Robert Maynard d6d40c90d7 Simplify FunctionInterface
This includes removing Exec, and Cont methods that VTK-m is no longer
using. Also we simplify the used methods as much as possible.
2019-12-02 09:33:35 -05:00

286 lines
8.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
$# This file uses the pyexpander macro processing utility to build the
$# FunctionInterface facilities that use a variable number of arguments.
$# Information, documentation, and downloads for pyexpander can be found at:
$# http://pyexpander.sourceforge.net/
$# To build the source code, execute the following (after installing
$# pyexpander, of course):
$# expander.py FunctionInterfaceDetailPre.h.in > FunctionInterfaceDetailPre.h
$# Ignore the following comment. It is meant for the generated file.
// **** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!! ****
// This file is automatically generated by FunctionInterfaceDetailPre.h.in
#ifndef vtk_m_internal_FunctionInterfaceDetailPre_h
#define vtk_m_internal_FunctionInterfaceDetailPre_h
#if !defined(vtk_m_internal_FunctionInterface_h) && !defined(VTKM_TEST_HEADER_BUILD)
#error FunctionInterfaceDetailPre.h must be included from FunctionInterface.h
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/internal/IndexTag.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vtkm/internal/brigand.hpp>
#define VTKM_MAX_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS $(max_parameters)
$# Python commands used in template expansion.
def comma_if(flag):
if flag:
return ','
return '';
def ptype(num, name=""):
if num == 0:
return '%sR' % name
return '%sP%d' % (name, num)
def template_params(num_params, start=0, name=''):
if num_params < start:
return ''
result = 'typename %s' % ptype(start, name)
for param in range(start+1, num_params+1):
result += ',\n typename %s' % ptype(param, name)
return result
def signature(num_params, return_type=ptype(0), name=''):
result = '%s(' % return_type
if num_params > 0:
result += ptype(1, name)
for param in range(2, num_params+1):
result += ', %s' % ptype(param, name)
result += ')'
return result
$extend(comma_if, ptype, template_params, signature)\
namespace vtkm
namespace internal
/// This struct is used internally by FunctionInterface to store the return
/// value of a function. There is a special implementation for a return type of
/// void, which stores nothing.
template <typename T>
struct FunctionInterfaceReturnContainer
T Value;
static constexpr bool VALID = true;
template <>
struct FunctionInterfaceReturnContainer<void>
// Nothing to store for void return.
static constexpr bool VALID = false;
namespace detail
// This templated class contains the state of parameters. If you get a compiler
// error stating that this class is not specialized, that probably means that
// you are using FunctionInterface with an unsupported number of arguments.
template <typename FunctionSignature>
struct ParameterContainer;
// clang-format off
$for(num_params in range(0, max_parameters+1))\
template <$template_params(num_params)>
struct ParameterContainer<$signature(num_params)>
$for(param_index in range(1, num_params+1))\
$ptype(param_index) Parameter$(param_index);
// clang-format on
template <typename>
struct FunctionSigInfo;
template <typename R, typename... ArgTypes>
struct FunctionSigInfo<R(ArgTypes...)>
static constexpr std::size_t Arity = sizeof...(ArgTypes);
using ArityType = std::integral_constant<int, static_cast<int>(Arity)>;
using ResultType = R;
using Components = brigand::list<R, ArgTypes...>;
using Parameters = brigand::list<ArgTypes...>;
template <int, typename>
struct AtType;
template <int Index, typename R, typename... ArgTypes>
struct AtType<Index, R(ArgTypes...)>
using type = brigand::at_c<brigand::list<R, ArgTypes...>, Index>;
template <typename Collection, typename NewType>
struct AppendType;
template <template <typename...> class L, typename T, typename NT, typename... U>
struct AppendType<L<T, U...>, NT>
using type = T(U..., NT);
template <typename Collection>
struct AsSigType;
template <template <typename...> class L, typename T, typename... U>
struct AsSigType<L<T, U...>>
using type = T(U...);
template <typename Components, vtkm::IdComponent ParameterIndex, typename NewType>
class ReplaceType
using Index = std::integral_constant<std::size_t, (std::size_t)ParameterIndex>;
using split = brigand::split_at<Components, Index>;
using front = brigand::push_back<brigand::front<split>, NewType>;
using back = brigand::pop_front<brigand::back<split>>;
using replaced = brigand::append<front, back>;
using type = typename AsSigType<replaced>::type;
template <int ParameterIndex>
struct ParameterContainerAccess;
$for(param_index in range(1, max_parameters+1))\
template <>
struct ParameterContainerAccess<$(param_index)>
template <typename FunctionSignature>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT const typename AtType<$(param_index), FunctionSignature>::type& Get(
const ParameterContainer<FunctionSignature>& parameters)
return parameters.Parameter$(param_index);
template <typename FunctionSignature>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT void Set(ParameterContainer<FunctionSignature>& parameters,
const typename AtType<$(param_index), FunctionSignature>::type& value)
parameters.Parameter$(param_index) = value;
template <typename FunctionSignatureDest, typename FunctionSignatureSrc>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT void Move(ParameterContainer<FunctionSignatureDest>& dest,
const ParameterContainer<FunctionSignatureSrc>& src)
dest.Parameter$(param_index) = std::move(src.Parameter$(param_index));
template <vtkm::IdComponent NumToCopy>
struct CopyAllParameters;
$for(num_params in range(1, max_parameters+1))\
template <>
struct CopyAllParameters<$(num_params)>
template <typename DestSignature, typename SrcSignature>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT void Copy(vtkm::internal::detail::ParameterContainer<DestSignature>& dest,
const vtkm::internal::detail::ParameterContainer<SrcSignature>& src)
$for(param_index in range(1, num_params+1))\
dest.Parameter$(param_index) = src.Parameter$(param_index);
template <>
struct CopyAllParameters<0>
template <typename DestSignature, typename SrcSignature>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT void Copy(vtkm::internal::detail::ParameterContainer<DestSignature>&,
const vtkm::internal::detail::ParameterContainer<SrcSignature>&)
// Nothing to copy.
template <typename OriginalSignature, typename Transform>
struct FunctionInterfaceStaticTransformType;
// clang-format off
$for(num_params in range(0, max_parameters))\
$for(environment in ['Cont'])\
template <typename Transform,
VTKM_$(environment.upper()) void DoStaticTransform$(environment)(
const Transform& transform,
ParameterContainer<$signature(num_params,ptype(0,'Original'),'Original')>& originalParameters,
ParameterContainer<$signature(num_params,ptype(0,'Transformed'),'Transformed')>& transformedParameters)
$if(num_params < 1)\
transformedParameters = {
$for(param_index in range(1, num_params+1))\
transform(originalParameters.Parameter$(param_index), vtkm::internal::IndexTag<$(param_index)>())$comma_if(param_index<num_params)
// clang-format on
} // namespace detail
} // namespace vtkm::internal
#endif //vtk_m_internal_FunctionInterfaceDetailPre_h