Kenneth Moreland 45abbb5c75 Share from indices vector.
Previously, each VecFromPortalPermute (the type that held the from field
values) held its own copy of the indices. For point to cell on
structured grids, this was a lot of repeated data values, which has the
potential to fill up cache and registers. Instead, just use pointer
2015-11-06 18:05:21 -07:00

335 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2015 Sandia Corporation.
// Copyright 2015 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2015 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_exec_arg_ThreadIndicesTopologyMap_h
#define vtk_m_exec_arg_ThreadIndicesTopologyMap_h
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/ThreadIndicesBasic.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/ConnectivityStructured.h>
namespace vtkm {
namespace exec {
namespace arg {
namespace detail {
/// Most cell shape tags have a default constructor, but the generic cell shape
/// tag does not to prevent accidently losing the Id, which, unlike the other
/// cell shapes, can vary.
template<typename CellShapeTag>
struct CellShapeInitializer
static CellShapeTag GetDefault() { return CellShapeTag(); }
struct CellShapeInitializer<vtkm::CellShapeTagGeneric>
static vtkm::CellShapeTagGeneric GetDefault()
return vtkm::CellShapeTagGeneric(vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_EMPTY);
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Container for thread indices in a topology map
/// This specialization of \c ThreadIndices adds extra indices that deal with
/// topology maps. In particular, it saves the indices used to map the "from"
/// elements in the map. The input and output indices from the superclass are
/// considered to be indexing the "to" elements.
/// This class is templated on the type that stores the connectivity (such
/// as \c ConnectivityExplicit or \c ConnectivityStructured).
template<typename ConnectivityType>
class ThreadIndicesTopologyMap : public vtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesBasic
typedef vtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesBasic Superclass;
typedef typename ConnectivityType::IndicesType IndicesFromType;
typedef typename ConnectivityType::CellShapeTag CellShapeTag;
template<typename Invocation>
ThreadIndicesTopologyMap(vtkm::Id threadIndex, const Invocation &invocation)
: Superclass(threadIndex, invocation),
// The connectivity is stored in the invocation parameter at the given
// input domain index. If this class is being used correctly, the type
// of the domain will match the connectivity type used here. If there is
// a compile error here about a type mismatch, chances are a worklet has
// set its input domain incorrectly.
const ConnectivityType &connectivity = invocation.GetInputDomain();
this->IndicesFrom = connectivity.GetIndices(this->GetInputIndex());
this->CellShape = connectivity.GetCellShape(this->GetInputIndex());
/// \brief The input indices of the "from" elements.
/// A topology map has "from" and "to" elements (for example from points to
/// cells). For each worklet invocation, there is exactly one "to" element,
/// but can be several "from" element. This method returns a Vec-like object
/// containing the indices to the "from" elements.
const IndicesFromType &GetIndicesFrom() const { return this->IndicesFrom; }
/// \brief The input indices of the "from" elements in pointer form.
/// Returns the same object as GetIndicesFrom except that it returns a
/// pointer to the internally held object rather than a reference or copy.
/// Since the from indices can be a sizeable Vec (8 entries is common), it is
/// best not to have a bunch a copies. Thus, you can pass around a pointer
/// instead. However, care should be taken to make sure that this object does
/// not go out of scope, at which time the returned pointer becomes invalid.
const IndicesFromType *GetIndicesFromPointer() const
return &this->IndicesFrom;
/// \brief The shape of the input cell.
/// In topology maps that map from points to something, the indices make up
/// the structure of a cell. Although the shape tag is not technically and
/// index, it defines the meaning of the indices, so we put it here. (That
/// and this class is the only convenient place to store it.)
CellShapeTag GetCellShape() const { return this->CellShape; }
IndicesFromType IndicesFrom;
CellShapeTag CellShape;
namespace detail {
// Helper function to increase an index to 3D.
vtkm::Id3 InflateTo3D(vtkm::Id3 index) { return index; }
vtkm::Id3 InflateTo3D(vtkm::Id2 index)
return vtkm::Id3(index[0], index[1], 0);
vtkm::Id3 InflateTo3D(vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id,1> index)
return vtkm::Id3(index[0], 0, 0);
vtkm::Id3 InflateTo3D(vtkm::Id index)
return vtkm::Id3(index, 0, 0);
vtkm::Id3 Deflate(const vtkm::Id3& index, vtkm::Id3)
return index;
vtkm::Id2 Deflate(const vtkm::Id3& index, vtkm::Id2)
return vtkm::Id2(index[0], index[1]);
} // namespace detail
// Specialization for structured connectivity types.
