkm::Int32 index);
/// Returns the number of points in the alpha function
vtkm::Int32 GetNumberOfPointsAlpha() const;
/// Fill the Color table from a double pointer
/// The double pointer is required to have the layout out of [X1, R1,
/// G1, B1, X2, R2, G2, B2, ..., Xn, Rn, Gn, Bn] where n is the
/// number of nodes.
/// This will remove any existing color control points.
/// Note: n represents the length of the array, so ( n/4 == number of control points )
/// Note: This is provided as a interoperability method with VTK
/// Will return false and not modify anything if n is <= 0 or ptr == nullptr
bool FillColorTableFromDataPointer(vtkm::Int32 n, const double* ptr);
/// Fill the Color table from a float pointer
/// The double pointer is required to have the layout out of [X1, R1,
/// G1, B1, X2, R2, G2, B2, ..., Xn, Rn, Gn, Bn] where n is the
/// number of nodes.
/// This will remove any existing color control points.
/// Note: n represents the length of the array, so ( n/4 == number of control points )
/// Note: This is provided as a interoperability method with VTK
/// Will return false and not modify anything if n is <= 0 or ptr == nullptr
bool FillColorTableFromDataPointer(vtkm::Int32 n, const float* ptr);
/// Fill the Opacity table from a double pointer
/// The double pointer is required to have the layout out of [X1, A1,
/// X2, A2, ..., Xn, An] where n is the number of nodes. The midpoint
/// of each node will be set to 0.5 and the sharpness to 0.0 (linear).
/// This will remove any existing opacity control points.
/// Note: n represents the length of the array, so ( n/2 == number of control points )
/// Note: This is provided as a interoperability method with VTK
/// Will return false and not modify anything if n is <= 0 or ptr == nullptr
bool FillOpacityTableFromDataPointer(vtkm::Int32 n, const double* ptr);
/// Fill the Opacity table from a float pointer
/// The double pointer is required to have the layout out of [X1, A1,
/// X2, A2, ..., Xn, An] where n is the number of nodes. The midpoint
/// of each node will be set to 0.5 and the sharpness to 0.0 (linear).
/// This will remove any existing opacity control points.
/// Note: n represents the length of the array, so ( n/2 == number of control points )
/// Note: This is provided as a interoperability method with VTK
/// Will return false and not modify anything if n is <= 0 or ptr == nullptr
bool FillOpacityTableFromDataPointer(vtkm::Int32 n, const float* ptr);
/// \brief Sample each value through an intermediate lookup/sample table to generate RGBA colors
/// Each value in \c values is binned based on its value in relationship to the range
/// of the color table and will use the color value at that bin from the \c samples.
/// To generate the lookup table use \c Sample .
/// Here is a simple example.
/// \code{.cpp}
/// vtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGBA samples;
/// vtkm::cont::ColorTable table("black-body radiation");
/// table.Sample(256, samples);
/// vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 4>> colors;
/// table.Map(input, samples, colors);
/// \endcode
template <typename T, typename S>
bool Map(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& values,
const vtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGBA& samples,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 4>>& rgbaOut) const;
/// \brief Sample each value through an intermediate lookup/sample table to generate RGB colors
/// Each value in \c values is binned based on its value in relationship to the range
/// of the color table and will use the color value at that bin from the \c samples.
/// To generate the lookup table use \c Sample .
/// Here is a simple example.
/// \code{.cpp}
/// vtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGB samples;
/// vtkm::cont::ColorTable table("black-body radiation");
/// table.Sample(256, samples);
/// vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 3>> colors;
/// table.Map(input, samples, colors);
/// \endcode
template <typename T, typename S>
bool Map(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& values,
const vtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGB& samples,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 3>>& rgbaOut) const;
/// \brief Use magnitude of a vector with a sample table to generate RGBA colors
template <typename T, int N, typename S>
bool MapMagnitude(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<T, N>, S>& values,
const vtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGBA& samples,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 4>>& rgbaOut) const;
/// \brief Use magnitude of a vector with a sample table to generate RGB colors
template <typename T, int N, typename S>
bool MapMagnitude(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<T, N>, S>& values,
const vtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGB& samples,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 3>>& rgbaOut) const;
/// \brief Use a single component of a vector with a sample table to generate RGBA colors
template <typename T, int N, typename S>
bool MapComponent(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<T, N>, S>& values,
vtkm::IdComponent comp,
const vtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGBA& samples,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 4>>& rgbaOut) const;
/// \brief Use a single component of a vector with a sample table to generate RGB colors
template <typename T, int N, typename S>
bool MapComponent(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<T, N>, S>& values,
vtkm::IdComponent comp,
const vtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGB& samples,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 3>>& rgbOut) const;
/// \brief Interpolate each value through the color table to generate RGBA colors
/// Each value in \c values will be sampled through the entire color table
/// to determine a color.
