Kenneth Moreland 3e1339f9a7 Remove deprecated features from VTK-m
With the major revision 2.0 of VTK-m, many items previously marked as
deprecated were removed. If updating to a new version of VTK-m, it is
recommended to first update to VTK-m 1.9, which will include the deprecated
features but provide warnings (with the right compiler) that will point to
the replacement code. Once the deprecations have been fixed, updating to
2.0 should be smoother.
2022-11-17 07:12:31 -06:00

581 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_Logging_h
#define vtk_m_cont_Logging_h
#include <vtkm/internal/Configure.h>
#include <vtkm/internal/ExportMacros.h>
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/vtkm_cont_export.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <typeindex>
#include <typeinfo>
/// \file Logging.h
/// \brief Logging utilities.
/// This file includes the logging system for VTK-m. There are a variety of
/// macros to print log messages using C++ stream or printf syntax. Nested
/// scopes may be created in the log output, and there are several helper
/// functions to help format common types of log data such as byte counts and
/// type names.
/// Logging is enabled via the CMake option VTKm_ENABLE_LOGGING by default.
/// The default log level is set to only log Warn and Error messages; Fatal
/// levels are printed to stderr by default. The logging system will need
/// to be initialized through a call to either vtkm::cont::Initialize or
/// vtkm::cont::InitLogging.
/// Additional logging features are enabled by calling vtkm::cont::InitLogging
/// (or preferably, vtkm::cont::Initialize) in an executable. This will:
/// - Set human-readable names for the log levels in the output.
/// - Allow the stderr logging level to be set at runtime by passing a
/// '--vtkm-log-level [level]' argument to the executable.
/// - Name the main thread.
/// - Print a preamble with details of the program's startup (args, etc).
/// - Install signal handlers to automatically print stacktraces and error
/// contexts (linux only) on crashes.
/// The main logging entry points are the macros VTKM_LOG_S and VTKM_LOG_F,
/// which using C++ stream and printf syntax, repectively. Other variants exist,
/// including conditional logging and special-purpose logs for writing specific
/// events, such as DynamicObject cast results and TryExecute failures.
/// The logging backend supports the concept of "Scopes". By creating a new
/// scope with the macros VTKM_LOG_SCOPE or VTKM_LOG_SCOPE_FUNCTION, a new
/// "logging scope" is opened within the C++ scope the macro is called from. New
/// messages will be indented in the log until the scope ends, at which point
/// a message is logged with the elapsed time that the scope was active. Scopes
/// may be nested to arbitrary depths.
/// The logging implementation is thread-safe. When working in a multithreaded
/// environment, each thread may be assigned a human-readable name using
/// vtkm::cont::SetThreadName. This will appear in the log output so that
/// per-thread messages can be easily tracked.
/// By default, only Warn, Error, and Fatal messages are printed to
/// stderr. This can be changed at runtime by passing the '--vtkm-log-level' flag to an
/// executable that calls vtkm::cont::InitLogging. Alternatively, the
/// application can explicitly call vtkm::cont::SetStderrLogLevel to change the
/// verbosity. When specifying a verbosity, all log levels with enum values
/// less-than-or-equal-to the requested level are printed.
/// vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Off (or "--vtkm-log-level Off") may be used to silence the log
/// completely.
/// The helper functions vtkm::cont::GetHumanReadableSize and
/// vtkm::cont::GetSizeString assist in formating byte sizes to a more readable
/// format. Similarly, the vtkm::cont::TypeToString template functions provide RTTI
/// based type-name information. When logging is enabled, these use the logging
/// backend to demangle symbol names on supported platforms.
/// The more verbose VTK-m log levels are:
/// - Perf: Logs performance information, using the scopes feature to track
/// execution time of filters, worklets, and device algorithms with
/// microsecond resolution.
/// - MemCont / MemExec: These levels log memory allocations in the control and
/// execution environments, respectively.
/// - MemTransfer: This level logs memory transfers between the control and host
/// environments.
/// - KernelLaunches: This level logs details about each device side kernel launch
/// such as the CUDA PTX, Warps, and Grids used.
/// - Cast: Logs details of dynamic object resolution.
/// The log may be shared and extended by applications that use VTK-m. There
/// are two log level ranges left available for applications: User and
/// UserVerbose. The User levels may be enabled without showing any of the
/// verbose VTK-m levels, while UserVerbose levels will also enable all VTK-m
/// levels.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_S(level, ...)
/// \brief Writes a message using stream syntax to the indicated log \a level.
