Kenneth Moreland 878a5e5ae2 Disallow references in Variant
I have run into strange problems with reference types sneaking into
templates. Reference types can cause weird errors when passing things
across hosts and devices, and it's best not to let them sneak into an
object like Varient where they become more difficult to check for.
2021-03-01 16:09:19 -07:00

530 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#if !defined(VTK_M_DEVICE) || !defined(VTK_M_NAMESPACE)
#error VariantImpl.h must be included from Variant.h
// Some defines to make my IDE happy.
#define VTK_M_DEVICE
#define VTK_M_NAMESPACE tmp
#include <vtkm/internal/VariantImplDetail.h>
#include <vtkm/Deprecated.h>
#include <vtkm/List.h>
#include <vtkmstd/aligned_union.h>
#include <vtkmstd/is_trivial.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace internal
// Forward declaration
template <typename... Ts>
class Variant;
namespace detail
struct VariantCopyFunctor
template <typename T>
VTK_M_DEVICE void operator()(const T& src, void* destPointer) const noexcept
new (destPointer) T(src);
struct VariantDestroyFunctor
template <typename T>
VTK_M_DEVICE void operator()(T& src) const noexcept
template <typename T>
struct VariantCheckType
// We are currently not allowing reference types (e.g. FooType&) or pointer types (e.g. FooType*)
// in Variant objects. References and pointers can fail badly when things are passed around
// devices. If you get a compiler error here, consider removing the reference or using something
// like std::decay to remove qualifiers on the type. (We may decide to do that automatically in
// the future.)
"References are not allowed in VTK-m Variant.");
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(!std::is_pointer<T>::value, "Pointers are not allowed in VTK-m Variant.");
template <typename... Ts>
struct AllTriviallyCopyable;
template <>
struct AllTriviallyCopyable<> : std::true_type
template <typename T0>
struct AllTriviallyCopyable<T0>
: std::integral_constant<bool, (vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T0>::value)>
template <typename T0, typename T1>
struct AllTriviallyCopyable<T0, T1>
: std::integral_constant<bool,
(vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T0>::value &&
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
struct AllTriviallyCopyable<T0, T1, T2>
: std::integral_constant<bool,
(vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T0>::value &&
vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T1>::value &&
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
struct AllTriviallyCopyable<T0, T1, T2, T3>
: std::integral_constant<
(vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T0>::value && vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T1>::value &&
vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T2>::value && vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T3>::value)>
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename... Ts>
struct AllTriviallyCopyable<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, Ts...>
: std::integral_constant<
(vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T0>::value && vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T1>::value &&
vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T2>::value && vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T3>::value &&
vtkmstd::is_trivially_copyable<T4>::value && AllTriviallyCopyable<Ts...>::value)>
template <typename VariantType>
struct VariantTriviallyCopyable;
template <typename... Ts>
struct VariantTriviallyCopyable<vtkm::VTK_M_NAMESPACE::internal::Variant<Ts...>>
: AllTriviallyCopyable<Ts...>
template <typename... Ts>
struct AllTriviallyConstructible;
template <>
struct AllTriviallyConstructible<> : std::true_type
template <typename T0>
struct AllTriviallyConstructible<T0>
: std::integral_constant<bool, (vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T0>::value)>
template <typename T0, typename T1>
struct AllTriviallyConstructible<T0, T1>
: std::integral_constant<bool,
(vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T0>::value &&
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
struct AllTriviallyConstructible<T0, T1, T2>
: std::integral_constant<bool,
(vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T0>::value &&
vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T1>::value &&
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
struct AllTriviallyConstructible<T0, T1, T2, T3>
: std::integral_constant<bool,
(vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T0>::value &&
vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T1>::value &&
vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T2>::value &&
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename... Ts>
struct AllTriviallyConstructible<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, Ts...>
: std::integral_constant<bool,
(vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T0>::value &&
vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T1>::value &&
vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T2>::value &&
vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T3>::value &&
vtkmstd::is_trivially_constructible<T4>::value &&
template <typename VariantType>
struct VariantTriviallyConstructible;
template <typename... Ts>
struct VariantTriviallyConstructible<vtkm::VTK_M_NAMESPACE::internal::Variant<Ts...>>
: AllTriviallyConstructible<Ts...>
template <typename... Ts>
struct VariantStorageImpl
typename vtkmstd::aligned_union<0, Ts...>::type Storage;
vtkm::IdComponent Index;
template <vtkm::IdComponent Index>
using TypeAt = typename vtkm::ListAt<vtkm::List<Ts...>, Index>;
VTK_M_DEVICE void* GetPointer() { return reinterpret_cast<void*>(&this->Storage); }
VTK_M_DEVICE const void* GetPointer() const
return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&this->Storage);
VTK_M_DEVICE vtkm::IdComponent GetIndex() const noexcept { return this->Index; }
VTK_M_DEVICE bool IsValid() const noexcept
return (this->Index >= 0) && (this->Index < static_cast<vtkm::IdComponent>(sizeof...(Ts)));
VTK_M_DEVICE void Reset() noexcept
if (this->IsValid())
this->Index = -1;
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTK_M_DEVICE auto CastAndCall(Functor&& f, Args&&... args) const
noexcept(noexcept(f(std::declval<const TypeAt<0>&>(), args...)))
