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// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2018 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2018 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2018 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_cellmetrics_ScaledJacobian_h
#define vtk_m_worklet_cellmetrics_ScaledJacobian_h
* Mesh quality metric functions that computes the scaled jacobian of mesh cells.
* The jacobian of a cell is defined as the determinant of the Jociabian matrix
** These metric computations are adapted from the VTK implementation of the Verdict library,
* which provides a set of mesh/cell metrics for evaluating the geometric qualities of regions
* of mesh spaces.
** See: The Verdict Library Reference Manual (for per-cell-type metric formulae)
* See: vtk/ThirdParty/verdict/vtkverdict (for VTK code implementation of this metric)
#include "TypeOfCellHexahedral.h"
#include "TypeOfCellQuadrilateral.h"
#include "TypeOfCellTetrahedral.h"
#include "TypeOfCellTriangle.h"
#include "vtkm/CellShape.h"
#include "vtkm/CellTraits.h"
#include "vtkm/VecTraits.h"
#include "vtkm/VectorAnalysis.h"
#include "vtkm/exec/FunctorBase.h"
#define UNUSED(expr) (void)(expr);
namespace vtkm
namespace worklet
namespace cellmetrics
// ========================= Unsupported cells ==================================
// By default, cells have zero shape unless the shape type template is specialized below.
template <typename OutType, typename PointCoordVecType, typename CellShapeType>
VTKM_EXEC OutType CellScaledJacobianMetric(const vtkm::IdComponent& numPts,
const PointCoordVecType& pts,
CellShapeType shape,
const vtkm::exec::FunctorBase&)
return OutType(-2.0);
// ========================= 2D cells ==================================
//Compute the scaled jacobian of a triangle
//Formula: q = ((2*sqrt(3))/3) * (J/Lmax)
// - J -> jacobian, if surface normal N is center of triangle and
// and N*L2*L1 < 0, then -jacobian
// - Lmax -> max{ |L0| * |L1|, |L0| * |L2|, |L1| * |L2| }
//Equals 1 for equilateral unit triangle
//Acceptable Range: [0.5, 2*sqrt(3)/3]
//Normal Range : [ -(2*sqrt(3)/3) , 2*sqrt(3)/3]
//Full Range : [-FLOAT_MAX, FLOAT_MAX]
template <typename OutType, typename PointCoordVecType>
VTKM_EXEC OutType CellScaledJacobianMetric(const vtkm::IdComponent& numPts,
const PointCoordVecType& pts,
const vtkm::exec::FunctorBase& worklet)
if (numPts != 3)
worklet.RaiseError("ScaledJacobian metric(tri) requires 3 points.");
return OutType(0.0);
using Scalar = OutType;
using CollectionOfPoints = PointCoordVecType;
using Vector = typename PointCoordVecType::ComponentType;
const Vector l0 = GetTriangleL0<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Vector l1 = GetTriangleL1<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Vector l2 = GetTriangleL2<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar modifier = (Scalar)(2 * vtkm::Sqrt(3) / 3);
const Scalar l0_magnitude = GetTriangleL0Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l1_magnitude = GetTriangleL1Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l2_magnitude = GetTriangleL2Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l0l1_product = l0_magnitude * l1_magnitude;
const Scalar l0l2_product = l0_magnitude * l2_magnitude;
const Scalar l1l2_product = l1_magnitude * l2_magnitude;
const Scalar productMax = vtkm::Max(l0l1_product, vtkm::Max(l0l2_product, l1l2_product));
if (productMax <= Scalar(0.0))
return Scalar(0.0);
// compute jacobian of triangle
Vector TriCross = vtkm::Cross(l2, l1);
Scalar scaledJacobian = vtkm::Magnitude(TriCross);
//add all pieces together
//TODO change
Vector normalVector = (Scalar(1.0) / Scalar(3.0)) * (l0 + l1 + l2);
Vector surfaceNormalAtCenter = vtkm::TriangleNormal(normalVector, normalVector, normalVector);
if (vtkm::Dot(surfaceNormalAtCenter, TriCross) < 0)
scaledJacobian *= -1;
scaledJacobian *= modifier;
const Scalar q = scaledJacobian / productMax;
return q;
// Compute the scaled jacobian of a quadrilateral.
