Robert Maynard 3533975694 Remove usages of std::vector from OpenMP reduction algorithm
The OpenMP Device Reduction algorithm previously used a std::vector<T>
to store the reduction results of each thread. This caused problems
when T=bool as the types became a proxy type which isn't usable
with vtkm BinaryOperators.

Additionally by fixing this issue in the FunctorsOpenMP we
can remove a workaround in FunctorsGeneral that caused
compile failures when using complex BinaryOperators
such as MinAndMax.
2018-08-06 13:08:33 -04:00

673 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2018 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2018 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2018 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_openmp_internal_FunctorsOpenMP_h
#define vtk_m_cont_openmp_internal_FunctorsOpenMP_h
#include <vtkm/cont/openmp/internal/DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/internal/FunctorsGeneral.h>
#include <vtkm/BinaryOperators.h>
#include <vtkm/BinaryPredicates.h>
#include <vtkm/Pair.h>
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ErrorExecution.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
// Wrap all '#pragma omp ...' calls in this macro so we can disable them in
// non-omp builds and avoid a multitude of 'ignoring pragma..." warnings.
#ifdef _OPENMP
#define _VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE_IMPL(fullDir) _Pragma(#fullDir)
#else // _OPENMP
#define VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE(directive)
#endif // _OPENMP
// When defined, supported type / operator combinations will use the OpenMP
// reduction(...) clause. Otherwise, all reductions use the general
// implementation with a manual reduction once the threads complete.
// I don't know how, but the benchmarks currently perform better without the
// specializations.
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
namespace openmp
constexpr static vtkm::Id CACHE_LINE_SIZE = 64;
constexpr static vtkm::Id PAGE_SIZE = 4096;
// Returns ceil(num/den) for integral types
template <typename T>
static constexpr T CeilDivide(const T& numerator, const T& denominator)
return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator;
// Computes the number of values per chunk. Note that numChunks + chunkSize may
// exceed numVals, so be sure to check upper limits.
static void ComputeChunkSize(const vtkm::Id numVals,
const vtkm::Id numThreads,
const vtkm::Id chunksPerThread,
const vtkm::Id bytesPerValue,
vtkm::Id& numChunks,
vtkm::Id& valuesPerChunk)
// try to evenly distribute pages across chunks:
const vtkm::Id bytesIn = numVals * bytesPerValue;
const vtkm::Id pagesIn = CeilDivide(bytesIn, PAGE_SIZE);
// If we don't have enough pages to honor chunksPerThread, ignore it:
numChunks = (pagesIn > numThreads * chunksPerThread) ? numThreads * chunksPerThread : numThreads;
const vtkm::Id pagesPerChunk = CeilDivide(pagesIn, numChunks);
valuesPerChunk = CeilDivide(pagesPerChunk * PAGE_SIZE, bytesPerValue);
template <typename T, typename U>
static void DoCopy(T src, U dst, vtkm::Id numVals, std::true_type)
if (numVals)
std::copy(src, src + numVals, dst);
// Don't use std::copy when type conversion is required because MSVC.
template <typename InIterT, typename OutIterT>
static void DoCopy(InIterT inIter, OutIterT outIter, vtkm::Id numVals, std::false_type)
using ValueType = typename std::iterator_traits<OutIterT>::value_type;
for (vtkm::Id i = 0; i < numVals; ++i)
*(outIter++) = static_cast<ValueType>(*(inIter++));
template <typename InIterT, typename OutIterT>
static void DoCopy(InIterT inIter, OutIterT outIter, vtkm::Id numVals)
using InValueType = typename std::iterator_traits<InIterT>::value_type;
using OutValueType = typename std::iterator_traits<OutIterT>::value_type;
DoCopy(inIter, outIter, numVals, std::is_same<InValueType, OutValueType>());
template <typename InPortalT, typename OutPortalT>
static void CopyHelper(InPortalT inPortal,
OutPortalT outPortal,
vtkm::Id inStart,
vtkm::Id outStart,
vtkm::Id numVals)
using InValueT = typename InPortalT::ValueType;
using OutValueT = typename OutPortalT::ValueType;
constexpr auto isSame = std::is_same<InValueT, OutValueT>();
auto inIter = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(inPortal) + inStart;
auto outIter = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(outPortal) + outStart;
vtkm::Id valuesPerChunk;
VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE(parallel default(none) shared(inIter, outIter, valuesPerChunk, numVals))
// Evenly distribute full pages to all threads. We manually chunk the
// data here so that we can exploit std::copy's memmove optimizations.