-> decltype(f(std::declval<const TypeAt<0>&>(), args...))
return detail::VariantCastAndCallImpl<decltype(f(std::declval<const TypeAt<0>&>(), args...))>(
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTK_M_DEVICE auto CastAndCall(Functor&& f, Args&&... args) noexcept(
noexcept(f(std::declval<const TypeAt<0>&>(), args...)))
-> decltype(f(std::declval<TypeAt<0>&>(), args...))
return detail::VariantCastAndCallImpl<decltype(f(std::declval<TypeAt<0>&>(), args...))>(
template <typename VariantType,
typename TriviallyConstructible =
typename VariantTriviallyConstructible<VariantType>::type,
typename TriviallyCopyable = typename VariantTriviallyCopyable<VariantType>::type>
struct VariantConstructorImpl;
// Can trivially construct, deconstruct, and copy all data. (Probably all trivial classes.)
template <typename... Ts>
struct VariantConstructorImpl<vtkm::VTK_M_NAMESPACE::internal::Variant<Ts...>,
std::true_type> : VariantStorageImpl<Ts...>
VariantConstructorImpl() = default;
~VariantConstructorImpl() = default;
VariantConstructorImpl(const VariantConstructorImpl&) = default;
VariantConstructorImpl(VariantConstructorImpl&&) = default;
VariantConstructorImpl& operator=(const VariantConstructorImpl&) = default;
VariantConstructorImpl& operator=(VariantConstructorImpl&&) = default;
// Can trivially copy, but cannot trivially construct. Common if a class is simple but
// initializes itself.
template <typename... Ts>
struct VariantConstructorImpl<vtkm::VTK_M_NAMESPACE::internal::Variant<Ts...>,
std::true_type> : VariantStorageImpl<Ts...>
VTK_M_DEVICE VariantConstructorImpl() { this->Index = -1; }
// Any trivially copyable class is trivially destructable.
~VariantConstructorImpl() = default;
VariantConstructorImpl(const VariantConstructorImpl&) = default;
VariantConstructorImpl(VariantConstructorImpl&&) = default;
VariantConstructorImpl& operator=(const VariantConstructorImpl&) = default;
VariantConstructorImpl& operator=(VariantConstructorImpl&&) = default;
// Cannot trivially copy. We assume we cannot trivially construct/destruct.
template <typename construct_type, typename... Ts>
struct VariantConstructorImpl<vtkm::VTK_M_NAMESPACE::internal::Variant<Ts...>,
std::false_type> : VariantStorageImpl<Ts...>
VTK_M_DEVICE VariantConstructorImpl() { this->Index = -1; }
VTK_M_DEVICE ~VariantConstructorImpl() { this->Reset(); }
VTK_M_DEVICE VariantConstructorImpl(const VariantConstructorImpl& src) noexcept
src.CastAndCall(VariantCopyFunctor{}, this->GetPointer());
this->Index = src.Index;
VTK_M_DEVICE VariantConstructorImpl& operator=(const VariantConstructorImpl& src) noexcept
src.CastAndCall(detail::VariantCopyFunctor{}, this->GetPointer());
this->Index = src.Index;
return *this;
} // namespace detail
template <typename... Ts>
class Variant : detail::VariantConstructorImpl<Variant<Ts...>>
using Superclass = detail::VariantConstructorImpl<Variant<Ts...>>;
// Type not used, but has the compiler check all the types for validity.
using CheckTypes = vtkm::List<detail::VariantCheckType<Ts>...>;
/// Returns the index of the type of object this variant is storing. If no object is currently
/// stored (i.e. the `Variant` is invalid), an invalid is returned.
VTK_M_DEVICE vtkm::IdComponent GetIndex() const noexcept { return this->Superclass::GetIndex(); }
/// Returns true if this `Variant` is storing an object from one of the types in the template
/// list, false otherwise.
/// Note that if this `Variant` was not initialized with an object, the result of `IsValid`
/// is undefined. The `Variant` could report itself as validly containing an object that
/// is trivially constructed.
VTK_M_DEVICE bool IsValid() const noexcept { return this->Superclass::IsValid(); }
/// Type that converts to a std::integral_constant containing the index of the given type (or
/// -1 if that type is not in the list).
template <typename T>
using IndexOf = vtkm::ListIndexOf<vtkm::List<Ts...>, T>;
/// Returns the index for the given type (or -1 if that type is not in the list).
template <typename T>
VTK_M_DEVICE static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent GetIndexOf()
return IndexOf<T>::value;
/// Type that converts to the type at the given index.
template <vtkm::IdComponent Index>
using TypeAt = typename Superclass::template TypeAt<Index>;
/// The number of types representable by this Variant.