/// Note: This is more costly than using Sample/Map with the generated intermediate lookup table
template <typename T, typename S>
bool Map(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& values,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 4>>& rgbaOut) const;
/// \brief Interpolate each value through the color table to generate RGB colors
/// Each value in \c values will be sampled through the entire color table
/// to determine a color.
/// Note: This is more costly than using Sample/Map with the generated intermediate lookup table
template <typename T, typename S>
bool Map(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& values,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 3>>& rgbOut) const;
/// \brief Use magnitude of a vector to generate RGBA colors
template <typename T, int N, typename S>
bool MapMagnitude(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<T, N>, S>& values,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 4>>& rgbaOut) const;
/// \brief Use magnitude of a vector to generate RGB colors
template <typename T, int N, typename S>
bool MapMagnitude(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<T, N>, S>& values,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 3>>& rgbOut) const;
/// \brief Use a single component of a vector to generate RGBA colors
template <typename T, int N, typename S>
bool MapComponent(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<T, N>, S>& values,
vtkm::IdComponent comp,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 4>>& rgbaOut) const;
/// \brief Use a single component of a vector to generate RGB colors
template <typename T, int N, typename S>
bool MapComponent(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<T, N>, S>& values,
vtkm::IdComponent comp,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 3>>& rgbOut) const;
/// \brief generate RGB colors using regular spaced samples along the range.
/// Will use the current range of the color table to generate evenly spaced
/// values using either vtkm::Float32 or vtkm::Float64 space.
/// Will use vtkm::Float32 space when the difference between the float and double
/// values when the range is withing float space and the following are within a tolerance:
/// - (max-min) / numSamples
/// - ((max-min) / numSamples) * numSamples
/// Note: This will return false if the number of samples is less than 2
bool Sample(vtkm::Int32 numSamples,
vtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGBA& samples,
double tolerance = 0.002) const;
/// \brief generate a sample lookup table using regular spaced samples along the range.
/// Will use the current range of the color table to generate evenly spaced
/// values using either vtkm::Float32 or vtkm::Float64 space.
/// Will use vtkm::Float32 space when the difference between the float and double
/// values when the range is withing float space and the following are within a tolerance:
/// - (max-min) / numSamples
/// - ((max-min) / numSamples) * numSamples
/// Note: This will return false if the number of samples is less than 2
bool Sample(vtkm::Int32 numSamples,
vtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGB& samples,
double tolerance = 0.002) const;
/// \brief generate RGBA colors using regular spaced samples along the range.
/// Will use the current range of the color table to generate evenly spaced
/// values using either vtkm::Float32 or vtkm::Float64 space.
/// Will use vtkm::Float32 space when the difference between the float and double
/// values when the range is withing float space and the following are within a tolerance:
/// - (max-min) / numSamples
/// - ((max-min) / numSamples) * numSamples
/// Note: This will return false if the number of samples is less than 2
bool Sample(vtkm::Int32 numSamples,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 4>>& colors,
double tolerance = 0.002) const;
/// \brief generate RGB colors using regular spaced samples along the range.
/// Will use the current range of the color table to generate evenly spaced
/// values using either vtkm::Float32 or vtkm::Float64 space.
/// Will use vtkm::Float32 space when the difference between the float and double
/// values when the range is withing float space and the following are within a tolerance:
/// - (max-min) / numSamples
/// - ((max-min) / numSamples) * numSamples
/// Note: This will return false if the number of samples is less than 2
bool Sample(vtkm::Int32 numSamples,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 3>>& colors,
double tolerance = 0.002) const;
/// \brief returns a virtual object handle of the exec color table
/// This object is only valid as long as the ColorTable is unmodified
vtkm::cont::VirtualObjectHandle<vtkm::exec::ColorTableBase>* GetHandleForExecution() const;
/// \brief returns the modified count for the virtual object handle of the exec color table
/// The modified count allows consumers of a shared color table to keep track
/// if the color table has been modified since the last time they used it.
vtkm::Id GetModifiedCount() const;
} //namespace vtkm::cont
#endif //vtk_m_cont_ColorTable_h