template<typename FromTopology,
typename ToTopology,
vtkm::IdComponent Dimension>
class ThreadIndicesTopologyMap<
vtkm::exec::ConnectivityStructured<FromTopology,ToTopology,Dimension> >
typedef vtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesBasic Superclass;
typedef vtkm::exec::ConnectivityStructured<FromTopology,ToTopology,Dimension>
typedef typename ConnectivityType::IndicesType IndicesFromType;
typedef typename ConnectivityType::CellShapeTag CellShapeTag;
typedef typename ConnectivityType::SchedulingRangeType LogicalIndexType;
template<typename Invocation>
ThreadIndicesTopologyMap(vtkm::Id threadIndex, const Invocation &invocation)
// The connectivity is stored in the invocation parameter at the given
// input domain index. If this class is being used correctly, the type
// of the domain will match the connectivity type used here. If there is
// a compile error here about a type mismatch, chances are a worklet has
// set its input domain incorrectly.
const ConnectivityType &connectivity = invocation.GetInputDomain();
this->InputIndex = invocation.OutputToInputMap.Get(threadIndex);
this->OutputIndex = threadIndex;
this->VisitIndex = invocation.VisitArray.Get(threadIndex);
this->LogicalIndex = connectivity.FlatToLogicalToIndex(this->InputIndex);
this->IndicesFrom = connectivity.GetIndices(this->LogicalIndex);
this->CellShape = connectivity.GetCellShape(this->InputIndex);
template<typename Invocation>
ThreadIndicesTopologyMap(vtkm::Id3 threadIndex, const Invocation &invocation)
// The connectivity is stored in the invocation parameter at the given
// input domain index. If this class is being used correctly, the type
// of the domain will match the connectivity type used here. If there is
// a compile error here about a type mismatch, chances are a worklet has
// set its input domain incorrectly.
const ConnectivityType &connectivity = invocation.GetInputDomain();
const LogicalIndexType logicalIndex =
detail::Deflate(threadIndex, LogicalIndexType());
const vtkm::Id index = connectivity.LogicalToFlatToIndex(logicalIndex);
// We currently only support multidimensional indices on one-to-one input-
// to-output mappings. (We don't have a use case otherwise.)
this->InputIndex = this->OutputIndex = index;
this->VisitIndex = invocation.VisitArray.Get(index);
this->LogicalIndex = logicalIndex;
this->IndicesFrom = connectivity.GetIndices(logicalIndex);
this->CellShape = connectivity.GetCellShape(index);
/// \brief The logical index into the input domain.
/// This is similar to \c GetIndex3D except the Vec size matches the actual
/// dimensions of the data.
LogicalIndexType GetIndexLogical() const
return this->LogicalIndex;
/// \brief The index into the input domain.
/// This index refers to the input element (array value, cell, etc.) that
/// this thread is being invoked for. This is the typical index used during
/// fetches.
vtkm::Id GetInputIndex() const
return this->InputIndex;
/// \brief The 3D index into the input domain.
/// Overloads the implementation in the base class to return the 3D index
/// for the input.
vtkm::Id3 GetInputIndex3D() const
return detail::InflateTo3D(this->GetIndexLogical());
/// \brief The index into the output domain.
/// This index refers to the output element (array value, cell, etc.) that
/// this thread is creating. This is the typical index used during
/// Fetch::Store.
vtkm::Id GetOutputIndex() const
return this->OutputIndex;
/// \brief The visit index.
/// When multiple output indices have the same input index, they are
/// distinguished using the visit index.
vtkm::IdComponent GetVisitIndex() const
return this->VisitIndex;
/// \brief The input indices of the "from" elements.
/// A topology map has "from" and "to" elements (for example from points to
/// cells). For each worklet invocation, there is exactly one "to" element,
/// but can be several "from" element. This method returns a Vec-like object
/// containing the indices to the "from" elements.
const IndicesFromType &GetIndicesFrom() const { return this->IndicesFrom; }
/// \brief The input indices of the "from" elements in pointer form.
/// Returns the same object as GetIndicesFrom except that it returns a
/// pointer to the internally held object rather than a reference or copy.
/// Since the from indices can be a sizeable Vec (8 entries is common), it is
/// best not to have a bunch a copies. Thus, you can pass around a pointer
/// instead. However, care should be taken to make sure that this object does
/// not go out of scope, at which time the returned pointer becomes invalid.
const IndicesFromType *GetIndicesFromPointer() const
return &this->IndicesFrom;
/// \brief The shape of the input cell.
/// In topology maps that map from points to something, the indices make up
/// the structure of a cell. Although the shape tag is not technically and
/// index, it defines the meaning of the indices, so we put it here. (That
/// and this class is the only convenient place to store it.)
CellShapeTag GetCellShape() const { return this->CellShape; }
vtkm::Id InputIndex;
vtkm::Id OutputIndex;
vtkm::IdComponent VisitIndex;
LogicalIndexType LogicalIndex;
IndicesFromType IndicesFrom;
CellShapeTag CellShape;
} // namespace vtkm::exec::arg
#endif //vtk_m_exec_arg_ThreadIndicesTopologyMap_h