/// The ellipsis may be replaced with the log message as if constructing a C++
/// stream, e.g:
/// \code
/// VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Perf,
/// "Executed functor " << vtkm::cont::TypeToString(functor)
/// << " on device " << deviceId.GetName());
/// \endcode
/// \def VTKM_LOG_F(level, ...)
/// \brief Writes a message using printf syntax to the indicated log \a level.
/// The ellipsis may be replaced with the log message as if constructing a
/// printf call, e.g:
/// \code
/// VTKM_LOG_F(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Perf,
/// "Executed functor %s on device %s",
/// vtkm::cont::TypeToString(functor).c_str(),
/// deviceId.GetName().c_str());
/// \endcode
/// \def VTKM_LOG_IF_S(level, cond, ...)
/// Same as VTKM_LOG_S, but only logs if \a cond is true.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_IF_F(level, cond, ...)
/// Same as VTKM_LOG_F, but only logs if \a cond is true.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(level, ...)
/// Creates a new scope at the requested \a level. The log scope ends when the
/// code scope ends. The ellipses form the scope name using printf syntax.
/// \code
/// {
/// VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Perf,
/// "Executing filter %s",
/// vtkm::cont::TypeToString(myFilter).c_str());
/// myFilter.Execute();
/// }
/// \endcode
/// Equivalent to VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(__func__);
/// \def VTKM_LOG_ALWAYS_S(level, ...)
/// This ostream-style log message is always emitted, even when logging is
/// disabled at compile time.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_CAST_SUCC(inObj, outObj)
/// \brief Convenience macro for logging the successful cast of dynamic object.
/// \param inObj The dynamic object.
/// \param outObj The resulting downcasted object.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(inObj, outType)
/// \brief Convenience macro for logging a failed cast of dynamic object.
/// \param inObj The dynamic object.
/// \param outType The candidate type (or typelist) that was unsuccessful.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_FAIL(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId)
/// \brief Convenience macro for logging a TryExecute failure to the Error level.
/// If logging is disabled, a message is still printed to stderr.
/// \param errorMessage The error message detailing the failure.
/// \param functorName The name of the functor (see vtkm::cont::TypeToString)
/// \param deviceId The device tag / id for the device on which the functor
/// failed.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_DISABLE(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId)
/// \brief Similar to VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_FAIL, but also informs the user
/// that the device has been disable for future TryExecute calls.
/// \param errorMessage The error message detailing the failure.
/// \param functorName The name of the functor (see vtkm::cont::TypeToString)
/// \param deviceId The device tag / id for the device on which the functor
/// failed.
/// \def VTKM_DEFINE_USER_LOG_LEVEL(name, offset)
/// \brief Convenience macro for creating a custom log level that is usable
/// in the other macros. If logging is disabled this macro does nothing.
/// \param name The name to give the new log level
/// \param offset The offset from the vtkm::cont::LogLevel::UserFirst value
/// from the LogLevel enum. Additionally moduloed against the
/// vtkm::cont::LogLevel::UserLast value
/// \note This macro is to be used for quickly setting log levels. For a
/// more maintainable solution it is recommended to create a custom enum class
/// and then cast appropriately, as described here:
/// https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk-m/-/issues/358#note_550157
#define VTKM_CONCAT_IMPL(s1, s2) s1##s2
#define VTKM_CONCAT(s1, s2) VTKM_CONCAT_IMPL(s1, s2)
#ifdef __COUNTER__
#define VTKM_ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE VTKM_CONCAT(vtk_m_anonymous_, __LINE__)
#define VTKM_LOG_IF_S(level, cond, ...) \
vtkm::cont::LogCondStream(level, cond, __FILE__, __LINE__) << __VA_ARGS__
#define VTKM_LOG_IF_F(level, cond, ...) \
vtkm::cont::LogCond(level, cond, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define VTKM_LOG_S(level, ...) VTKM_LOG_IF_S(level, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define VTKM_LOG_F(level, ...) VTKM_LOG_IF_F(level, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(level, ...) \
vtkm::cont::detail::LogScope VTKM_ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE { level, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__ }
#define VTKM_LOG_SCOPE_FUNCTION(level) VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(level, __func__)
#define VTKM_LOG_ALWAYS_S(level, ...) VTKM_LOG_S(level, __VA_ARGS__)
// Convenience macros:
// Cast success:
#define VTKM_LOG_CAST_SUCC(inObj, outObj) \
VTKM_LOG_F(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Cast, \
"Cast succeeded: %s (%p) --> %s (%p)", \
vtkm::cont::TypeToString(inObj).c_str(), \
&inObj, \
vtkm::cont::TypeToString(outObj).c_str(), \
// Cast failure:
#define VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(inObj, outType) \
VTKM_LOG_F(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Cast, \
"Cast failed: %s (%p) --> %s", \
vtkm::cont::TypeToString(inObj).c_str(), \
&inObj, \
// TryExecute failure
#define VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_FAIL(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId) \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "TryExecute encountered an error: " << errorMessage); \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "Failing functor: " << functorName); \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "Failing device: " << deviceId.GetName())
// Same, but disabling device:
#define VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_DISABLE(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId) \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "TryExecute encountered an error: " << errorMessage); \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "Failing functor: " << functorName); \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "Failing device: " << deviceId.GetName()); \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "The failing device has been disabled.")
