Robert Maynard c3f85ef13c Prefixed CACHE_LINE_SIZE and PAGE_SIZE constexpr variables
Those two names sometimes are used by macros from other libraries
and therefore break VTK-m.
2019-12-04 14:32:51 -05:00

480 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#include <vtkm/cont/openmp/internal/DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/openmp/internal/FunctorsOpenMP.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/internal/FunctorsGeneral.h>
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandle.h>
#include <omp.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
namespace openmp
namespace scan
enum class ChildType
// Generic implementation of modified Ladner & Fischer 1977 "adder" algorithm
// used for backbone of exclusive/inclusive scans. Language in comments is
// specific to computing a sum, but the implementation should be generic enough
// for any scan operation.
// The basic idea is that a tree structure is used to partition the input into
// sets of LeafSize. Each leaf of the tree is processed in two stages: First,
// the sum of each leaf is computed, and this information is pushed up the tree
// to compute the sum of each node's child leaves. Then the partial sum at the
// start of each node is computed and pushed down the tree (the "carry"
// values). In the second pass through each leaf's data, these partial sums are
// used to compute the final output from the carry value and the input data.
// The passes will likely overlap due to the "leftEdge" optimizations, which
// allow each leaf to start the second pass as soon as the first pass of all
// previous leaves is completed. Additionally, the first leaf in the data will
// combine both passes into one, computing the final output data while
// generating its sum for the communication stage.
template <typename ScanBody>
struct Adder : public ScanBody
template <typename NodeImpl>
struct NodeWrapper : public NodeImpl
// Range of IDs this node represents
vtkm::Id2 Range{ -1, -1 };
// Connections:
NodeWrapper* Parent{ nullptr };
NodeWrapper* Left{ nullptr };
NodeWrapper* Right{ nullptr };
// Special flag to mark nodes on the far left edge of the tree. This allows
// various optimization that start the second pass sooner on some ranges.
bool LeftEdge{ false };
// Pad the node out to the size of a cache line to prevent false sharing:
static constexpr size_t DataSize =
sizeof(NodeImpl) + sizeof(vtkm::Id2) + 3 * sizeof(NodeWrapper*) + sizeof(bool);
static constexpr size_t NumCacheLines = CeilDivide<size_t>(DataSize, VTKM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
static constexpr size_t PaddingSize = NumCacheLines * VTKM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - DataSize;
unsigned char Padding[PaddingSize];
using Node = NodeWrapper<typename ScanBody::Node>;
using ValueType = typename ScanBody::ValueType;
vtkm::Id LeafSize;
std::vector<Node> Nodes;
size_t NextNode;
// Use ScanBody's ctor:
using ScanBody::ScanBody;
// Returns the total array sum:
ValueType Execute(const vtkm::Id2& range)
Node* rootNode = nullptr;
VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE(parallel default(shared))
// Allocate nodes, prep metadata:
// Compute the partition and node sums:
rootNode = this->AllocNode();
rootNode->Range = range;
rootNode->LeftEdge = true;
} // end single
} // end parallel
return rootNode ? ScanBody::GetFinalResult(rootNode)
: vtkm::TypeTraits<ValueType>::ZeroInitialization();
// Returns the next available node in a thread-safe manner.
Node* AllocNode()
size_t nodeIdx;
// GCC emits a false positive "value computed but not used" for this block:
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-value"
nodeIdx = this->NextNode;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
VTKM_ASSERT(nodeIdx < this->Nodes.size());
return &this->Nodes[nodeIdx];
// Does the range represent a leave node?
bool IsLeaf(const vtkm::Id2& range) const { return (range[1] - range[0]) <= this->LeafSize; }
// Use to split ranges. Ensures that the first range is always a multiple of
// LeafSize, when possible.
