Kenneth Moreland 05f144eb19 Allow ArrayHandle to have a runtime selectable number of buffers
Previously, the number of buffers held by an `ArrayHandle` had to be
determined statically at compile time by the storage. Most of the time
this is fine. However, there are some exceptions where the number of
buffers need to be selected at runtime. For example, the
`ArrayHandleRecombineVec` does not specify the number of components it
uses, and it needed a hack where it stored buffers in the metadata of
another buffer, which is bad.

This change allows the number of buffers to vary at runtime (at least at
construction). The buffers were already managed in a `std::vector`. It
now no longer forces the vector to be a specific size.
`GetNumberOfBuffers` was removed from the `Storage`. Instead, if the
number of buffers was not specified at construction, an allocation of
size 0 is done to create default buffers.

The biggest change is to the interface of the storage object methods,
which now take `std::vector` instead of pointers to `Buffer` objects.
This adds a little hastle in having to copy subsets of this `vector`
when a storage object has multiple sub-arrays. But it does simplify some
of the templating.
2022-07-11 07:48:25 -06:00

1439 lines
56 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_internal_ArrayHandleDeprecated_h
#define vtk_m_cont_internal_ArrayHandleDeprecated_h
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/internal/ArrayHandleExecutionManager.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/internal/StorageDeprecated.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
namespace internal
/// The `ArrayHandle` implementation was recently significantly changed.
/// Implementations still using the old style should use this version.
/// These implementations should be deprecated.
template <typename T, typename StorageTag_>
class VTKM_ALWAYS_EXPORT ArrayHandleDeprecated : public internal::ArrayHandleBase
// Basic storage is specialized; this template should not be instantiated
// for it. Specialization is in ArrayHandleBasicImpl.h
static_assert(!std::is_same<StorageTag_, StorageTagBasic>::value,
"StorageTagBasic should not use this implementation.");
using ExecutionManagerType =
vtkm::cont::internal::ArrayHandleExecutionManagerBase<T, StorageTag_>;
using MutexType = std::mutex;
using LockType = std::unique_lock<MutexType>;
mutable vtkm::cont::internal::Buffer BufferAsStorageWrapper;
struct PrepareForInputFunctor;
struct PrepareForOutputFunctor;
struct PrepareForInPlaceFunctor;
using StorageType = vtkm::cont::internal::Storage<T, StorageTag_>;
using ValueType = T;
using StorageTag = StorageTag_;
using WritePortalType = typename StorageType::PortalType;
using ReadPortalType = typename StorageType::PortalConstType;
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
struct ExecutionTypes
using Portal = typename ExecutionManagerType::template ExecutionTypes<DeviceAdapterTag>::Portal;
using PortalConst =
typename ExecutionManagerType::template ExecutionTypes<DeviceAdapterTag>::PortalConst;
using PortalControl VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "Use ArrayHandle::WritePortalType instead.") =
typename StorageType::PortalType;
using PortalConstControl VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "Use ArrayHandle::ReadPortalType instead.") =
typename StorageType::PortalConstType;
// Handle the fact that the ArrayHandle design has changed.
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG((std::is_same<typename StorageType::HasOldBridge, std::true_type>::value),
"ArrayHandle design has changed. To support old-style arrays, have the "
"Storage implementation declare VTKM_STORAGE_OLD_STYLE at the bottom "
"of its implementation.");
VTKM_CONT static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent GetNumberOfBuffers() { return 1; }
VTKM_CONT std::vector<vtkm::cont::internal::Buffer> GetBuffers() const
return std::vector<vtkm::cont::internal::Buffer>(1, this->BufferAsStorageWrapper);
VTKM_CONT ArrayHandleDeprecated(const vtkm::cont::internal::Buffer* buffers)
*this = buffers[0].GetMetaData<ArrayHandleDeprecated>();
/// Constructs an empty ArrayHandleDeprecated. Typically used for output or
/// intermediate arrays that will be filled by a VTKm algorithm.
VTKM_CONT ArrayHandleDeprecated();
/// Copy constructor.
/// Implemented so that it is defined exclusively in the control environment.
/// If there is a separate device for the execution environment (for example,
/// with CUDA), then the automatically generated copy constructor could be
/// created for all devices, and it would not be valid for all devices.
ArrayHandleDeprecated(const ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType, StorageTag>& src);
/// Move constructor.
/// Implemented so that it is defined exclusively in the control environment.
/// If there is a separate device for the execution environment (for example,
/// with CUDA), then the automatically generated move constructor could be
/// created for all devices, and it would not be valid for all devices.
ArrayHandleDeprecated(ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType, StorageTag>&& src) noexcept;
/// Special constructor for subclass specializations that need to set the
/// initial state of the control array. When this constructor is used, it
/// is assumed that the control array is valid.
ArrayHandleDeprecated(const StorageType& storage);
/// Special constructor for subclass specializations that need to set the
/// initial state of the control array. When this constructor is used, it
/// is assumed that the control array is valid.
ArrayHandleDeprecated(StorageType&& storage) noexcept;
/// Destructs an empty ArrayHandleDeprecated.
/// Implemented so that it is defined exclusively in the control environment.
