
523 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* `AbstractController::Translation.raise_on_missing_translations` removed
This was a private API, and has been removed in favour of a more broadly applicable
`config.i18n.raise_on_missing_translations`. See the upgrading guide for more information.
*Alex Ghiculescu*
* Add `ActionController::Parameters#extract_value` method to allow extracting serialized values from params
params = ActionController::Parameters.new(id: "1_123", tags: "ruby,rails")
params.extract_value(:id) # => ["1", "123"]
params.extract_value(:tags, delimiter: ",") # => ["ruby", "rails"]
*Nikita Vasilevsky*
Ensure `response.parsed_body` support for pattern matching Both `Nokogiri` and `Minitest` have merged the PRs mentioned to integrate support for Ruby's Pattern matching (https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/pull/2523 and https://github.com/minitest/minitest/pull/936, respectively). This commit adds coverage for those new assertions, and incorporates examples into the documentation for the `response.parsed_body` method. In order to incorporate pattern-matching support for JSON responses, this commit changes the response parser to call `JSON.parse` with [object_class: ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess][object_class], since String instances for `Hash` keys are incompatible with Ruby's syntactically pattern matching. For example: ```ruby irb(main):001:0> json = {"key" => "value"} => {"key"=>"value"} irb(main):002:0> json in {key: /value/} => false irb(main):001:0> json = {"key" => "value"} => {"key"=>"value"} irb(main):002:0> json in {"key" => /value/} .../3.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/irb-1.7.4/lib/irb/workspace.rb:113:in `eval': (irb):2: syntax error, unexpected terminator, expecting literal content or tSTRING_DBEG or tSTRING_DVAR or tLABEL_END (SyntaxError) json in {"key" => /value/} ^ .../ruby/3.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/irb-1.7.4/exe/irb:9:in `<top (required)>' .../ruby/3.2.0/bin/irb:25:in `load' .../ruby/3.2.0/bin/irb:25:in `<main>' ``` When the Hash maps String keys to Symbol keys, it's able to be pattern matched: ```ruby irb(main):005:0> json = {"key" => "value"}.with_indifferent_access => {"key"=>"value"} irb(main):006:0> json in {key: /value/} => true ``` [object_class]: https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/3.2/JSON.html#module-JSON-label-Parsing+Options
2023-08-22 19:46:38 +00:00
* Parse JSON `response.parsed_body` with `ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess`
Integrate with Minitest's new `assert_pattern` by parsing the JSON contents
of `response.parsed_body` with `ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess`, so
that it's pattern-matching compatible.
*Sean Doyle*
* Add support for Playwright as a driver for system tests.
*Yuki Nishijima*
* Fix `HostAuthorization` potentially displaying the value of the
X_FORWARDED_HOST header when the HTTP_HOST header is being blocked.
*Hartley McGuire*, *Daniel Schlosser*
* Rename `fixture_file_upload` method to `file_fixture_upload`
Declare an alias to preserve the backwards compatibility of `fixture_file_upload`
*Sean Doyle*
* `ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper` saves the screenshot path in test metadata on failure.
*Matija Čupić*
* `config.dom_testing_default_html_version` controls the HTML parser used by
The Rails 7.1 default configuration opts into the HTML5 parser when it is supported, to better
represent what the DOM would be in a browser user agent. Previously this test helper always used
Nokogiri's HTML4 parser.
*Mike Dalessio*
* The `with_routing` helper can now be called at the class level. When called at the class level, the routes will
be setup before each test, and reset after every test. For example:
class RoutingTest < ActionController::TestCase
with_routing do |routes|
routes.draw do
resources :articles
resources :authors
def test_articles_route
assert_routing("/articles", controller: "articles", action: "index")
def test_authors_route
assert_routing("/authors", controller: "authors", action: "index")
*Andrew Novoselac*
* The `Mime::Type` now supports handling types with parameters and correctly handles quotes.
When parsing the accept header, the parameters before the q-parameter are kept and if a matching mime-type exists it is used.
To keep the current functionality, a fallback is created to look for the media-type without the parameters.
This change allows for custom MIME-types that are more complex like `application/vnd.api+json; profile="https://jsonapi.org/profiles/ethanresnick/cursor-pagination/" ext="https://jsonapi.org/ext/atomic"` for the [JSON API](https://jsonapi.org/).
*Nicolas Erni*
2021-12-04 18:57:53 +00:00
* The url_for helpers now support a new option called `path_params`.