vtkm::Id ComputeMidpoint(const vtkm::Id2& range) const
const vtkm::Id n = range[1] - range[0];
const vtkm::Id np = this->LeafSize;
return (((n / 2) + (np - 1)) / np) * np + range[0];
void Prepare(const vtkm::Id2& range)
// Figure out how many values each thread should handle:
vtkm::Id numVals = range[1] - range[0];
int numThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
vtkm::Id chunksPerThread = 8;
vtkm::Id numChunks;
numVals, numThreads, chunksPerThread, sizeof(ValueType), numChunks, this->LeafSize);
// Compute an upper-bound of the number of nodes in the tree:
std::size_t numNodes = static_cast<std::size_t>(numChunks);
while (numChunks > 1)
numChunks = (numChunks + 1) / 2;
numNodes += static_cast<std::size_t>(numChunks);
this->NextNode = 0;
// Build the tree and compute the sums:
void Scan(Node* node)
if (!this->IsLeaf(node->Range))
{ // split range:
vtkm::Id midpoint = this->ComputeMidpoint(node->Range);
Node* right = this->AllocNode();
right->Parent = node;
node->Right = right;
right->Range = vtkm::Id2(midpoint, node->Range[1]);
ScanBody::InitializeChildNode(right, node, ChildType::Right, false);
// Intel compilers seem to have trouble following the 'this' pointer
// when launching tasks, resulting in a corrupt task environment.
// Explicitly copying the pointer into a local variable seems to fix this.
auto explicitThis = this;
VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE(task) { explicitThis->Scan(right); } // end right task
Node* left = this->AllocNode();
left->Parent = node;
node->Left = left;
left->Range = vtkm::Id2(node->Range[0], midpoint);
left->LeftEdge = node->LeftEdge;
ScanBody::InitializeChildNode(left, node, ChildType::Left, left->LeftEdge);
} // end task group. Both l/r sums will be finished here.
ScanBody::CombineSummaries(node, node->Left, node->Right);
if (node->LeftEdge)
{ // Compute sums:
ScanBody::ComputeSummary(node, node->Range, node->LeftEdge);
void UpdateOutput(Node* node)
if (node->Left != nullptr)
assert(node->Right != nullptr);
ScanBody::PropagateSummaries(node, node->Left, node->Right, node->LeftEdge);
// if this node is on the left edge, we know that the left child's
// output is already updated, so only descend to the right:
if (node->LeftEdge)
else // Otherwise descent into both:
// Intel compilers seem to have trouble following the 'this' pointer
// when launching tasks, resulting in a corrupt task environment.
// Explicitly copying the pointer into a local variable seems to fix
// this.
auto explicitThis = this;
// no taskgroup/sync needed other than the final barrier of the parallel
// section.
VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE(task) { explicitThis->UpdateOutput(node->Right); } // end task
ScanBody::UpdateOutput(node, node->Range, node->LeftEdge);
template <typename InPortalT, typename OutPortalT, typename RawFunctorT>
struct ScanExclusiveBody
using ValueType = typename InPortalT::ValueType;
using FunctorType = internal::WrappedBinaryOperator<ValueType, RawFunctorT>;
InPortalT InPortal;
OutPortalT OutPortal;
FunctorType Functor;
ValueType InitialValue;
struct Node
// Sum of all values in range
ValueType Sum{ vtkm::TypeTraits<ValueType>::ZeroInitialization() };
// The sum of all elements prior to this node's range
ValueType Carry{ vtkm::TypeTraits<ValueType>::ZeroInitialization() };
ScanExclusiveBody(const InPortalT& inPortal,
const OutPortalT& outPortal,
const RawFunctorT& functor,
const ValueType& init)
: InPortal(inPortal)
, OutPortal(outPortal)
, Functor(functor)
, InitialValue(init)
// Initialize the root of the node tree
void InitializeRootNode(Node* /*root*/) {}
void InitializeChildNode(Node* /*node*/,
const Node* /*parent*/,
ChildType /*type*/,
bool /*leftEdge*/)
void ComputeSummary(Node* node, const vtkm::Id2& range, bool leftEdge)
auto input = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(this->InPortal);
node->Sum = input[range[0]];
// If this block is on the left edge, we can update the output while we
// compute the sum:
if (leftEdge)
// Set leftEdge arg to false to force the update:
node->Sum = UpdateOutputImpl(node, range, false, true);
else // Otherwise, only compute the sum and update the output in pass 2.
for (vtkm::Id i = range[0] + 1; i < range[1]; ++i)
node->Sum = this->Functor(node->Sum, input[i]);
void CombineSummaries(Node* parent, const Node* left, const Node* right)
parent->Sum = this->Functor(left->Sum, right->Sum);
void PropagateSummaries(const Node* parent, Node* left, Node* right, bool leftEdge)
left->Carry = parent->Carry;
right->Carry = leftEdge ? left->Sum : this->Functor(parent->Carry, left->Sum);
void UpdateOutput(const Node* node, const vtkm::Id2& range, bool leftEdge)
this->UpdateOutputImpl(node, range, leftEdge, false);
ValueType UpdateOutputImpl(const Node* node, const vtkm::Id2& range, bool skip, bool useInit)
if (skip)
// Do nothing; this was already done in ComputeSummary.