/// If there is a separate device for the execution environment (for example,
/// with CUDA), then the automatically generated destructor could be
/// created for all devices, and it would not be valid for all devices.
/// \brief Copies an ArrayHandleDeprecated
ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType, StorageTag>& operator=(
const ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType, StorageTag>& src);
/// \brief Move and Assignment of an ArrayHandleDeprecated
ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType, StorageTag>& operator=(
ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType, StorageTag>&& src) noexcept;
/// Like a pointer, two \c ArrayHandles are considered equal if they point
/// to the same location in memory.
bool operator==(const ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType, StorageTag>& rhs) const
return (this->Internals == rhs.Internals);
bool operator!=(const ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType, StorageTag>& rhs) const
return (this->Internals != rhs.Internals);
VTKM_CONT bool operator==(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<ValueType, StorageTag>& rhs) const
return *this == static_cast<ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType, StorageTag>>(rhs);
VTKM_CONT bool operator!=(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<ValueType, StorageTag>& rhs) const
return *this != static_cast<ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType, StorageTag>>(rhs);
template <typename VT, typename ST>
VTKM_CONT bool operator==(const ArrayHandleDeprecated<VT, ST>&) const
return false; // different valuetype and/or storage
template <typename VT, typename ST>
VTKM_CONT bool operator!=(const ArrayHandleDeprecated<VT, ST>&) const
return true; // different valuetype and/or storage
template <typename VT, typename ST>
VTKM_CONT bool operator==(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<VT, ST>&) const
return false; // different storage
template <typename VT, typename ST>
VTKM_CONT bool operator!=(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<VT, ST>&) const
return false; // different storage
/// Get the storage.
VTKM_CONT StorageType& GetStorage();
/// Get the storage.
VTKM_CONT const StorageType& GetStorage() const;
/// Get the array portal of the control array.
/// Since worklet invocations are asynchronous and this routine is a synchronization point,
/// exceptions maybe thrown for errors from previously executed worklets.
/// \deprecated Use `WritePortal` instead. Note that the portal returned from `WritePortal`
/// will disallow any other reads or writes to the array while it is in scope.
"Use ArrayHandle::WritePortal() instead. "
"Note that the returned portal will lock the array while it is in scope.")
/// \cond NOPE
typename StorageType::PortalType GetPortalControl();
/// \endcond
/// Get the array portal of the control array.
/// Since worklet invocations are asynchronous and this routine is a synchronization point,
/// exceptions maybe thrown for errors from previously executed worklets.
/// \deprecated Use `ReadPortal` instead. Note that the portal returned from `ReadPortal`
/// will disallow any writes to the array while it is in scope.
"Use ArrayHandle::ReadPortal() instead. "
"Note that the returned portal will lock the array while it is in scope.")
/// \cond NOPE
typename StorageType::PortalConstType GetPortalConstControl() const;
/// \endcond
/// \@{
/// \brief Get an array portal that can be used in the control environment.
/// The returned array can be used in the control environment to read values from the array. (It
/// is not possible to write to the returned portal. That is `Get` will work on the portal, but
/// `Set` will not.)
/// **Note:** The returned portal cannot be used in the execution environment. This is because
/// the portal will not work on some devices like GPUs. To get a portal that will work in the
/// execution environment, use `PrepareForInput`.
VTKM_CONT ReadPortalType ReadPortal() const;
/// \@}
/// \@{
/// \brief Get an array portal that can be used in the control environment.
/// The returned array can be used in the control environment to reand and write values to the
/// array.
/// **Note:** The returned portal cannot be used in the execution environment. This is because
/// the portal will not work on some devices like GPUs. To get a portal that will work in the
/// execution environment, use `PrepareForInput`.
VTKM_CONT WritePortalType WritePortal() const;
/// \@}
/// Returns the number of entries in the array.
VTKM_CONT vtkm::Id GetNumberOfValues() const
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
return this->GetNumberOfValues(lock);
/// \brief Allocates an array large enough to hold the given number of values.
/// The allocation may be done on an already existing array, but can wipe out
/// any data already in the array. This method can throw
/// ErrorBadAllocation if the array cannot be allocated or
/// ErrorBadValue if the allocation is not feasible (for example, the
/// array storage is read-only).
void Allocate(vtkm::Id numberOfValues)
vtkm::cont::Token token;
this->Allocate(numberOfValues, token);
VTKM_CONT void Allocate(vtkm::Id numberOfValues, vtkm::cont::Token& token)
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->WaitToWrite(lock, token);
this->ReleaseResourcesExecutionInternal(lock, token);
// Set to false and then to true to ensure anything pointing to an array before the allocate
// is invalidated.
this->Internals->SetControlArrayValid(lock, false);
this->Internals->SetControlArrayValid(lock, true);
/// \brief Reduces the size of the array without changing its values.
/// This method allows you to resize the array without reallocating it. The
/// number of entries in the array is changed to \c numberOfValues. The data
/// in the array (from indices 0 to \c numberOfValues - 1) are the same, but
/// \c numberOfValues must be equal or less than the preexisting size
/// (returned from GetNumberOfValues). That is, this method can only be used
/// to shorten the array, not lengthen.