vtkm::Id numChunks;
numVals, omp_get_num_threads(), 8, sizeof(InValueT), numChunks, valuesPerChunk);
VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE(for schedule(static))
for (vtkm::Id i = 0; i < numVals; i += valuesPerChunk)
vtkm::Id chunkSize = std::min(numVals - i, valuesPerChunk);
DoCopy(inIter + i, outIter + i, chunkSize, isSame);
struct CopyIfHelper
vtkm::Id NumValues;
vtkm::Id NumThreads;
vtkm::Id ValueSize;
vtkm::Id NumChunks;
vtkm::Id ChunkSize;
std::vector<vtkm::Id> EndIds;
CopyIfHelper() = default;
void Initialize(vtkm::Id numValues, vtkm::Id valueSize)
this->NumValues = numValues;
this->NumThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
this->ValueSize = valueSize;
// Evenly distribute pages across the threads. We manually chunk the
// data here so that we can exploit std::copy's memmove optimizations.
this->NumValues, this->NumThreads, 8, valueSize, this->NumChunks, this->ChunkSize);
template <typename InIterT, typename StencilIterT, typename OutIterT, typename PredicateT>
void CopyIf(InIterT inIter,
StencilIterT stencilIter,
OutIterT outIter,
PredicateT pred,
vtkm::Id chunk)
vtkm::Id startPos = std::min(chunk * this->ChunkSize, this->NumValues);
vtkm::Id endPos = std::min((chunk + 1) * this->ChunkSize, this->NumValues);
vtkm::Id outPos = startPos;
for (vtkm::Id inPos = startPos; inPos < endPos; ++inPos)
if (pred(stencilIter[inPos]))
outIter[outPos++] = inIter[inPos];
this->EndIds[chunk] = outPos;
template <typename OutIterT>
vtkm::Id Reduce(OutIterT data)
vtkm::Id endPos = this->EndIds.front();
for (vtkm::Id i = 1; i < this->NumChunks; ++i)
vtkm::Id chunkStart = std::min(i * this->ChunkSize, this->NumValues);
vtkm::Id chunkEnd = this->EndIds[i];
vtkm::Id numValuesToCopy = chunkEnd - chunkStart;
if (numValuesToCopy > 0 && chunkStart != endPos)
std::copy(data + chunkStart, data + chunkEnd, data + endPos);
endPos += numValuesToCopy;
return endPos;
// OpenMP only declares reduction operations for primitive types. This utility
// detects if a type T is supported.
template <typename T>
struct OpenMPReductionSupported : std::false_type
template <>
struct OpenMPReductionSupported<Int8> : std::true_type
template <>
struct OpenMPReductionSupported<UInt8> : std::true_type
template <>
struct OpenMPReductionSupported<Int16> : std::true_type
template <>
struct OpenMPReductionSupported<UInt16> : std::true_type
template <>
struct OpenMPReductionSupported<Int32> : std::true_type
template <>
struct OpenMPReductionSupported<UInt32> : std::true_type
template <>
struct OpenMPReductionSupported<Int64> : std::true_type
template <>
struct OpenMPReductionSupported<UInt64> : std::true_type
template <>
struct OpenMPReductionSupported<Float32> : std::true_type
template <>
struct OpenMPReductionSupported<Float64> : std::true_type
template <typename T>
using OpenMPReductionSupported = std::false_type;
struct ReduceHelper
// Generic implementation:
template <typename PortalT, typename ReturnType, typename Functor>
static ReturnType Execute(PortalT portal, ReturnType init, Functor functorIn, std::false_type)
internal::WrappedBinaryOperator<ReturnType, Functor> f(functorIn);
const vtkm::Id numVals = portal.GetNumberOfValues();
auto data = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(portal);
bool doParallel = false;
int numThreads = 0;
std::unique_ptr<ReturnType[]> threadData;
VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE(parallel default(none) firstprivate(f)
shared(data, doParallel, numThreads, threadData))
int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
numThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
if (numVals >= numThreads * 2)
doParallel = true;
threadData.reset(new ReturnType[numThreads]);
if (doParallel)
// Use the first (numThreads*2) values for initializing:
ReturnType accum;
accum = f(data[2 * tid], data[2 * tid + 1]);
// Assign each thread chunks of the remaining values for local reduction
VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE(for schedule(static))
for (vtkm::Id i = numThreads * 2; i < numVals; i++)
accum = f(accum, data[i]);