// Formula: min{J0/(L0*L3), J1/(L1*L0), J2/(L2*L1), J3/(L3*L2)}
// -Ji -> Jacobian at corner i, the intersection of the edge vectors
// it is divided by
// Equals 1 for a unit square
//Acceptable Range: [0.3, 1]
//Normal Range : [-1, 1]
// Full range : [-1, 1]
template <typename OutType, typename PointCoordVecType>
VTKM_EXEC OutType CellScaledJacobianMetric(const vtkm::IdComponent& numPts,
const PointCoordVecType& pts,
const vtkm::exec::FunctorBase& worklet)
if (numPts != 4)
worklet.RaiseError("ScaledJacobian metric(quad) requires 4 points.");
return OutType(0.0);
using Scalar = OutType;
using CollectionOfPoints = PointCoordVecType;
using Vector = typename PointCoordVecType::ComponentType;
//The 4 edges of a quadrilateral
const Scalar l0_magnitude = GetQuadL0Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l1_magnitude = GetQuadL1Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l2_magnitude = GetQuadL2Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l3_magnitude = GetQuadL3Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar negativeInfinity = vtkm::NegativeInfinity<Scalar>();
if (l0_magnitude < negativeInfinity || l1_magnitude < negativeInfinity ||
l2_magnitude < negativeInfinity || l3_magnitude < negativeInfinity)
return Scalar(0.0);
const Scalar l0l3_product = l0_magnitude * l3_magnitude;
const Scalar l1l0_product = l1_magnitude * l0_magnitude;
const Scalar l2l1_product = l2_magnitude * l1_magnitude;
const Scalar l3l2_product = l3_magnitude * l2_magnitude;
3 * 0
0 * 1
1 * 2
2 * 3
Scalar alpha0Scaled = GetQuadAlpha0<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
Scalar alpha1Scaled = GetQuadAlpha1<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
Scalar alpha2Scaled = GetQuadAlpha2<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
Scalar alpha3Scaled = GetQuadAlpha3<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
alpha0Scaled /= l0l3_product;
alpha1Scaled /= l1l0_product;
alpha2Scaled /= l2l1_product;
alpha3Scaled /= l3l2_product;
const Scalar q =
vtkm::Min(alpha0Scaled, vtkm::Min(alpha1Scaled, vtkm::Min(alpha2Scaled, alpha3Scaled)));
return q;
// ============================= 3D Volume cells ==================================
// Compute the scaled jacobian of a hexahedron.
// Formula: q = min{Ai}
// Ai -> for i 1...8 (Jacobian determinant at respective corner, divided by corresponding edge lengths
// Equals 1 for a unit cube
// Acceptable Range: [0.5, 1]
// Normal Range : [-1, 1]
// Full range : [1,FLOAT_MAX]
template <typename OutType, typename PointCoordVecType>
VTKM_EXEC OutType CellScaledJacobianMetric(const vtkm::IdComponent& numPts,
const PointCoordVecType& pts,
const vtkm::exec::FunctorBase& worklet)
if (numPts != 8)
worklet.RaiseError("ScaledJacobian metric(hexahedron) requires 8 points.");
return OutType(0.0);
//The 12 edges of a hexahedron
using Edge = typename PointCoordVecType::ComponentType;
Edge HexEdges[12] = { pts[1] - pts[0], pts[2] - pts[1], pts[3] - pts[2], pts[3] - pts[0],
pts[4] - pts[0], pts[5] - pts[1], pts[6] - pts[2], pts[7] - pts[3],
pts[5] - pts[4], pts[6] - pts[5], pts[7] - pts[6], pts[7] - pts[4] };
Edge principleXAxis = HexEdges[0] + (pts[2] - pts[3]) + HexEdges[8] + (pts[6] - pts[7]);
Edge principleYAxis = (pts[3] - pts[0]) + HexEdges[1] + (pts[7] - pts[4]) + HexEdges[9];
Edge principleZAxis = HexEdges[4] + HexEdges[5] + HexEdges[6] + HexEdges[7];
Edge hexMatrices[9][3] = { { HexEdges[0], HexEdges[3], HexEdges[4] },
{ HexEdges[1], (-1 * HexEdges[0]), HexEdges[5] },
{ HexEdges[2], (-1 * HexEdges[1]), HexEdges[6] },
{ (-1 * HexEdges[3]), (-1 * HexEdges[2]), HexEdges[7] },