VTKM_CONT void Shrink(vtkm::Id numberOfValues)
vtkm::cont::Token token;
this->Shrink(numberOfValues, token);
VTKM_CONT void Shrink(vtkm::Id numberOfValues, vtkm::cont::Token& token);
/// Releases any resources being used in the execution environment (that are
/// not being shared by the control environment).
VTKM_CONT void ReleaseResourcesExecution()
// A Token should not be declared within the scope of a lock. when the token goes out of scope
// it will attempt to aquire the lock, which is undefined behavior of the thread already has
// the lock.
vtkm::cont::Token token;
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->WaitToWrite(lock, token);
// Save any data in the execution environment by making sure it is synced
// with the control environment.
this->SyncControlArray(lock, token);
this->ReleaseResourcesExecutionInternal(lock, token);
/// Releases all resources in both the control and execution environments.
VTKM_CONT void ReleaseResources()
// A Token should not be declared within the scope of a lock. when the token goes out of scope
// it will attempt to aquire the lock, which is undefined behavior of the thread already has
// the lock.
vtkm::cont::Token token;
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->ReleaseResourcesExecutionInternal(lock, token);
if (this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock))
this->Internals->SetControlArrayValid(lock, false);
/// Prepares this array to be used as an input to an operation in the
/// execution environment. If necessary, copies data to the execution
/// environment. Can throw an exception if this array does not yet contain
/// any data. Returns a portal that can be used in code running in the
/// execution environment.
/// The `Token` object provided will be attached to this `ArrayHandle`.
/// The returned portal is guaranteed to be valid while the `Token` is
/// still attached and in scope. Other operations on this `ArrayHandle`
/// that would invalidate the returned portal will block until the `Token`
/// is released. Likewise, this method will block if another `Token` is
/// already attached. This can potentially lead to deadlocks.
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
VTKM_CONT ReadPortalType PrepareForInput(DeviceAdapterTag, vtkm::cont::Token& token) const;
VTKM_CONT ReadPortalType PrepareForInput(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device,
vtkm::cont::Token& token) const;
/// Prepares (allocates) this array to be used as an output from an operation
/// in the execution environment. The internal state of this class is set to
/// have valid data in the execution array with the assumption that the array
/// will be filled soon (i.e. before any other methods of this object are
/// called). Returns a portal that can be used in code running in the
/// execution environment.
/// The `Token` object provided will be attached to this `ArrayHandle`.
/// The returned portal is guaranteed to be valid while the `Token` is
/// still attached and in scope. Other operations on this `ArrayHandle`
/// that would invalidate the returned portal will block until the `Token`
/// is released. Likewise, this method will block if another `Token` is
/// already attached. This can potentially lead to deadlocks.
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
VTKM_CONT WritePortalType PrepareForOutput(vtkm::Id numberOfValues,
vtkm::cont::Token& token);
VTKM_CONT WritePortalType PrepareForOutput(vtkm::Id numberOfValues,
vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device,
vtkm::cont::Token& token);
/// Prepares this array to be used in an in-place operation (both as input
/// and output) in the execution environment. If necessary, copies data to
/// the execution environment. Can throw an exception if this array does not
/// yet contain any data. Returns a portal that can be used in code running
/// in the execution environment.
/// The `Token` object provided will be attached to this `ArrayHandle`.
/// The returned portal is guaranteed to be valid while the `Token` is
/// still attached and in scope. Other operations on this `ArrayHandle`
/// that would invalidate the returned portal will block until the `Token`
/// is released. Likewise, this method will block if another `Token` is
/// already attached. This can potentially lead to deadlocks.
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
VTKM_CONT WritePortalType PrepareForInPlace(DeviceAdapterTag, vtkm::cont::Token& token);
VTKM_CONT WritePortalType PrepareForInPlace(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device,
vtkm::cont::Token& token);
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
VTKM_CONT VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "PrepareForInput now requires a vtkm::cont::Token object.")
typename ExecutionTypes<DeviceAdapterTag>::PortalConst PrepareForInput(DeviceAdapterTag) const
vtkm::cont::Token token;
return this->PrepareForInput(DeviceAdapterTag{}, token);
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
VTKM_CONT VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "PrepareForOutput now requires a vtkm::cont::Token object.")
typename ExecutionTypes<DeviceAdapterTag>::Portal
PrepareForOutput(vtkm::Id numberOfValues, DeviceAdapterTag)
vtkm::cont::Token token;
return this->PrepareForOutput(numberOfValues, DeviceAdapterTag{}, token);
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
VTKM_CONT VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "PrepareForInPlace now requires a vtkm::cont::Token object.")
typename ExecutionTypes<DeviceAdapterTag>::Portal PrepareForInPlace(DeviceAdapterTag)
vtkm::cont::Token token;
return this->PrepareForInPlace(DeviceAdapterTag{}, token);
/// Returns the DeviceAdapterId for the current device. If there is no device
/// with an up-to-date copy of the data, VTKM_DEVICE_ADAPTER_UNDEFINED is
/// returned.
/// Note that in a multithreaded environment the validity of this result can
/// change.