threadData[tid] = accum;
} // end parallel
if (doParallel)
// do the final reduction serially:
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(numThreads); ++i)
init = f(init, threadData[i]);
// Not enough threads. Do the entire reduction in serial:
for (vtkm::Id i = 0; i < numVals; ++i)
init = f(init, data[i]);
return init;
// Specialize for vtkm functors with OpenMP special cases:
#define VTKM_OPENMP_SPECIALIZE_REDUCE1(FunctorType, PragmaString) \
template <typename PortalT, typename ReturnType> \
static ReturnType Execute( \
PortalT portal, ReturnType value, FunctorType functorIn, std::true_type) \
{ \
const vtkm::Id numValues = portal.GetNumberOfValues(); \
internal::WrappedBinaryOperator<ReturnType, FunctorType> f(functorIn); \
_Pragma(#PragmaString) for (vtkm::Id i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) \
{ \
value = f(value, portal.Get(i)); \
} \
return value; \
// Constructing the pragma string inside the _Pragma call doesn't work so
// we jump through a hoop:
#define VTKM_OPENMP_SPECIALIZE_REDUCE(FunctorType, Operator) \
VTKM_OPENMP_SPECIALIZE_REDUCE1(FunctorType, "omp parallel for reduction(" #Operator ":value)")
// + (Add, Sum)
// * (Multiply, Product)
// - (Subtract)
// & (BitwiseAnd)
// | (BitwiseOr)
// ^ (BitwiseXor)
// && (LogicalAnd)
// || (LogicalOr)
// min (Minimum)
// max (Maximum)
template <typename KeysInArray,
typename ValuesInArray,
typename KeysOutArray,
typename ValuesOutArray,
typename BinaryFunctor>
void ReduceByKeyHelper(KeysInArray keysInArray,
ValuesInArray valuesInArray,
KeysOutArray keysOutArray,
ValuesOutArray valuesOutArray,
BinaryFunctor functor)
using KeyType = typename KeysInArray::ValueType;
using ValueType = typename ValuesInArray::ValueType;
const vtkm::Id numValues = keysInArray.GetNumberOfValues();
auto keysInPortal = keysInArray.PrepareForInput(DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP());
auto valuesInPortal = valuesInArray.PrepareForInput(DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP());
auto keysIn = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(keysInPortal);
auto valuesIn = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(valuesInPortal);
auto keysOutPortal = keysOutArray.PrepareForOutput(numValues, DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP());
auto valuesOutPortal = valuesOutArray.PrepareForOutput(numValues, DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP());
auto keysOut = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(keysOutPortal);
auto valuesOut = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIteratorBegin(valuesOutPortal);
internal::WrappedBinaryOperator<ValueType, BinaryFunctor> f(functor);
vtkm::Id outIdx = 0;
VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE(parallel default(none) firstprivate(keysIn, valuesIn, keysOut, valuesOut, f)
int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
int numThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
// Determine bounds for this thread's scan operation:
vtkm::Id chunkSize = (numValues + numThreads - 1) / numThreads;
vtkm::Id scanIdx = std::min(tid * chunkSize, numValues);
vtkm::Id scanEnd = std::min(scanIdx + chunkSize, numValues);
auto threadKeysBegin = keysOut + scanIdx;
auto threadValuesBegin = valuesOut + scanIdx;
auto threadKey = threadKeysBegin;
auto threadValue = threadValuesBegin;
// Reduce each thread's partition:
KeyType rangeKey;
ValueType rangeValue;
for (;;)
if (scanIdx < scanEnd)
rangeKey = keysIn[scanIdx];
rangeValue = valuesIn[scanIdx];
// Locate end of current range:
while (scanIdx < scanEnd && static_cast<KeyType>(keysIn[scanIdx]) == rangeKey)
rangeValue = f(rangeValue, valuesIn[scanIdx]);
*threadKey = rangeKey;
*threadValue = rangeValue;
if (tid == 0)
outIdx = static_cast<vtkm::Id>(threadKey - threadKeysBegin);
// Combine the reduction results. Skip tid == 0, since it's already in
// the correct location:
for (int i = 1; i < numThreads; ++i)
// This barrier ensures that:
// 1) Threads remain synchronized through this final reduction loop.
// 2) The outIdx variable is initialized by thread 0.
