Kenneth Moreland b2e20bf90e Fix issues from removing field type templates
The script fixed up most of the issues. However, there were some
instances that the script was not able to pick up on. There were
also some instances that still needed a means to select types.
2019-01-11 12:23:19 -07:00

441 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2015 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2015 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2015 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_DynamicCellSet_h
#define vtk_m_cont_DynamicCellSet_h
#include <vtkm/cont/CellSet.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/CellSetListTag.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ErrorBadValue.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/Logging.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/internal/DynamicTransform.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/internal/SimplePolymorphicContainer.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
// Forward declaration.
template <typename CellSetList>
class DynamicCellSetBase;
namespace detail
// One instance of a template class cannot access the private members of
// another instance of a template class. However, I want to be able to copy
// construct a DynamicCellSet from another DynamicCellSet of any other type.
// Since you cannot partially specialize friendship, use this accessor class to
// get at the internals for the copy constructor.
struct DynamicCellSetCopyHelper
template <typename CellSetList>
VTKM_CONT static const std::shared_ptr<vtkm::cont::internal::SimplePolymorphicContainerBase>&
GetCellSetContainer(const vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList>& src)
return src.CellSetContainer;
// A simple function to downcast a CellSet encapsulated in a
// SimplePolymorphicContainerBase to the given subclass of CellSet. If the
// conversion cannot be done, nullptr is returned.
template <typename CellSetType>
VTKM_CONT CellSetType* DynamicCellSetTryCast(
vtkm::cont::internal::SimplePolymorphicContainerBase* cellSetContainer)
vtkm::cont::internal::SimplePolymorphicContainer<CellSetType>* downcastContainer =
if (downcastContainer != nullptr)
return &downcastContainer->Item;
return nullptr;
template <typename CellSetType>
VTKM_CONT CellSetType* DynamicCellSetTryCast(
const std::shared_ptr<vtkm::cont::internal::SimplePolymorphicContainerBase>& cellSetContainer)
return detail::DynamicCellSetTryCast<CellSetType>(cellSetContainer.get());
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Holds a cell set without having to specify concrete type.
/// \c DynamicCellSet holds a \c CellSet object using runtime polymorphism to
/// manage different subclass types and template parameters of the subclasses
/// rather than compile-time templates. This adds a programming convenience
/// that helps avoid a proliferation of templates. It also provides the
/// management necessary to interface VTK-m with data sources where types will
/// not be known until runtime.
/// To interface between the runtime polymorphism and the templated algorithms
/// in VTK-m, \c DynamicCellSet contains a method named \c CastAndCall that
/// will determine the correct type from some known list of cell set types.
/// This mechanism is used internally by VTK-m's worklet invocation mechanism
/// to determine the type when running algorithms.
/// By default, \c DynamicCellSet will assume that the value type in the array
/// matches one of the types specified by \c VTKM_DEFAULT_CELL_SET_LIST_TAG.
/// This list can be changed by using the \c ResetCellSetList method. It is
/// worthwhile to match these lists closely to the possible types that might be
/// used. If a type is missing you will get a runtime error. If there are more
/// types than necessary, then the template mechanism will create a lot of
/// object code that is never used, and keep in mind that the number of
/// combinations grows exponentially when using multiple \c Dynamic* objects.
/// The actual implementation of \c DynamicCellSet is in a templated class
/// named \c DynamicCellSetBase, which is templated on the list of cell set
/// types. \c DynamicCellSet is really just a typedef of \c DynamicCellSetBase
/// with the default cell set list.
template <typename CellSetList>
class VTKM_ALWAYS_EXPORT DynamicCellSetBase
DynamicCellSetBase() {}
template <typename CellSetType>
VTKM_CONT DynamicCellSetBase(const CellSetType& cellSet)
: CellSetContainer(new vtkm::cont::internal::SimplePolymorphicContainer<CellSetType>(cellSet))
DynamicCellSetBase(const DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList>& src)
: CellSetContainer(src.CellSetContainer)
template <typename OtherCellSetList>
VTKM_CONT explicit DynamicCellSetBase(const DynamicCellSetBase<OtherCellSetList>& src)
: CellSetContainer(detail::DynamicCellSetCopyHelper::GetCellSetContainer(src))
~DynamicCellSetBase() {}
vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList>& operator=(
const vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList>& src)
this->CellSetContainer = src.CellSetContainer;
return *this;
/// Returns true if this cell set is of the provided type.
template <typename CellSetType>
VTKM_CONT bool IsType() const
return (detail::DynamicCellSetTryCast<CellSetType>(this->CellSetContainer) != nullptr);
/// Returns true if this cell set is the same (or equivalent) type as the
/// object provided.
template <typename CellSetType>
VTKM_CONT bool IsSameType(const CellSetType&) const
return this->IsType<CellSetType>();
/// Returns the contained cell set as the abstract \c CellSet type.
const vtkm::cont::CellSet& CastToBase() const
return *reinterpret_cast<const vtkm::cont::CellSet*>(this->CellSetContainer->GetVoidPointer());
/// Returns this cell set cast to the given \c CellSet type. Throws \c
/// ErrorBadType if the cast does not work. Use \c IsType to check if
/// the cast can happen.
template <typename CellSetType>
VTKM_CONT CellSetType& Cast() const
CellSetType* cellSetPointer =
if (cellSetPointer == nullptr)
VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(*this, CellSetType);
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadType("Bad cast of dynamic cell set.");
VTKM_LOG_CAST_SUCC(*this, *cellSetPointer);
return *cellSetPointer;
/// Given a reference to a concrete \c CellSet object, attempt to downcast
/// the contain cell set to the provided type and copy into the given \c
/// CellSet object. Throws \c ErrorBadType if the cast does not work.