DeviceAdapterId GetDeviceAdapterId() const
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
return this->Internals->IsExecutionArrayValid(lock)
? this->Internals->GetExecutionArray(lock)->GetDeviceAdapterId()
: DeviceAdapterTagUndefined{};
/// Synchronizes the control array with the execution array. If either the
/// user array or control array is already valid, this method does nothing
/// (because the data is already available in the control environment).
/// Although the internal state of this class can change, the method is
/// declared const because logically the data does not.
VTKM_CONT void SyncControlArray() const
// A Token should not be declared within the scope of a lock. when the token goes out of scope
// it will attempt to aquire the lock, which is undefined behavior of the thread already has
// the lock.
vtkm::cont::Token token;
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->SyncControlArray(lock, token);
/// \brief Enqueue a token for access to this ArrayHandle.
/// This method places the given `Token` into the queue of `Token`s waiting for
/// access to this `ArrayHandle` and then returns immediately. When this token
/// is later used to get data from this `ArrayHandle` (for example, in a call to
/// `PrepareForInput`), it will use this place in the queue while waiting for
/// access.
/// This method is to be used to ensure that a set of accesses to an `ArrayHandle`
/// that happen on multiple threads occur in a specified order. For example, if
/// you spawn of a job to modify data in an `ArrayHandle` and then spawn off a job
/// that reads that same data, you need to make sure that the first job gets
/// access to the `ArrayHandle` before the second. If they both just attempt to call
/// their respective `Prepare` methods, there is no guarantee which order they
/// will occur. Having the spawning thread first call this method will ensure the order.
/// \warning After calling this method it is required to subsequently
/// call a method like one of the `Prepare` methods that attaches the token
/// to this `ArrayHandle`. Otherwise, the enqueued token will block any subsequent
/// access to the `ArrayHandle`, even if the `Token` is destroyed.
VTKM_CONT void Enqueue(const vtkm::cont::Token& token) const;
/// Acquires a lock on the internals of this `ArrayHandle`. The calling
/// function should keep the returned lock and let it go out of scope
/// when the lock is no longer needed.
LockType GetLock() const { return LockType(this->Internals->Mutex); }
/// Returns true if read operations can currently be performed.
VTKM_CONT bool CanRead(const LockType& lock, const vtkm::cont::Token& token) const;
//// Returns true if write operations can currently be performed.
VTKM_CONT bool CanWrite(const LockType& lock, const vtkm::cont::Token& token) const;
//// Will block the current thread until a read can be performed.
VTKM_CONT void WaitToRead(LockType& lock, vtkm::cont::Token& token) const;
//// Will block the current thread until a write can be performed.
VTKM_CONT void WaitToWrite(LockType& lock, vtkm::cont::Token& token, bool fakeRead = false) const;
/// Gets this array handle ready to interact with the given device. If the
/// array handle has already interacted with this device, then this method
/// does nothing. Although the internal state of this class can change, the
/// method is declared const because logically the data does not.
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
VTKM_CONT void PrepareForDevice(LockType& lock, vtkm::cont::Token& token, DeviceAdapterTag) const;
/// Synchronizes the control array with the execution array. If either the
/// user array or control array is already valid, this method does nothing
/// (because the data is already available in the control environment).
/// Although the internal state of this class can change, the method is
/// declared const because logically the data does not.
VTKM_CONT void SyncControlArray(LockType& lock, vtkm::cont::Token& token) const;
vtkm::Id GetNumberOfValues(LockType& lock) const;
void ReleaseResourcesExecutionInternal(LockType& lock, vtkm::cont::Token& token) const
if (this->Internals->IsExecutionArrayValid(lock))
this->WaitToWrite(lock, token);
// Note that it is possible that while waiting someone else deleted the execution array.
// That is why we check again.
if (this->Internals->IsExecutionArrayValid(lock))
this->Internals->SetExecutionArrayValid(lock, false);
VTKM_CONT void Enqueue(const LockType& lock, const vtkm::cont::Token& token) const;
class VTKM_ALWAYS_EXPORT InternalStruct
mutable StorageType ControlArray;
mutable std::shared_ptr<bool> ControlArrayValid;
mutable std::unique_ptr<ExecutionManagerType> ExecutionArray;
mutable bool ExecutionArrayValid = false;
mutable vtkm::cont::Token::ReferenceCount ReadCount = 0;
mutable vtkm::cont::Token::ReferenceCount WriteCount = 0;
mutable std::deque<vtkm::cont::Token::Reference> Queue;
VTKM_CONT void CheckLock(const LockType& lock) const
VTKM_ASSERT((lock.mutex() == &this->Mutex) && (lock.owns_lock()));
MutexType Mutex;
std::condition_variable ConditionVariable;
InternalStruct() = default;
InternalStruct(const StorageType& storage);
InternalStruct(StorageType&& storage);
// It should not be possible to destroy this array if any tokens are still attached to it.
LockType lock(this->Mutex);
VTKM_ASSERT((*this->GetReadCount(lock) == 0) && (*this->GetWriteCount(lock) == 0));
this->SetControlArrayValid(lock, false);
// To access any feature in InternalStruct, you must have locked the mutex. You have
// to prove it by passing in a reference to a std::unique_lock.