// 3) All threads have reduced their partitions.
if (tid == i)
// Check if the previous thread's last key matches our first:
if (outIdx > 0 && threadKeysBegin < threadKey && keysOut[outIdx - 1] == *threadKeysBegin)
valuesOut[outIdx - 1] = f(valuesOut[outIdx - 1], *threadValuesBegin);
// Copy reduced partition to final location (if needed)
if (threadKeysBegin < threadKey && threadKeysBegin != keysOut + outIdx)
std::copy(threadKeysBegin, threadKey, keysOut + outIdx);
std::copy(threadValuesBegin, threadValue, valuesOut + outIdx);
outIdx += static_cast<vtkm::Id>(threadKey - threadKeysBegin);
} // end tid == i
} // end combine reduction
} // end parallel
template <typename IterT, typename RawPredicateT>
struct UniqueHelper
using ValueType = typename std::iterator_traits<IterT>::value_type;
using PredicateT = internal::WrappedBinaryOperator<bool, RawPredicateT>;
struct Node
vtkm::Id2 InputRange{ -1, -1 };
vtkm::Id2 OutputRange{ -1, -1 };
// Pad the node out to the size of a cache line to prevent false sharing:
static constexpr size_t DataSize = 2 * sizeof(vtkm::Id2);
static constexpr size_t NumCacheLines = CeilDivide<size_t>(DataSize, CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
static constexpr size_t PaddingSize = NumCacheLines * CACHE_LINE_SIZE - DataSize;
unsigned char Padding[PaddingSize];
IterT Data;
vtkm::Id NumValues;
PredicateT Predicate;
vtkm::Id LeafSize;
std::vector<Node> Nodes;
size_t NextNode;
UniqueHelper(IterT iter, vtkm::Id numValues, RawPredicateT pred)
: Data(iter)
, NumValues(numValues)
, Predicate(pred)
, LeafSize(0)
, NextNode(0)
vtkm::Id Execute()
vtkm::Id outSize = 0;
VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE(parallel default(shared))
// Kick off task-based divide-and-conquer uniquification:
Node* rootNode = this->AllocNode();
rootNode->InputRange = vtkm::Id2(0, this->NumValues);
outSize = rootNode->OutputRange[1] - rootNode->OutputRange[0];
return outSize;
void Prepare()
// Figure out how many values each thread should handle:
int numThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
vtkm::Id chunksPerThread = 8;
vtkm::Id numChunks;
this->NumValues, numThreads, chunksPerThread, sizeof(ValueType), numChunks, this->LeafSize);
// Compute an upper-bound of the number of nodes in the tree:
size_t numNodes = numChunks;
while (numChunks > 1)
numChunks = (numChunks + 1) / 2;
numNodes += numChunks;
this->NextNode = 0;
Node* AllocNode()
size_t nodeIdx;
// GCC emits a false positive "value computed but not used" for this block:
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-value"
nodeIdx = this->NextNode;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
VTKM_ASSERT(nodeIdx < this->Nodes.size());
return &this->Nodes[nodeIdx];
bool IsLeaf(const vtkm::Id2& range) { return (range[1] - range[0]) <= this->LeafSize; }
// Not an strict midpoint, but ensures that the first range will always be
// a multiple of the leaf size.
vtkm::Id ComputeMidpoint(const vtkm::Id2& range)
const vtkm::Id n = range[1] - range[0];
const vtkm::Id np = this->LeafSize;
return CeilDivide(n / 2, np) * np + range[0];
void Uniquify(Node* node)
if (!this->IsLeaf(node->InputRange))
vtkm::Id midpoint = this->ComputeMidpoint(node->InputRange);
Node* right = this->AllocNode();
Node* left = this->AllocNode();
right->InputRange = vtkm::Id2(midpoint, node->InputRange[1]);
// Intel compilers seem to have trouble following the 'this' pointer
// when launching tasks, resulting in a corrupt task environment.
// Explicitly copying the pointer into a local variable seems to fix this.
auto explicitThis = this;
VTKM_OPENMP_DIRECTIVE(task) { explicitThis->Uniquify(right); }
left->InputRange = vtkm::Id2(node->InputRange[0], midpoint);
} // end taskgroup. Both sides of the tree will be completed here.
// Combine the ranges in the left side:
if (this->Predicate(this->Data[left->OutputRange[1] - 1], this->Data[right->OutputRange[0]]))
vtkm::Id numVals = right->OutputRange[1] - right->OutputRange[0];
DoCopy(this->Data + right->OutputRange[0], this->Data + left->OutputRange[1], numVals);
node->OutputRange[0] = left->OutputRange[0];
node->OutputRange[1] = left->OutputRange[1] + numVals;
auto start = this->Data + node->InputRange[0];
auto end = this->Data + node->InputRange[1];
end = std::unique(start, end, this->Predicate);
node->OutputRange[0] = node->InputRange[0];
node->OutputRange[1] = node->InputRange[0] + static_cast<vtkm::Id>(end - start);
} // end namespace vtkm::cont::openmp
#endif // vtk_m_cont_openmp_internal_FunctorsOpenMP_h