return vtkm::TypeTraits<ValueType>::ZeroInitialization();
auto input = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(this->InPortal);
auto output = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(this->OutPortal);
// Be careful with the order input/output are modified. They might be
// pointing at the same data:
ValueType carry = useInit ? this->InitialValue : node->Carry;
vtkm::Id end = range[1];
for (vtkm::Id i = range[0]; i < end; ++i)
output[i] = this->Functor(carry, input[i]);
using std::swap; // Enable ADL
swap(output[i], carry);
return carry;
// Compute the final sum from the node's metadata:
ValueType GetFinalResult(const Node* node) const { return this->Functor(node->Sum, node->Carry); }
template <typename InPortalT, typename OutPortalT, typename RawFunctorT>
struct ScanInclusiveBody
using ValueType = typename InPortalT::ValueType;
using FunctorType = internal::WrappedBinaryOperator<ValueType, RawFunctorT>;
InPortalT InPortal;
OutPortalT OutPortal;
FunctorType Functor;
struct Node
// Sum of all values in range
ValueType Sum{ vtkm::TypeTraits<ValueType>::ZeroInitialization() };
// The sum of all elements prior to this node's range
ValueType Carry{ vtkm::TypeTraits<ValueType>::ZeroInitialization() };
ScanInclusiveBody(const InPortalT& inPortal,
const OutPortalT& outPortal,
const RawFunctorT& functor)
: InPortal(inPortal)
, OutPortal(outPortal)
, Functor(functor)
// Initialize the root of the node tree
void InitializeRootNode(Node*)
// no-op
void InitializeChildNode(Node*, const Node*, ChildType, bool)
// no-op
void ComputeSummary(Node* node, const vtkm::Id2& range, bool leftEdge)
// If this block is on the left edge, we can update the output while we
// compute the sum:
if (leftEdge)
node->Sum = UpdateOutputImpl(node, range, false, false);
else // Otherwise, only compute the sum and update the output in pass 2.
auto input = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(this->InPortal);
node->Sum = input[range[0]];
for (vtkm::Id i = range[0] + 1; i < range[1]; ++i)
node->Sum = this->Functor(node->Sum, input[i]);
void CombineSummaries(Node* parent, const Node* left, const Node* right)
parent->Sum = this->Functor(left->Sum, right->Sum);
void PropagateSummaries(const Node* parent, Node* left, Node* right, bool leftEdge)
left->Carry = parent->Carry;
right->Carry = leftEdge ? left->Sum : this->Functor(parent->Carry, left->Sum);
void UpdateOutput(const Node* node, const vtkm::Id2& range, bool leftEdge)
UpdateOutputImpl(node, range, leftEdge, true);
ValueType UpdateOutputImpl(const Node* node, const vtkm::Id2& range, bool skip, bool useCarry)
if (skip)
// Do nothing; this was already done in ComputeSummary.
return vtkm::TypeTraits<ValueType>::ZeroInitialization();
auto input = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(this->InPortal);
auto output = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(this->OutPortal);
vtkm::Id start = range[0];
vtkm::Id end = range[1];
ValueType carry = node->Carry;
// Initialize with the first value if this is the first range:
if (!useCarry && start < end)
carry = input[start];
output[start] = carry;
for (vtkm::Id i = start; i < end; ++i)
output[i] = this->Functor(carry, input[i]);
carry = output[i];
return output[end - 1];
// Compute the final sum from the node's metadata:
ValueType GetFinalResult(const Node* node) const { return node->Sum; }
} // end namespace scan
template <typename InPortalT, typename OutPortalT, typename FunctorT>
using ScanExclusiveHelper = scan::Adder<scan::ScanExclusiveBody<InPortalT, OutPortalT, FunctorT>>;
template <typename InPortalT, typename OutPortalT, typename FunctorT>
using ScanInclusiveHelper = scan::Adder<scan::ScanInclusiveBody<InPortalT, OutPortalT, FunctorT>>;
} // end namespace vtkm::cont::openmp