{ HexEdges[11], HexEdges[8], (-1 * HexEdges[4]) },
{ (-1 * HexEdges[8]), HexEdges[9], (-1 * HexEdges[5]) },
{ (-1 * HexEdges[9]), HexEdges[10], (-1 * HexEdges[6]) },
{ (-1 * HexEdges[10]), (-1 * HexEdges[11]), (-1 * HexEdges[7]) },
{ principleXAxis, principleYAxis, principleZAxis } };
OutType currDeterminant, minDeterminant = vtkm::Infinity<OutType>();
FloatType lenSquared1, lenSquared2, lenSquared3, minLengthSquared = vtkm::Infinity<FloatType>();
vtkm::IdComponent matrixIndex;
for (matrixIndex = 0; matrixIndex < 9; matrixIndex++)
lenSquared1 = (FloatType)vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(hexMatrices[matrixIndex][0]);
minLengthSquared = lenSquared1 < minLengthSquared ? lenSquared1 : minLengthSquared;
lenSquared2 = (FloatType)vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(hexMatrices[matrixIndex][1]);
minLengthSquared = lenSquared2 < minLengthSquared ? lenSquared2 : minLengthSquared;
lenSquared3 = (FloatType)vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(hexMatrices[matrixIndex][2]);
minLengthSquared = lenSquared3 < minLengthSquared ? lenSquared3 : minLengthSquared;
currDeterminant =
vtkm::Cross(hexMatrices[matrixIndex][1], hexMatrices[matrixIndex][2]));
if (currDeterminant < minDeterminant)
minDeterminant = currDeterminant;
if (minLengthSquared < vtkm::NegativeInfinity<FloatType>())
return vtkm::Infinity<OutType>();
OutType toReturn = minDeterminant;
if (toReturn > 0)
return vtkm::Min(toReturn, vtkm::Infinity<OutType>()); //normal case
return vtkm::Max(toReturn, vtkm::NegativeInfinity<OutType>());
// Compute the scaled jacobian of a tetrahedron.
// Formula: q = J*sqrt(2)/Lamda_max
// J -> jacobian,(L2 * L0) * L3
// Lamda_max -> max{ L0*L2*L3, L0*L1*L4, L1*L2*L5, L3*L4*L5}
// Equals Sqrt(2) / 2 for unit equilateral tetrahedron
// Acceptable Range: [0, FLOAT_MAX]
// Normal Range: [0, FLOAT_MAX]
// Full range: [FLOAT_MIN,FLOAT_MAX]
template <typename OutType, typename PointCoordVecType>
VTKM_EXEC OutType CellScaledJacobianMetric(const vtkm::IdComponent& numPts,
const PointCoordVecType& pts,
const vtkm::exec::FunctorBase& worklet)
if (numPts != 4)
worklet.RaiseError("ScaledJacobian metric requires 4 points");
return OutType(0.0);
//the edge and side sets
using Edge = typename PointCoordVecType::ComponentType;
Edge Edges[6] = { pts[1] - pts[0], pts[2] - pts[1], pts[0] - pts[2],
pts[3] - pts[0], pts[3] - pts[1], pts[3] - pts[2] };
OutType EdgesSquared[6];
OutType jacobian = vtkm::Dot(vtkm::Cross(Edges[2], Edges[0]), Edges[3]);
// compute the scaled jacobian
OutType currSide, maxSide = vtkm::NegativeInfinity<OutType>();
vtkm::IdComponent edgeIndex, sideIndex;
for (edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < 6; edgeIndex++)
EdgesSquared[edgeIndex] = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(Edges[edgeIndex]);
OutType Sides[4] = { EdgesSquared[0] * EdgesSquared[2] * EdgesSquared[3],
EdgesSquared[0] * EdgesSquared[1] * EdgesSquared[4],
EdgesSquared[1] * EdgesSquared[2] * EdgesSquared[5],
EdgesSquared[3] * EdgesSquared[4] * EdgesSquared[5] };
for (sideIndex = 0; sideIndex < 4; sideIndex++)
currSide = Sides[sideIndex];
maxSide = currSide > maxSide ? currSide : maxSide;
maxSide = vtkm::Sqrt(maxSide);
OutType toUseInCalculation = jacobian > maxSide ? jacobian : maxSide;
if (toUseInCalculation < vtkm::NegativeInfinity<OutType>())
return vtkm::Infinity<OutType>();
return (vtkm::Sqrt<OutType>(2) * jacobian) / toUseInCalculation;
} // namespace cellmetrics
} // namespace worklet
} // namespace vtkm
#endif // vtk_m_worklet_cellmetrics_CellEdgeRatioMetric_h