VTKM_CONT bool IsControlArrayValid(const LockType& lock) const
if (!this->ControlArrayValid)
return false;
return *this->ControlArrayValid;
VTKM_CONT void SetControlArrayValid(const LockType& lock, bool value)
if (IsControlArrayValid(lock) == value)
if (value) // ControlArrayValid == false or nullptr
// If we are changing the valid flag from false to true, then refresh the pointer.
// There may be array portals that already have a reference to the flag. Those portals
// will stay in an invalid state whereas new portals will go to a valid state. To
// handle both conditions, drop the old reference and create a new one.
this->ControlArrayValid.reset(new bool(true));
else // value == false and ControlArrayValid == true
*this->ControlArrayValid = false;
VTKM_CONT std::shared_ptr<bool> GetControlArrayValidPointer(const LockType& lock) const
return this->ControlArrayValid;
VTKM_CONT StorageType* GetControlArray(const LockType& lock) const
return &this->ControlArray;
VTKM_CONT bool IsExecutionArrayValid(const LockType& lock) const
return this->ExecutionArrayValid;
VTKM_CONT void SetExecutionArrayValid(const LockType& lock, bool value)
this->ExecutionArrayValid = value;
VTKM_CONT ExecutionManagerType* GetExecutionArray(const LockType& lock) const
return this->ExecutionArray.get();
VTKM_CONT void DeleteExecutionArray(const LockType& lock)
this->ExecutionArrayValid = false;
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
VTKM_CONT void NewExecutionArray(const LockType& lock, DeviceAdapterTag)
VTKM_ASSERT(this->ExecutionArray == nullptr);
new vtkm::cont::internal::ArrayHandleExecutionManager<T, StorageTag, DeviceAdapterTag>(
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::Token::ReferenceCount* GetReadCount(const LockType& lock) const
return &this->ReadCount;
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::Token::ReferenceCount* GetWriteCount(const LockType& lock) const
return &this->WriteCount;
VTKM_CONT std::deque<vtkm::cont::Token::Reference>& GetQueue(const LockType& lock) const
return this->Queue;
ArrayHandleDeprecated(const std::shared_ptr<InternalStruct>& i)
: Internals(i)
std::shared_ptr<InternalStruct> Internals;
template <typename T, typename S>
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::InternalStruct::InternalStruct(
const typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::StorageType& storage)
: ControlArray(storage)
, ControlArrayValid(new bool(true))
, ExecutionArrayValid(false)
template <typename T, typename S>
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::InternalStruct::InternalStruct(
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::StorageType&& storage)
: ControlArray(std::move(storage))
, ControlArrayValid(new bool(true))
, ExecutionArrayValid(false)
template <typename T, typename S>
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::ArrayHandleDeprecated()
: Internals(std::make_shared<InternalStruct>())
template <typename T, typename S>
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::ArrayHandleDeprecated(const ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>& src)
: Internals(src.Internals)
template <typename T, typename S>
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::ArrayHandleDeprecated(ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>&& src) noexcept
: Internals(std::move(src.Internals))
template <typename T, typename S>
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::ArrayHandleDeprecated(
const typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::StorageType& storage)
: Internals(std::make_shared<InternalStruct>(storage))
template <typename T, typename S>
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::ArrayHandleDeprecated(
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::StorageType&& storage) noexcept
: Internals(std::make_shared<InternalStruct>(std::move(storage)))
template <typename T, typename S>
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::~ArrayHandleDeprecated()
template <typename T, typename S>
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>& ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::operator=(
const ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>& src)
this->Internals = src.Internals;
return *this;
template <typename T, typename S>
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>& ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::operator=(
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>&& src) noexcept
this->Internals = std::move(src.Internals);
return *this;
template <typename T, typename S>
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::StorageType& ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::GetStorage()
// A Token should not be declared within the scope of a lock. when the token goes out of scope
// it will attempt to aquire the lock, which is undefined behavior of the thread already has
// the lock.
vtkm::cont::Token token;
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->SyncControlArray(lock, token);
if (this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock))
return *this->Internals->GetControlArray(lock);
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorInternal(
"ArrayHandle::SyncControlArray did not make control array valid.");
template <typename T, typename S>
const typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::StorageType& ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::GetStorage()
// A Token should not be declared within the scope of a lock. when the token goes out of scope
// it will attempt to aquire the lock, which is undefined behavior of the thread already has
// the lock.
vtkm::cont::Token token;
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->SyncControlArray(lock, token);
if (this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock))
return *this->Internals->GetControlArray(lock);
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorInternal(
"ArrayHandle::SyncControlArray did not make control array valid.");
template <typename T, typename S>
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::StorageType::PortalType
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::GetPortalControl()
// A Token should not be declared within the scope of a lock. when the token goes out of scope
// it will attempt to aquire the lock, which is undefined behavior of the thread already has
// the lock.
vtkm::cont::Token token;
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->SyncControlArray(lock, token);
if (this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock))
// If the user writes into the iterator we return, then the execution
// array will become invalid. Play it safe and release the execution
// resources. (Use the const version to preserve the execution array.)