/// Use \c IsType to check if the cast can happen.
/// Note that this is a shallow copy. Any data in associated arrays are not
/// copied.
template <typename CellSetType>
VTKM_CONT void CopyTo(CellSetType& cellSet) const
cellSet = this->Cast<CellSetType>();
/// Changes the cell set types to try casting to when resolving this dynamic
/// cell set, which is specified with a list tag like those in
/// CellSetListTag.h. Since C++ does not allow you to actually change the
/// template arguments, this method returns a new dynamic cell setobject.
/// This method is particularly useful to narrow down (or expand) the types
/// when using a cell set of particular constraints.
template <typename NewCellSetList>
VTKM_CONT DynamicCellSetBase<NewCellSetList> ResetCellSetList(
NewCellSetList = NewCellSetList()) const
return DynamicCellSetBase<NewCellSetList>(*this);
/// Attempts to cast the held cell set to a specific concrete type, then call
/// the given functor with the cast cell set. The cell sets tried in the cast
/// are those in the \c CellSetList template argument of the \c
/// DynamicCellSetBase class (or \c VTKM_DEFAULT_CELL_SET_LIST_TAG for \c
/// DynamicCellSet). You can use \c ResetCellSetList to get different
/// behavior from \c CastAndCall.
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void CastAndCall(Functor&& f, Args&&...) const;
/// \brief Create a new cell set of the same type as this cell set.
/// This method creates a new cell setthat is the same type as this one and
/// returns a new dynamic cell set for it. This method is convenient when
/// creating output data sets that should be the same type as some input cell
/// set.
DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList> NewInstance() const
DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList> newCellSet;
newCellSet.CellSetContainer = this->CellSetContainer->NewInstance();
return newCellSet;
std::string GetName() const { return this->CastToBase().GetName(); }
vtkm::Id GetNumberOfCells() const { return this->CastToBase().GetNumberOfCells(); }
vtkm::Id GetNumberOfFaces() const { return this->CastToBase().GetNumberOfFaces(); }
vtkm::Id GetNumberOfEdges() const { return this->CastToBase().GetNumberOfEdges(); }
vtkm::Id GetNumberOfPoints() const { return this->CastToBase().GetNumberOfPoints(); }
void PrintSummary(std::ostream& stream) const { return this->CastToBase().PrintSummary(stream); }
std::shared_ptr<vtkm::cont::internal::SimplePolymorphicContainerBase> CellSetContainer;
friend struct detail::DynamicCellSetCopyHelper;
namespace detail
struct DynamicCellSetTry
const vtkm::cont::internal::SimplePolymorphicContainerBase* const cellSetContainer)
: Container(cellSetContainer)
template <typename CellSetType, typename Functor, typename... Args>
void operator()(CellSetType, Functor&& f, bool& called, Args&&... args) const
using downcastType = const vtkm::cont::internal::SimplePolymorphicContainer<CellSetType>* const;
if (!called)
downcastType downcastContainer = dynamic_cast<downcastType>(this->Container);
if (downcastContainer)
VTKM_LOG_CAST_SUCC(*this->Container, *downcastContainer);
f(downcastContainer->Item, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
called = true;
const vtkm::cont::internal::SimplePolymorphicContainerBase* const Container;
} // namespace detail
template <typename CellSetList>
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList>::CastAndCall(Functor&& f, Args&&... args) const
bool called = false;
detail::DynamicCellSetTry tryCellSet(this->CellSetContainer.get());
tryCellSet, CellSetList{}, std::forward<Functor>(f), called, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (!called)
VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(*this, CellSetList);
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadValue("Could not find appropriate cast for cell set.");
using DynamicCellSet = DynamicCellSetBase<VTKM_DEFAULT_CELL_SET_LIST_TAG>;
namespace internal
template <typename CellSetList>
struct DynamicTransformTraits<vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList>>
using DynamicTag = vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTagCastAndCall;
} // namespace internal
namespace internal
/// Checks to see if the given object is a dynamic cell set. It contains a
/// typedef named \c type that is either std::true_type or std::false_type.
/// Both of these have a typedef named value with the respective boolean value.
template <typename T>
struct DynamicCellSetCheck
using type = std::false_type;
template <typename CellSetList>
struct DynamicCellSetCheck<vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList>>
using type = std::true_type;
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT(::vtkm::cont::internal::CellSetCheck<T>::type::value || \
} // namespace internal
} // namespace vtkm::cont
// Specializations of serialization related classes
namespace diy
namespace internal
struct DynamicCellSetSerializeFunctor
template <typename CellSetType>
void operator()(const CellSetType& cs, BinaryBuffer& bb) const
diy::save(bb, vtkm::cont::TypeString<CellSetType>::Get());
diy::save(bb, cs);
template <typename CellSetTypes>
struct DynamicCellSetDeserializeFunctor
template <typename CellSetType>
void operator()(CellSetType,
vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetTypes>& dh,
const std::string& typeString,
bool& success,
BinaryBuffer& bb) const
if (!success && (typeString == vtkm::cont::TypeString<CellSetType>::Get()))
CellSetType cs;
diy::load(bb, cs);
dh = vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetTypes>(cs);
success = true;
} // internal
template <typename CellSetTypes>
struct Serialization<vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetTypes>>
using Type = vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetTypes>;
static VTKM_CONT void save(BinaryBuffer& bb, const Type& obj)
obj.CastAndCall(internal::DynamicCellSetSerializeFunctor{}, bb);
static VTKM_CONT void load(BinaryBuffer& bb, Type& obj)
std::string typeString;
diy::load(bb, typeString);
bool success = false;
if (!success)
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadType("Error deserializing DynamicCellSet. Message TypeString: " +
} // diy
#endif //vtk_m_cont_DynamicCellSet_h