Kenneth Moreland 6141e83be4 Expose allocation in ArrayHandle.
Add an Allocate method in ArrayHandle that basically forwards the
alllocate request to the storage object. This allows some measure of
control of the array from the control side. You can allocate the array
and set values (by getting the control array portal) if you so desire.
2015-02-10 15:58:41 -07:00

187 lines
6.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2014 Sandia Corporation.
// Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2014. Los Alamos National Security
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_Storage_h
#define vtk_m_cont_Storage_h
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
namespace vtkm {
namespace cont {
/// \brief A tag specifying client memory allocation.
/// A Storage tag specifies how an ArrayHandle allocates and frees memory. The
/// tag StorageTag___ does not actually exist. Rather, this documentation is
/// provided to describe how array storage objects are specified. Loading the
/// vtkm/cont/Storage.h header will set a default array storage. You can
/// specify the default storage by first setting the VTKM_STORAGE macro.
/// Currently it can only be set to VTKM_STORAGE_BASIC.
/// User code external to VTK-m is free to make its own StorageTag. This is a
/// good way to get VTK-m to read data directly in and out of arrays from other
/// libraries. However, care should be taken when creating a Storage. One
/// particular problem that is likely is a storage that "constructs" all the
/// items in the array. If done incorrectly, then memory of the array can be
/// incorrectly bound to the wrong processor. If you do provide your own
/// StorageTag, please be diligent in comparing its performance to the
/// StorageTagBasic.
/// To implement your own StorageTag, you first must create a tag class (an
/// empty struct) defining your tag (i.e. struct StorageTagMyAlloc { };). Then
/// provide a partial template specialization of vtkm::cont::internal::Storage
/// for your new tag.
struct StorageTag___ { };
namespace internal {
struct UndefinedStorage { };
namespace detail {
// This class should never be used. It is used as a placeholder for undefined
// Storage objects. If you get a compiler error involving this object, then it
// probably comes from trying to use an ArrayHandle with bad template
// arguments.
template<typename T>
struct UndefinedArrayPortal {
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == static_cast<size_t>(-1));
} // namespace detail
/// This templated class must be partially specialized for each StorageTag
/// created, which will define the implementation for that tag.
template<typename T, class StorageTag>
class Storage
: public vtkm::cont::internal::UndefinedStorage
typedef vtkm::cont::internal::detail::UndefinedArrayPortal<T> PortalType;
typedef vtkm::cont::internal::detail::UndefinedArrayPortal<T> PortalConstType;
/// The type of each item in the array.
typedef T ValueType;
/// \brief The type of portal objects for the array.
/// The actual portal object can take any form. This is a simple example of a
/// portal to a C array.
typedef ::vtkm::cont::internal::ArrayPortalFromIterators<ValueType*> PortalType;
/// \brief The type of portal objects (const version) for the array.
/// The actual portal object can take any form. This is a simple example of a
/// portal to a C array.
typedef ::vtkm::cont::internal::ArrayPortalFromIterators<const ValueType*> PortalConstType;
/// Returns a portal to the array.
PortalType GetPortal();
/// Returns a portal to the array with immutable values.
PortalConstType GetPortalConst() const;
/// Retuns the number of entries allocated in the array.
vtkm::Id GetNumberOfValues() const;
/// \brief Allocates an array large enough to hold the given number of values.
/// The allocation may be done on an already existing array, but can wipe out
/// any data already in the array. This method can throw
/// ErrorControlOutOfMemory if the array cannot be allocated or
/// ErrorControlBadValue if the allocation is not feasible (for example, the
/// array storage is read-only).
void Allocate(vtkm::Id numberOfValues);
/// \brief Reduces the size of the array without changing its values.
/// This method allows you to resize the array without reallocating it. The
/// number of entries in the array is changed to \c numberOfValues. The data
/// in the array (from indices 0 to \c numberOfValues - 1) are the same, but
/// \c numberOfValues must be equal or less than the preexisting size
/// (returned from GetNumberOfValues). That is, this method can only be used
/// to shorten the array, not lengthen.
void Shrink(vtkm::Id numberOfValues);
/// \brief Frees any resources (i.e. memory) stored in this array.
/// After calling this method GetNumberOfValues will return 0. The
/// resources should also be released when the Storage class is
/// destroyed.
void ReleaseResources();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace vtkm::cont
// This is put at the bottom of the header so that the Storage template is
// declared before any implementations are called.
#include <vtkm/cont/StorageBasic.h>
#define VTKM_DEFAULT_STORAGE_TAG ::vtkm::cont::StorageTagBasic
#include <vtkm/cont/internal/StorageError.h>
#define VTKM_DEFAULT_STORAGE_TAG ::vtkm::cont::internal::StorageTagError
#warning If array storage is undefined, VTKM_DEFAULT_STORAGE_TAG must be defined.
#endif //vtk_m_cont_Storage_h