This is very useful in situations where you only want to add a required param that is part of the route's URL but for other route not append an extraneous query param.
Given the following router...
Rails.application.routes.draw do
scope ":account_id" do
2021-12-04 18:57:53 +00:00
get "dashboard" => "pages#dashboard", as: :dashboard
get "search/:term" => "search#search", as: :search
2021-12-04 18:57:53 +00:00
delete "signout" => "sessions#destroy", as: :signout
And given the following `ApplicationController`
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def default_url_options
{ path_params: { account_id: "foo" } }
2021-12-04 18:57:53 +00:00
The standard url_for helper and friends will now behave as follows:
dashboard_path # => /foo/dashboard
dashboard_path(account_id: "bar") # => /bar/dashboard
2021-12-04 18:57:53 +00:00
signout_path # => /signout
signout_path(account_id: "bar") # => /signout?account_id=bar
2021-12-04 18:57:53 +00:00
signout_path(account_id: "bar", path_params: { account_id: "baz" }) # => /signout?account_id=bar
search_path("quin") # => /foo/search/quin
2023-04-26 17:46:55 +00:00
*Jason Meller, Jeremy Beker*
Make the test environment show rescuable exceptions in responses Background ---------- During integration tests, it is desirable for the application to respond as closely as possible to the way it would in production. This improves confidence that the application behavior acts as it should. In Rails tests, one major mismatch between the test and production environments is that exceptions raised during an HTTP request (e.g. `ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound`) are re-raised within the test rather than rescued and then converted to a 404 response. Setting `config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions` to `true` will make the test environment act like production, however, when an unexpected internal server error occurs, the test will be left with a opaque 500 response rather than presenting a useful stack trace. This makes debugging more difficult. This leaves the developer with choosing between higher quality integration tests or an improved debugging experience on a failure. I propose that we can achieve both. Solution -------- Change the configuration option `config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions` from a boolean to one of 3 values: `:all`, `:rescuable`, `:none`. The values `:all` and `:none` behaves the same as the previous `true` and `false` respectively. What was previously `true` (now `:all`) continues to be the default for non-test environments. The new `:rescuable` value is the new default for the test environment. It will show exceptions in the response only for rescuable exceptions as defined by `ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper.rescue_responses`. In the event of an unexpected internal server error, the exception that caused the error will still be raised within the test so as to provide a useful stack trace and a good debugging experience.
2022-08-21 17:18:37 +00:00
* Change `action_dispatch.show_exceptions` to one of `:all`, `:rescuable`, or
`:none`. `:all` and `:none` behave the same as the previous `true` and
`false` respectively. The new `:rescuable` option will only show exceptions
that can be rescued (e.g. `ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound`). `:rescuable` is
now the default for the test environment.
*Jon Dufresne*
* `config.action_dispatch.cookies_serializer` now accepts `:message_pack` and
`:message_pack_allow_marshal` as serializers. These serializers require the
[`msgpack` gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/msgpack) (>= 1.7.0).
The Message Pack format can provide improved performance and smaller payload
sizes. It also supports roundtripping some Ruby types that are not supported
by JSON. For example:
cookies.encrypted[:foo] = [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }.with_indifferent_access, 1.to_d, Time.at(0, 123)]
# BEFORE with config.action_dispatch.cookies_serializer = :json
# => [{"a"=>1}, {"b"=>2}, "1.0", "1969-12-31T18:00:00.000-06:00"]
# => [Hash, Hash, String, String]
# AFTER with config.action_dispatch.cookies_serializer = :message_pack
# => [{:a=>1}, {"b"=>2}, 0.1e1, 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000123 -0600]
# => [Hash, ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, BigDecimal, Time]
The `:message_pack` serializer can fall back to deserializing with
`ActiveSupport::JSON` when necessary, and the `:message_pack_allow_marshal`
serializer can fall back to deserializing with `Marshal` as well as
`ActiveSupport::JSON`. Additionally, the `:marshal`, `:json`, and
`:json_allow_marshal` (AKA `:hybrid`) serializers can now fall back to
deserializing with `ActiveSupport::MessagePack` when necessary. These
behaviors ensure old cookies can still be read so that migration is easier.