this->ReleaseResourcesExecutionInternal(lock, token);
return this->Internals->GetControlArray(lock)->GetPortal();
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorInternal(
"ArrayHandle::SyncControlArray did not make control array valid.");
template <typename T, typename S>
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::StorageType::PortalConstType
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::GetPortalConstControl() const
// A Token should not be declared within the scope of a lock. when the token goes out of scope
// it will attempt to aquire the lock, which is undefined behavior of the thread already has
// the lock.
vtkm::cont::Token token;
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->SyncControlArray(lock, token);
if (this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock))
return this->Internals->GetControlArray(lock)->GetPortalConst();
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorInternal(
"ArrayHandle::SyncControlArray did not make control array valid.");
template <typename T, typename S>
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::ReadPortalType ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::ReadPortal() const
// A Token should not be declared within the scope of a lock. when the token goes out of scope
// it will attempt to aquire the lock, which is undefined behavior of the thread already has
// the lock.
vtkm::cont::Token token;
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->WaitToRead(lock, token);
this->SyncControlArray(lock, token);
if (this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock))
return ReadPortalType(this->Internals->GetControlArray(lock)->GetPortalConst());
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorInternal(
"ArrayHandle::SyncControlArray did not make control array valid.");
template <typename T, typename S>
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::WritePortalType ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::WritePortal()
// A Token should not be declared within the scope of a lock. when the token goes out of scope
// it will attempt to aquire the lock, which is undefined behavior of the thread already has
// the lock.
vtkm::cont::Token token;
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->WaitToWrite(lock, token);
this->SyncControlArray(lock, token);
if (this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock))
// If the user writes into the iterator we return, then the execution
// array will become invalid. Play it safe and release the execution
// resources. (Use the const version to preserve the execution array.)
this->ReleaseResourcesExecutionInternal(lock, token);
return WritePortalType(this->Internals->GetControlArray(lock)->GetPortal());
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorInternal(
"ArrayHandle::SyncControlArray did not make control array valid.");
template <typename T, typename S>
vtkm::Id ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::GetNumberOfValues(LockType& lock) const
if (this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock))
return this->Internals->GetControlArray(lock)->GetNumberOfValues();
else if (this->Internals->IsExecutionArrayValid(lock))
return this->Internals->GetExecutionArray(lock)->GetNumberOfValues();
return 0;
template <typename T, typename S>
void ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::Shrink(vtkm::Id numberOfValues, vtkm::cont::Token& token)
VTKM_ASSERT(numberOfValues >= 0);
if (numberOfValues > 0)
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
vtkm::Id originalNumberOfValues = this->GetNumberOfValues(lock);
if (numberOfValues < originalNumberOfValues)
this->WaitToWrite(lock, token);
if (this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock))
if (this->Internals->IsExecutionArrayValid(lock))
else if (numberOfValues == originalNumberOfValues)
// Nothing to do.
else // numberOfValues > originalNumberOfValues
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadValue("ArrayHandle::Shrink cannot be used to grow array.");
VTKM_ASSERT(this->GetNumberOfValues(lock) == numberOfValues);
else // numberOfValues == 0
// If we are shrinking to 0, there is nothing to save and we might as well
// free up memory. Plus, some storage classes expect that data will be
// deallocated when the size goes to zero.
this->Allocate(0, token);
template <typename T, typename S>
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::ReadPortalType ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::PrepareForInput(
DeviceAdapterTag device,
vtkm::cont::Token& token) const
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->WaitToRead(lock, token);
if (!this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock) && !this->Internals->IsExecutionArrayValid(lock))
// Want to use an empty array.
// Set up ArrayHandle state so this actually works.
this->Internals->SetControlArrayValid(lock, true);
this->PrepareForDevice(lock, token, device);
auto portal = this->Internals->GetExecutionArray(lock)->PrepareForInput(
!this->Internals->IsExecutionArrayValid(lock), device, token);
this->Internals->SetExecutionArrayValid(lock, true);
return portal;
template <typename T, typename S>
struct ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::PrepareForInputFunctor
template <typename Device>
bool operator()(Device device,
const ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>& self,
vtkm::cont::Token& token,
ReadPortalType& portal) const
portal = self.PrepareForInput(device, token);
return true;
template <typename T, typename S>
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::ReadPortalType ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::PrepareForInput(
vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device,
vtkm::cont::Token& token) const
ReadPortalType portal;
vtkm::cont::TryExecuteOnDevice(device, PrepareForInputFunctor{}, *this, token, portal);
return portal;
template <typename T, typename S>
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::WritePortalType ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::PrepareForOutput(
vtkm::Id numberOfValues,
DeviceAdapterTag device,
vtkm::cont::Token& token)
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->WaitToWrite(lock, token);
// Invalidate any control arrays.