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent NumberOfTypes = vtkm::IdComponent{ sizeof...(Ts) };
Variant() = default;
~Variant() = default;
Variant(const Variant&) = default;
Variant(Variant&&) = default;
Variant& operator=(const Variant&) = default;
Variant& operator=(Variant&&) = default;
template <typename T>
VTK_M_DEVICE Variant(const T& src) noexcept
constexpr vtkm::IdComponent index = GetIndexOf<T>();
// Might be a way to use an enable_if to enforce a proper type.
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(index >= 0, "Attempting to put invalid type into a Variant");
new (this->GetPointer()) T(src);
this->Index = index;
template <typename T>
VTK_M_DEVICE Variant(const T&& src) noexcept
constexpr vtkm::IdComponent index = IndexOf<T>::value;
// Might be a way to use an enable_if to enforce a proper type.
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(index >= 0, "Attempting to put invalid type into a Variant");
new (this->GetPointer()) T(std::move(src));
this->Index = index;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
VTK_M_DEVICE T& Emplace(Args&&... args)
constexpr vtkm::IdComponent I = GetIndexOf<T>();
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(I >= 0, "Variant::Emplace called with invalid type.");
return this->EmplaceImpl<T, I>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T, typename U, typename... Args>
VTK_M_DEVICE T& Emplace(std::initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args)
constexpr vtkm::IdComponent I = GetIndexOf<T>();
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(I >= 0, "Variant::Emplace called with invalid type.");
return this->EmplaceImpl<T, I>(il, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <vtkm::IdComponent I, typename... Args>
VTK_M_DEVICE TypeAt<I>& Emplace(Args&&... args)
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG((I >= 0) && (I < NumberOfTypes),
"Variant::Emplace called with invalid index");
return this->EmplaceImpl<TypeAt<I>, I>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <vtkm::IdComponent I, typename U, typename... Args>
VTK_M_DEVICE TypeAt<I>& Emplace(std::initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args)
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG((I >= 0) && (I < NumberOfTypes),
"Variant::Emplace called with invalid index");
return this->EmplaceImpl<TypeAt<I>, I>(il, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T, vtkm::IdComponent I, typename... Args>
VTK_M_DEVICE T& EmplaceImpl(Args&&... args)
T* value = new (this->GetPointer()) T{ args... };
this->Index = I;
return *value;
template <typename T, vtkm::IdComponent I, typename U, typename... Args>
VTK_M_DEVICE T& EmplaceImpl(std::initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args)
T* value = new (this->GetPointer()) T(il, args...);
this->Index = I;
return *value;
/// Returns the value as the type at the given index. The behavior is undefined if the
/// variant does not contain the value at the given index.
template <vtkm::IdComponent I>
VTK_M_DEVICE TypeAt<I>& Get() noexcept
VTKM_ASSERT(I == this->GetIndex());
return *reinterpret_cast<TypeAt<I>*>(this->GetPointer());
template <vtkm::IdComponent I>
VTK_M_DEVICE const TypeAt<I>& Get() const noexcept
VTKM_ASSERT(I == this->GetIndex());
return *reinterpret_cast<const TypeAt<I>*>(this->GetPointer());
/// Returns the value as the given type. The behavior is undefined if the variant does not
/// contain a value of the given type.
template <typename T>
VTK_M_DEVICE T& Get() noexcept
VTKM_ASSERT(this->GetIndexOf<T>() == this->GetIndex());
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(this->GetPointer());
template <typename T>
VTK_M_DEVICE const T& Get() const noexcept
VTKM_ASSERT(this->GetIndexOf<T>() == this->GetIndex());
return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(this->GetPointer());
/// Given a functor object, calls the functor with the contained object cast to the appropriate
/// type. If extra \c args are given, then those are also passed to the functor after the cast
/// object. If the functor returns a value, that value is returned from \c CastAndCall.
/// The results are undefined if the Variant is not valid.
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTK_M_DEVICE auto CastAndCall(Functor&& f, Args&&... args) const
noexcept(noexcept(f(std::declval<const TypeAt<0>&>(), args...)))
-> decltype(f(std::declval<const TypeAt<0>&>(), args...))
return this->Superclass::CastAndCall(std::forward<Functor>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTK_M_DEVICE auto CastAndCall(Functor&& f, Args&&... args) noexcept(
noexcept(f(std::declval<const TypeAt<0>&>(), args...)))
-> decltype(f(std::declval<TypeAt<0>&>(), args...))
return this->Superclass::CastAndCall(std::forward<Functor>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
/// Destroys any object the Variant is holding and sets the Variant to an invalid state. This
/// method is not thread safe.
VTK_M_DEVICE void Reset() noexcept { this->Superclass::Reset(); }
/// \brief Convert a ListTag to a Variant.
/// Depricated. Use ListAsVariant instead.
template <typename ListTag>
using ListTagAsVariant VTKM_DEPRECATED(
"vtkm::ListTag is no longer supported. Use vtkm::List instead.") =
vtkm::ListApply<ListTag, vtkm::VTK_M_NAMESPACE::internal::Variant>;
/// \brief Convert a `List` to a `Variant`.
template <typename List>
using ListAsVariant = vtkm::ListApply<List, vtkm::VTK_M_NAMESPACE::internal::Variant>;
} // namespace vtkm::VTK_M_NAMESPACE::internal