// Custom log level
#define VTKM_DEFINE_USER_LOG_LEVEL(name, offset) \
static constexpr vtkm::cont::LogLevel name = static_cast<vtkm::cont::LogLevel>( \
static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<vtkm::cont::LogLevel>::type>( \
vtkm::cont::LogLevel::UserFirst) + \
offset % \
static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<vtkm::cont::LogLevel>::type>( \
#define VTKM_LOG_S(level, ...)
#define VTKM_LOG_F(level, ...)
#define VTKM_LOG_IF_S(level, cond, ...)
#define VTKM_LOG_IF_F(level, cond, ...)
#define VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(level, ...)
#define VTKM_LOG_ERROR_CONTEXT(desc, data)
#define VTKM_LOG_CAST_SUCC(inObj, outObj)
#define VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(inObj, outType)
#define VTKM_DEFINE_USER_LOG_LEVEL(name, offset)
// Always emitted. When logging is disabled, std::cerr is used.
#define VTKM_LOG_ALWAYS_S(level, ...) \
(static_cast<int>(level) < 0 ? std::cerr : std::cout) \
<< vtkm::cont::GetLogLevelName(level) << ": " << __VA_ARGS__ << "\n"
// TryExecute failures are still important enough to log, but we just write to
// std::cerr when logging is disabled.
#define VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_FAIL(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId) \
std::cerr << "Error: TryExecute encountered an error: " << errorMessage << "\n" \
<< "\t- Failing functor: " << functorName << "\n" \
<< "\t- Failing device: " << deviceId.GetName() << "\n\n"
#define VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_DISABLE(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId) \
std::cerr << "Error: TryExecute encountered an error: " << errorMessage << "\n" \
<< "\t- Failing functor: " << functorName << "\n" \
<< "\t- Failing device: " << deviceId.GetName() << "\n" \
<< "The failing device has been disabled.\n\n"
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
/// Log levels for use with the logging macros.
enum class LogLevel
/// Used with SetStderrLogLevel to silence the log. Do not actually log to
/// this level.
Off = -9, //loguru::Verbosity_OFF,
/// Fatal errors that should abort execution.
Fatal = -3, // loguru::Verbosity_FATAL,
/// Important but non-fatal errors, such as device fail-over.
Error = -2, // loguru::Verbosity_ERROR,
/// Less important user errors, such as out-of-bounds parameters.
Warn = -1, // loguru::Verbosity_WARNING,
/// Information messages (detected hardware, etc) and temporary debugging
/// output.
Info = 0, //loguru::Verbosity_INFO,
/// The range 1-255 are reserved to application use.
UserFirst = 1,
/// The range 1-255 are reserved to application use.
UserLast = 255,
/// Information about which devices are enabled/disabled
/// General timing data and algorithm flow information, such as filter
/// execution, worklet dispatches, and device algorithm calls.
/// Host-side resource allocations/frees (e.g. ArrayHandle control buffers)
/// Device-side resource allocations/frees (e.g ArrayHandle device buffers)
/// Host->device / device->host data copies
/// Details on Device-side Kernel Launches
/// When a dynamic object is (or isn't) resolved via CastAndCall, etc.
/// 1024-2047 are reserved for application usage.
UserVerboseFirst = 1024,
/// 1024-2047 are reserved for application usage.
UserVerboseLast = 2047
* This shouldn't be called directly -- prefer calling vtkm::cont::Initialize,
* which takes care of logging as well as other initializations.
* Initializes logging. Sets up custom log level and thread names. Parses any
* "--vtkm-log-level [LogLevel]" arguments to set the stderr log level. This argument may
* be either numeric, or the 4-character string printed in the output. Note that
* loguru will consume the "--vtkm-log-level [LogLevel]" argument and shrink the arg list.
* If the parameterless overload is used, the `--vtkm-log-level` parsing is not used, but
* other functionality should still work.