// Should the control array resource be released? Probably not a good
// idea when shared with execution.
this->Internals->SetControlArrayValid(lock, false);
this->PrepareForDevice(lock, token, device);
auto portal =
this->Internals->GetExecutionArray(lock)->PrepareForOutput(numberOfValues, device, token);
// We are assuming that the calling code will fill the array using the
// iterators we are returning, so go ahead and mark the execution array as
// having valid data. (A previous version of this class had a separate call
// to mark the array as filled, but that was onerous to call at the the
// right time and rather pointless since it is basically always the case
// that the array is going to be filled before anything else. In this
// implementation the only access to the array is through the iterators
// returned from this method, so you would have to work to invalidate this
// assumption anyway.)
this->Internals->SetExecutionArrayValid(lock, true);
return portal;
template <typename T, typename S>
struct ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::PrepareForOutputFunctor
template <typename Device>
bool operator()(Device device,
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>& self,
vtkm::Id numberOfValues,
vtkm::cont::Token& token,
WritePortalType& portal) const
portal = self.PrepareForOutput(numberOfValues, device, token);
return true;
template <typename T, typename S>
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::WritePortalType ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::PrepareForOutput(
vtkm::Id numberOfValues,
vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device,
vtkm::cont::Token& token)
WritePortalType portal;
device, PrepareForOutputFunctor{}, *this, numberOfValues, token, portal);
return portal;
template <typename T, typename S>
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::WritePortalType
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::PrepareForInPlace(DeviceAdapterTag device, vtkm::cont::Token& token)
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->WaitToWrite(lock, token);
if (!this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock) && !this->Internals->IsExecutionArrayValid(lock))
// Want to use an empty array.
// Set up ArrayHandle state so this actually works.
this->Internals->SetControlArrayValid(lock, true);
this->PrepareForDevice(lock, token, device);
auto portal = this->Internals->GetExecutionArray(lock)->PrepareForInPlace(
!this->Internals->IsExecutionArrayValid(lock), device, token);
this->Internals->SetExecutionArrayValid(lock, true);
// Invalidate any control arrays since their data will become invalid when
// the execution data is overwritten. Don't actually release the control
// array. It may be shared as the execution array.
this->Internals->SetControlArrayValid(lock, false);
return portal;
template <typename T, typename S>
struct ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::PrepareForInPlaceFunctor
template <typename Device>
bool operator()(Device device,
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>& self,
vtkm::cont::Token& token,
ReadPortalType& portal) const
portal = self.PrepareForInPlace(device, token);
return true;
template <typename T, typename S>
typename ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::WritePortalType
ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::PrepareForInPlace(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device,
vtkm::cont::Token& token)
WritePortalType portal;
vtkm::cont::TryExecuteOnDevice(device, PrepareForInPlaceFunctor{}, *this, token, portal);
return portal;
template <typename T, typename S>
template <typename DeviceAdapterTag>
void ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::PrepareForDevice(LockType& lock,
vtkm::cont::Token& token,
DeviceAdapterTag device) const
if (this->Internals->GetExecutionArray(lock) != nullptr)
if (this->Internals->GetExecutionArray(lock)->IsDeviceAdapter(DeviceAdapterTag()))
// Already have manager for correct device adapter. Nothing to do.
// Have the wrong manager. Delete the old one and create a new one
// of the right type. (TODO: it would be possible for the array handle
// to hold references to execution arrays on multiple devices. When data
// are written on one devices, all the other devices should get cleared.)
// BUG: There is a non-zero chance that while waiting for the write lock, another thread
// could change the ExecutionInterface, which would cause problems. In the future we should
// support multiple devices, in which case we would not have to delete one execution array
// to load another.
// BUG: The current implementation does not allow the ArrayHandle to be on two devices
// at the same time. Thus, it is not possible for two simultaneously read from the same
// ArrayHandle on two different devices. This might cause unexpected deadlocks.
this->WaitToWrite(lock, token, true); // Make sure no one is reading device array
this->SyncControlArray(lock, token);
// Need to change some state that does not change the logical state from
// an external point of view.
// Need to change some state that does not change the logical state from
// an external point of view.
this->Internals->NewExecutionArray(lock, device);
template <typename T, typename S>
void ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::SyncControlArray(LockType& lock, vtkm::cont::Token& token) const
if (!this->Internals->IsControlArrayValid(lock))
// It may be the case that `SyncControlArray` is called from a method that has a `Token`.
// However, if we are here, that `Token` should not already be attached to this array.
// If it were, then there should be no reason to move data arround (unless the `Token`
// was used when preparing for multiple devices, which it should not be used like that).
this->WaitToRead(lock, token);
// Need to change some state that does not change the logical state from
// an external point of view.
if (this->Internals->IsExecutionArrayValid(lock))
this->Internals->SetControlArrayValid(lock, true);
// This array is in the null state (there is nothing allocated), but
// the calling function wants to do something with the array. Put this
// class into a valid state by allocating an array of size 0.
this->Internals->SetControlArrayValid(lock, true);
template <typename T, typename S>
bool ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::CanRead(const LockType& lock,
const vtkm::cont::Token& token) const
// If the token is already attached to this array, then we allow reading.
if (token.IsAttached(this->Internals->GetWriteCount(lock)) ||
return true;
// If there is anyone else waiting at the top of the queue, we cannot access this array.
auto& queue = this->Internals->GetQueue(lock);
if (!queue.empty() && (queue.front() != token))
return false;
// No one else is waiting, so we can read the array as long as no one else is writing.
return (*this->Internals->GetWriteCount(lock) < 1);
template <typename T, typename S>
bool ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::CanWrite(const LockType& lock,
const vtkm::cont::Token& token) const
// If the token is already attached to this array, then we allow writing.
