Kenneth Moreland 51e817adc1 Introduce vtkm::ErrorCode
This is a flag that functions in the execution environment can return to
report on the status of the operation. This way they can report an error
without forcing the entire invocation to shut down.
2020-03-13 18:58:33 -06:00

325 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_Probe_h
#define vtk_m_worklet_Probe_h
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayCopy.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/CellLocatorGeneral.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/CellInside.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/CellInterpolate.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/ParametricCoordinates.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/DispatcherMapField.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/DispatcherMapTopology.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/WorkletMapField.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/WorkletMapTopology.h>
#include <vtkm/VecFromPortalPermute.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace worklet
class Probe
class FindCellWorklet : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn points,
ExecObject locator,
FieldOut cellIds,
FieldOut pcoords);
using ExecutionSignature = void(_1, _2, _3, _4);
template <typename LocatorType>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const vtkm::Vec3f& point,
const LocatorType& locator,
vtkm::Id& cellId,
vtkm::Vec3f& pcoords) const
locator->FindCell(point, cellId, pcoords);
template <typename CellSetType, typename PointsType, typename PointsStorage>
void RunImpl(const CellSetType& cells,
const vtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem& coords,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<PointsType, PointsStorage>& points)
this->InputCellSet = vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSet(cells);
vtkm::cont::CellLocatorGeneral locator;
vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<FindCellWorklet> dispatcher;
// CellLocatorGeneral is non-copyable. Pass it via a pointer.
dispatcher.Invoke(points, &locator, this->CellIds, this->ParametricCoordinates);
class ProbeUniformPoints : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints
using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellset,
FieldInPoint coords,
WholeArrayIn points,
WholeArrayOut cellIds,
WholeArrayOut parametricCoords);
using ExecutionSignature = void(InputIndex, CellShape, _2, _3, _4, _5);
using InputDomain = _1;
template <typename CellShapeTag,
typename CoordsVecType,
typename UniformPoints,
typename CellIdsType,
typename ParametricCoordsType>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id cellId,
CellShapeTag cellShape,
const CoordsVecType& cellPoints,
const UniformPoints& points,
CellIdsType& cellIds,
ParametricCoordsType& pcoords) const
// Compute cell bounds
using CoordsType = typename vtkm::VecTraits<CoordsVecType>::ComponentType;
auto numPoints = vtkm::VecTraits<CoordsVecType>::GetNumberOfComponents(cellPoints);
CoordsType cbmin = cellPoints[0], cbmax = cellPoints[0];
for (vtkm::IdComponent i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i)
cbmin = vtkm::Min(cbmin, cellPoints[i]);
cbmax = vtkm::Max(cbmax, cellPoints[i]);
// Compute points inside cell bounds
auto portal = points.GetPortal();
auto minp =
static_cast<vtkm::Id3>(vtkm::Ceil((cbmin - portal.GetOrigin()) / portal.GetSpacing()));
auto maxp =
static_cast<vtkm::Id3>(vtkm::Floor((cbmax - portal.GetOrigin()) / portal.GetSpacing()));
// clamp
minp = vtkm::Max(minp, vtkm::Id3(0));
maxp = vtkm::Min(maxp, portal.GetDimensions() - vtkm::Id3(1));
for (vtkm::Id k = minp[2]; k <= maxp[2]; ++k)
for (vtkm::Id j = minp[1]; j <= maxp[1]; ++j)
for (vtkm::Id i = minp[0]; i <= maxp[0]; ++i)
auto pt = portal.Get(vtkm::Id3(i, j, k));
CoordsType pc;
vtkm::ErrorCode status =
vtkm::exec::WorldCoordinatesToParametricCoordinates(cellPoints, pt, cellShape, pc);
if ((status == vtkm::ErrorCode::Success) && vtkm::exec::CellInside(pc, cellShape))
auto pointId = i + portal.GetDimensions()[0] * (j + portal.GetDimensions()[1] * k);
cellIds.Set(pointId, cellId);
pcoords.Set(pointId, pc);
template <typename CellSetType>
void RunImpl(const CellSetType& cells,
const vtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem& coords,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleUniformPointCoordinates::Superclass& points)
this->InputCellSet = vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSet(cells);
vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleConstant(vtkm::Id(-1), points.GetNumberOfValues()),
vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapTopology<ProbeUniformPoints> dispatcher;
dispatcher.Invoke(cells, coords, points, this->CellIds, this->ParametricCoordinates);
struct RunImplCaller
template <typename PointsArrayType, typename CellSetType>
void operator()(const PointsArrayType& points,