* @note This function is not threadsafe and should only be called from a single
* thread (ideally the main thread).
* @{
void InitLogging(int& argc, char* argv[], const std::string& loggingFlag = "--vtkm-log-level");
void InitLogging();
* Set the range of log levels that will be printed to stderr. All levels
* with an enum value less-than-or-equal-to \a level will be printed.
* @{
void SetStderrLogLevel(const char* verbosity);
void SetStderrLogLevel(vtkm::cont::LogLevel level);
* Get the active highest log level that will be printed to stderr.
vtkm::cont::LogLevel GetStderrLogLevel();
* Register a custom name to identify a log level. The name will be truncated
* to 4 characters internally.
* Must not be called after InitLogging. Such calls will fail and log an error.
* There is no need to call this for the default vtkm::cont::LogLevels. They
* are populated in InitLogging and will be overwritten.
void SetLogLevelName(vtkm::cont::LogLevel level, const std::string& name);
* Get a human readable name for the log level. If a name has not been
* registered via InitLogging or SetLogLevelName, the returned string just
* contains the integer representation of the level.
std::string GetLogLevelName(vtkm::cont::LogLevel level);
* The name to identify the current thread in the log output.
* @{
void SetLogThreadName(const std::string& name);
std::string GetLogThreadName();
// Per-thread error context, not currently used, undocumented....
std::string GetLogErrorContext();
* Returns a stacktrace on supported platforms.
* Argument is the number of frames to skip (GetStackTrace and below are already
* skipped).
std::string GetStackTrace(vtkm::Int32 skip = 0);
/// Convert a size in bytes to a human readable string (e.g. "64 bytes",
/// "1.44 MiB", "128 GiB", etc). @a prec controls the fixed point precision
/// of the stringified number.
std::string GetHumanReadableSize(vtkm::UInt64 bytes, int prec = 2);
template <typename T>
VTKM_CONT inline std::string GetHumanReadableSize(T&& bytes, int prec = 2)
return GetHumanReadableSize(static_cast<vtkm::UInt64>(std::forward<T>(bytes)), prec);
/// Returns "%1 (%2 bytes)" where %1 is the result from GetHumanReadableSize
/// and two is the exact number of bytes.
std::string GetSizeString(vtkm::UInt64 bytes, int prec = 2);
template <typename T>
VTKM_CONT inline std::string GetSizeString(T&& bytes, int prec = 2)
return GetSizeString(static_cast<vtkm::UInt64>(std::forward<T>(bytes)), prec);
* Use RTTI information to retrieve the name of the type T. If logging is
* enabled and the platform supports it, the type name will also be demangled.
* @{
VTKM_CONT_EXPORT VTKM_CONT std::string TypeToString(const std::type_info& t);
VTKM_CONT_EXPORT VTKM_CONT std::string TypeToString(const std::type_index& t);
template <typename T>
inline VTKM_CONT std::string TypeToString()
return TypeToString(typeid(T));
template <typename T>
inline VTKM_CONT std::string TypeToString(const T&)
return TypeToString(typeid(T));
* \brief Conditionally logs a message with a printf-like format.
* \param level Desired LogLevel value for the log message.
* \param cond When false this function is no-op.
* \param format Printf like format string.
void LogCond(LogLevel level, bool cond, const char* file, unsigned line, const char* format...);
namespace detail
* \brief Logs a scoped message with a printf-like format.
* The indentation level will be determined based on its LogLevel and it will
* print out its wall time upon exiting its scope. The scope starts from when
* the object is created to when it is destroyed.
struct InternalStruct;
std::unique_ptr<InternalStruct> Internals;
* \param level Desired LogLevel value for the log message.
* \param cond When false this function is no-op.
* \param format Printf like format string.
LogScope(LogLevel level, const char* file, unsigned line, const char* format...);
VTKM_CONT ~LogScope();
} // namespace detail
* \brief Conditionally logs a message with a stream-like interface.
* Messages are flushed to output by the destructor.
struct VTKM_CONT_EXPORT LogCondStream
LogCondStream(LogLevel level, bool cond, const char* file, int line)
: Level(level)
, Condition(cond)
, File(file)
, Line(line)
~LogCondStream() noexcept(false);
template <typename T>
VTKM_CONT LogCondStream& operator<<(const T& in)
SStream << in;
return *this;
LogCondStream& operator<<(std::ostream& (*f)(std::ostream&))
return *this;
LogLevel Level;
bool Condition;
const char* File;
int Line;
std::ostringstream SStream;
} // end namespace vtkm::cont
#endif // vtk_m_cont_Logging_h