Kenneth Moreland 77568789ea Make vtkm::Pair behave as a better core type
These changes are basically to support some upcoming changes to
ArrayHandleZip. The major additions are an implementation of VecTraits
for Pair and an overloaded << operator to ostream for Pair.

I also had to declare the operator<< for Pair to be in Types.h. Under
some circumstances the operator has to either be declared before the
template is declared or declared in the vtkm namespace. (The reasons are
described at <http://clang.llvm.org/compatibility.html#dep_lookup> but I
still don't understand.) I tried adding it to the vtkm namespace, but
that caused several of the other operator<< to fail. Since there is no
way to guarantee that Pair.h is declared before, say, ArrayHandle.h, I
moved the implementation to Types.h.

Since I was moving operator<< to Types.h, I went ahead and moved the
TypeTraits and VecTraits to their respective headers. Since Pair is
declared (but not implemented) in Types.h, these templated classes can
be implemented without including Pair.h.
2015-09-20 00:01:04 -06:00

281 lines
8.7 KiB

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// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2014 Sandia Corporation.
// Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2014 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
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// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_VecTraits_h
#define vtk_m_VecTraits_h
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_const.hpp>
namespace vtkm {
/// A tag for vectors that are "true" vectors (i.e. have more than one
/// component).
struct VecTraitsTagMultipleComponents { };
/// A tag for vectors that are really just scalars (i.e. have only one
/// component)
struct VecTraitsTagSingleComponent { };
/// A tag for vectors where the number of components are known at compile time.
struct VecTraitsTagSizeStatic { };
/// A tag for vectors where the number of components are not determined until
/// run time.
struct VecTraitsTagSizeVariable { };
namespace internal {
template<vtkm::IdComponent numComponents>
struct VecTraitsMultipleComponentChooser
typedef VecTraitsTagMultipleComponents Type;
struct VecTraitsMultipleComponentChooser<1>
typedef VecTraitsTagSingleComponent Type;
} // namespace detail
/// The VecTraits class gives several static members that define how
/// to use a given type as a vector.
template<class VecType>
struct VecTraits
/// Type of the components in the vector.
typedef typename VecType::ComponentType ComponentType;
/// \brief Number of components in the vector.
/// This is only defined for vectors of a static size.
static const vtkm::IdComponent NUM_COMPONENTS = VecType::NUM_COMPONENTS;
/// Number of components in the given vector.
static vtkm::IdComponent GetNumberOfComponents(const VecType &vec);
/// \brief A tag specifying whether this vector has multiple components (i.e. is a "real" vector).
/// This tag can be useful for creating specialized functions when a vector
/// is really just a scalar.
typedef typename internal::VecTraitsMultipleComponentChooser<
NUM_COMPONENTS>::Type HasMultipleComponents;
/// \brief A tag specifying whether the size of this vector is known at compile time.
/// If set to \c VecTraitsTagSizeStatic, then \c NUM_COMPONENTS is set. If
/// set to \c VecTraitsTagSizeVariable, then the number of components is not
/// known at compile time and must be queried with \c GetNumberOfComponents.
typedef vtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeStatic IsSizeStatic;
/// Returns the value in a given component of the vector.
VTKM_EXEC_CONT_EXPORT static const ComponentType &GetComponent(
const typename boost::remove_const<VecType>::type &vector,
vtkm::IdComponent component);
VTKM_EXEC_CONT_EXPORT static ComponentType &GetComponent(
typename boost::remove_const<VecType>::type &vector,
vtkm::IdComponent component);
/// Changes the value in a given component of the vector.
VTKM_EXEC_CONT_EXPORT static void SetComponent(VecType &vector,
vtkm::IdComponent component,
ComponentType value);
/// Copies the components in the given vector into a given Vec object.
template<vktm::IdComponent destSize>
static void
CopyInto(const VecType &src, vtkm::Vec<ComponentType,destSize> &dest);
// This partial specialization allows you to define a non-const version of
// VecTraits and have it still work for const version.
template<typename T>
struct VecTraits<const T> : VecTraits<T>
{ };
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
struct VecTraits<vtkm::Vec<T,Size> >
typedef vtkm::Vec<T,Size> VecType;
/// Type of the components in the vector.
typedef typename VecType::ComponentType ComponentType;
/// Number of components in the vector.
static const vtkm::IdComponent NUM_COMPONENTS = VecType::NUM_COMPONENTS;
/// Number of components in the given vector.
static vtkm::IdComponent GetNumberOfComponents(const VecType &) {
/// A tag specifying whether this vector has multiple components (i.e. is a
/// "real" vector). This tag can be useful for creating specialized functions
/// when a vector is really just a scalar.
typedef typename internal::VecTraitsMultipleComponentChooser<
NUM_COMPONENTS>::Type HasMultipleComponents;
/// A tag specifying whether the size of this vector is known at compile
/// time. If set to \c VecTraitsTagSizeStatic, then \c NUM_COMPONENTS is set.
/// If set to \c VecTraitsTagSizeVariable, then the number of components is
/// not known at compile time and must be queried with \c
/// GetNumberOfComponents.
typedef vtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeStatic IsSizeStatic;
/// Returns the value in a given component of the vector.
static const ComponentType &GetComponent(const VecType &vector,
vtkm::IdComponent component)
return vector[component];
static ComponentType &GetComponent(VecType &vector, vtkm::IdComponent component) {
return vector[component];
/// Changes the value in a given component of the vector.
VTKM_EXEC_CONT_EXPORT static void SetComponent(VecType &vector,
vtkm::IdComponent component,
ComponentType value) {
vector[component] = value;
/// Converts whatever type this vector is into the standard VTKm Tuple.
template<vtkm::IdComponent destSize>
static void
CopyInto(const VecType &src, vtkm::Vec<ComponentType,destSize> &dest)
namespace internal {
/// Used for overriding VecTraits for basic scalar types.
template<typename ScalarType>
struct VecTraitsBasic {
typedef ScalarType ComponentType;
static const vtkm::IdComponent NUM_COMPONENTS = 1;
typedef VecTraitsTagSingleComponent HasMultipleComponents;
typedef vtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeStatic IsSizeStatic;
static vtkm::IdComponent GetNumberOfComponents(const ScalarType &) {
return 1;
VTKM_EXEC_CONT_EXPORT static const ComponentType &GetComponent(
const ScalarType &vector,
vtkm::IdComponent) {
return vector;
static ComponentType &GetComponent(ScalarType &vector, vtkm::IdComponent) {
return vector;
VTKM_EXEC_CONT_EXPORT static void SetComponent(ScalarType &vector,
ComponentType value) {
vector = value;
template<vtkm::IdComponent destSize>
static void CopyInto(const ScalarType &src,
vtkm::Vec<ScalarType,destSize> &dest)
dest[0] = src;
} // namespace internal
/// \brief VecTraits for Pair types
/// Although a pair woudl seem better as a size-2 vector, we treat it as a
/// scalar. This is because a \c Vec is assumed to have the same type for
/// every component, and a pair in general has a different type for each
/// component. Thus we treat a pair as a "scalar" unit.
template<typename T, typename U>
struct VecTraits<vtkm::Pair<T,U> >
: public vtkm::internal::VecTraitsBasic<vtkm::Pair<T, U> >
} // anonymous namespace
#define VTKM_BASIC_TYPE_VECTOR(type) \
namespace vtkm { \
template<> \
struct VecTraits<type> \
: public vtkm::internal::VecTraitsBasic<type> { }; \
/// Allows you to treat basic types as if they were vectors.
#endif //vtk_m_VecTraits_h