Probe& worklet,
const CellSetType& cells,
const vtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem& coords) const
worklet.RunImpl(cells, coords, points);
template <typename CellSetType, typename PointsArrayType>
void Run(const CellSetType& cells,
const vtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem& coords,
const PointsArrayType& points)
vtkm::cont::CastAndCall(points, RunImplCaller(), *this, cells, coords);
class InterpolatePointField : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn cellIds,
FieldIn parametricCoords,
WholeCellSetIn<> inputCells,
WholeArrayIn inputField,
FieldOut result);
using ExecutionSignature = void(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5);
template <typename ParametricCoordType, typename CellSetType, typename InputFieldPortalType>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id cellId,
const ParametricCoordType& pc,
const CellSetType& cells,
const InputFieldPortalType& in,
typename InputFieldPortalType::ValueType& out) const
if (cellId != -1)
auto indices = cells.GetIndices(cellId);
auto pointVals = vtkm::make_VecFromPortalPermute(&indices, in);
vtkm::exec::CellInterpolate(pointVals, pc, cells.GetCellShape(cellId), out);
/// Intepolate the input point field data at the points of the geometry
template <typename T,
typename Storage,
typename InputCellSetTypeList = VTKM_DEFAULT_CELL_SET_LIST>
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T> ProcessPointField(
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, Storage>& field,
InputCellSetTypeList icsTypes = InputCellSetTypeList()) const
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T> result;
vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<InterpolatePointField> dispatcher;
return result;
class MapCellField : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn cellIds, WholeArrayIn inputField, FieldOut result);
using ExecutionSignature = void(_1, _2, _3);
template <typename InputFieldPortalType>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id cellId,
const InputFieldPortalType& in,
typename InputFieldPortalType::ValueType& out) const
if (cellId != -1)
out = in.Get(cellId);
/// Map the input cell field data to the points of the geometry. Each point gets the value
/// associated with its containing cell. For points that fall on cell edges, the containing
/// cell is chosen arbitrarily.
template <typename T, typename Storage>
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T> ProcessCellField(
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, Storage>& field) const
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T> result;
vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<MapCellField> dispatcher;
dispatcher.Invoke(this->CellIds, field, result);
return result;
struct HiddenPointsWorklet : public WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn cellids, FieldOut hfield);
using ExecutionSignature = _2(_1);
VTKM_EXEC vtkm::UInt8 operator()(vtkm::Id cellId) const { return (cellId == -1) ? HIDDEN : 0; }
/// Get an array of flags marking the invalid points (points that do not fall inside any of
/// the cells of the input). The flag value is the same as the HIDDEN flag in VTK and VISIT.
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::UInt8> GetHiddenPointsField() const
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::UInt8> field;
vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<HiddenPointsWorklet> dispatcher;
dispatcher.Invoke(this->CellIds, field);
return field;
struct HiddenCellsWorklet : public WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints
using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellset, FieldInPoint cellids, FieldOutCell);
using ExecutionSignature = _3(_2, PointCount);
template <typename CellIdsVecType>
VTKM_EXEC vtkm::UInt8 operator()(const CellIdsVecType& cellIds,
vtkm::IdComponent numPoints) const
for (vtkm::IdComponent i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
if (cellIds[i] == -1)
return HIDDEN;
return 0;
/// Get an array of flags marking the invalid cells. Invalid cells are the cells with at least
/// one invalid point. The flag value is the same as the HIDDEN flag in VTK and VISIT.
template <typename CellSetType>
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::UInt8> GetHiddenCellsField(CellSetType cellset) const
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::UInt8> field;
vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapTopology<HiddenCellsWorklet> dispatcher;
dispatcher.Invoke(cellset, this->CellIds, field);
return field;
static constexpr vtkm::UInt8 HIDDEN = 2; // from vtk
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id> CellIds;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec3f> ParametricCoordinates;
vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSet InputCellSet;
} // vtkm::worklet
#endif // vtk_m_worklet_Probe_h