if (token.IsAttached(this->Internals->GetWriteCount(lock)) ||
return true;
// If there is anyone else waiting at the top of the queue, we cannot access this array.
auto& queue = this->Internals->GetQueue(lock);
if (!queue.empty() && (queue.front() != token))
return false;
// No one else is waiting, so we can write the array as long as no one else is reading or writing.
return ((*this->Internals->GetWriteCount(lock) < 1) &&
(*this->Internals->GetReadCount(lock) < 1));
template <typename T, typename S>
void ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::WaitToRead(LockType& lock, vtkm::cont::Token& token) const
this->Enqueue(lock, token);
// Note that if you deadlocked here, that means that you are trying to do a read operation on an
// array where an object is writing to it.
lock, [&lock, &token, this] { return this->CanRead(lock, token); });
// We successfully attached the token. Pop it off the queue.
auto& queue = this->Internals->GetQueue(lock);
if (!queue.empty() && queue.front() == token)
template <typename T, typename S>
void ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::WaitToWrite(LockType& lock,
vtkm::cont::Token& token,
bool fakeRead) const
this->Enqueue(lock, token);
// Note that if you deadlocked here, that means that you are trying to do a write operation on an
// array where an object is reading or writing to it.
lock, [&lock, &token, this] { return this->CanWrite(lock, token); });
if (!fakeRead)
// A current feature limitation of ArrayHandle is that it can only exist on one device at
// a time. Thus, if a read request comes in for a different device, the prepare has to
// get satisfy a write lock to boot the array off the existing device. However, we don't
// want to attach the Token as a write lock because the resulting state is for reading only
// and others might also want to read. So, we have to pretend that this is a read lock even
// though we have to make a change to the array.
// The main point is, this condition is a hack that should go away once ArrayHandle supports
// multiple devices at once.
// We successfully attached the token. Pop it off the queue.
auto& queue = this->Internals->GetQueue(lock);
if (!queue.empty() && queue.front() == token)
template <typename T, typename S>
void ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::Enqueue(const vtkm::cont::Token& token) const
LockType lock = this->GetLock();
this->Enqueue(lock, token);
template <typename T, typename S>
void ArrayHandleDeprecated<T, S>::Enqueue(const LockType& lock,
const vtkm::cont::Token& token) const
if (token.IsAttached(this->Internals->GetWriteCount(lock)) ||
// Do not need to enqueue if we are already attached.
auto& queue = this->Internals->GetQueue(lock);
if (std::find(queue.begin(), queue.end(), token.GetReference()) != queue.end())
// This token is already in the queue.
// This macro is used to declare an ArrayHandle that uses the old, deprecated style of Storage
// that leverages ArrayTransfer. This macro will go away once all deprecated ArrayHandles
// that use it are replaced with the new style. To use this macro, first have a declaration
// of the template and then put the macro like this:
// template <typename T>
// VTKM_ARRAY_HANDLE_DEPRECATED(T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagFoo);
// Don't forget to use VTKM_PASS_COMMAS if one of the macro arguments contains
// a template with multiple parameters.
#define VTKM_ARRAY_HANDLE_DEPRECATED(ValueType_, StorageTag_) \
class VTKM_ALWAYS_EXPORT ArrayHandle<ValueType_, StorageTag_> \
: public internal::ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType_, StorageTag_> \
{ \
using Superclass = internal::ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType_, StorageTag_>; \
public: \
ArrayHandle() \
: Superclass() \
{ \
} \
ArrayHandle(const ArrayHandle<ValueType_, StorageTag_>& src) \
: Superclass(src) \
{ \
} \
ArrayHandle(ArrayHandle<ValueType_, StorageTag_>&& src) noexcept \
: Superclass(std::move(src)) \
{ \
} \
ArrayHandle(const internal::ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType_, StorageTag_>& src) \
: Superclass(src) \
{ \
} \
ArrayHandle(internal::ArrayHandleDeprecated<ValueType_, StorageTag_>&& src) noexcept \
: Superclass(std::move(src)) \
{ \
} \
VTKM_CONT ArrayHandle(const internal::Storage<ValueType_, StorageTag_>& storage) \
: Superclass(storage) \
{ \
} \
VTKM_CONT ArrayHandle(internal::Storage<ValueType_, StorageTag_>&& storage) \
: Superclass(std::move(storage)) \
{ \
} \
VTKM_CONT ArrayHandle(const vtkm::cont::internal::Buffer* buffers) \
: Superclass(buffers) \
{ \
} \
VTKM_CONT ArrayHandle(const std::vector<vtkm::cont::internal::Buffer>& buffers) \
: Superclass(buffers.data()) \
{ \
} \
ArrayHandle<ValueType_, StorageTag_>& operator=( \
const ArrayHandle<ValueType_, StorageTag_>& src) \
{ \
this->Superclass::operator=(src); \
return *this; \
} \
ArrayHandle<ValueType_, StorageTag_>& operator=( \
ArrayHandle<ValueType_, StorageTag_>&& src) noexcept \
{ \
this->Superclass::operator=(std::move(src)); \
return *this; \
} \
VTKM_CONT ~ArrayHandle() {} \
} // namespace vtkm::cont::internal
#endif //vtk_m_cont_internal_ArrayHandleDeprecated_h