*Jonathan Hefner*
Make Rails cookies RFC6265-compliant with domain: :all Rails has incorrectly been adding leading dots to cookie domain values when the `domain: :all` option is present. This leading dot was required in cookies based on [RFC 2965][rfc2965] (October 2000), but [RFC 6265][rfc6265] (April 2011) changed that behaviour, making a leading dot strictly incorrect. Todays browsers aim to confirm to RFC6265 with repect to cookies. The new behaviour is that *any* cookie with an explicitly passed domain is sent to all matching subdomains[[ref][mdn]]. For a server to indicate that only the exact origin server should receive the cookie, it should instead pass *no* domain attribute. Despite the change in behaviour, browser devtools often display a cookie domain with a leading dot to indicate that it is valid for subdomains - this prefixed domain is *not* necessarily the raw value that was passed in the Set-Cookie header. This explains why it's a common belief among developers that the leading dot is required. RFC6265 standard gives UAs an algorithm to handle old-style cookie domain parameters (they can drop a leading dot if present), so it's unlikely that this error would ever have had any effect on web browsers. However, cookies generated this way can't be processed by Ruby's own CGI::Cookie class: > CGI::Cookie.new "domain" => ".foo.bar", "name" => "foo" ArgumentError: invalid domain: ".foo.bar" Newer versions of the Ruby CGI library accomodate the same fallback behaviour (dropping the extra dot) but this isn't a justification for it being the right way to set a cookie. [mdn]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#domain_attribute [rfc2965]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2965#section-3.2 [rfc6265]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6265#section-4.1.1
2023-04-23 12:05:26 +00:00
* Remove leading dot from domains on cookies set with `domain: :all`, to meet RFC6265 requirements
*Gareth Adams*
* Include source location in routes extended view.
$ bin/rails routes --expanded
--[ Route 14 ]----------
Prefix | new_gist
Verb | GET
URI | /gist(.:format)
Controller#Action | gists/gists#new
Source Location | config/routes/gist.rb:3
*Luan Vieira, John Hawthorn and Daniel Colson*
* Add `without` as an alias of `except` on `ActiveController::Parameters`.
*Hidde-Jan Jongsma*
2023-03-24 23:32:26 +00:00
* Expand search field on `rails/info/routes` to also search **route name**, **http verb** and **controller#action**.
*Jason Kotchoff*
* Remove deprecated `poltergeist` and `webkit` (capybara-webkit) driver registration for system testing.
*Rafael Mendonça França*
* Remove deprecated ability to assign a single value to `config.action_dispatch.trusted_proxies`.
*Rafael Mendonça França*
* Deprecate `config.action_dispatch.return_only_request_media_type_on_content_type`.
*Rafael Mendonça França*
* Remove deprecated behavior on `Request#content_type`.
*Rafael Mendonça França*
* Change `ActionController::Instrumentation` to pass `filtered_path` instead of `fullpath` in the event payload to filter sensitive query params
get "/posts?password=test"
request.fullpath # => "/posts?password=test"
request.filtered_path # => "/posts?password=[FILTERED]"
*Ritikesh G*
* Deprecate `AbstractController::Helpers::MissingHelperError`
*Hartley McGuire*
* Change `ActionDispatch::Testing::TestResponse#parsed_body` to parse HTML as
a Nokogiri document
get "/posts"
response.content_type # => "text/html; charset=utf-8"
response.parsed_body.class # => Nokogiri::HTML5::Document
response.parsed_body.to_html # => "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n..."
*Sean Doyle*
2023-01-25 22:28:26 +00:00
* Deprecate `ActionDispatch::IllegalStateError`.
*Samuel Williams*
* Add HTTP::Request#route_uri_pattern that returns URI pattern of matched route.
*Joel Hawksley*, *Kate Higa*
* Add `ActionDispatch::AssumeSSL` middleware that can be turned on via `config.assume_ssl`.
It makes the application believe that all requests are arriving over SSL. This is useful
when proxying through a load balancer that terminates SSL, the forwarded request will appear
as though its HTTP instead of HTTPS to the application. This makes redirects and cookie
security target HTTP instead of HTTPS. This middleware makes the server assume that the
proxy already terminated SSL, and that the request really is HTTPS.
* Only use HostAuthorization middleware if `config.hosts` is not empty
*Hartley McGuire*
* Allow raising an error when a callback's only/unless symbols aren't existing methods.
When `before_action :callback, only: :action_name` is declared on a controller that doesn't respond to `action_name`, raise an exception at request time. This is a safety measure to ensure that typos or forgetfulness don't prevent a crucial callback from being run when it should.
For new applications, raising an error for undefined actions is turned on by default. If you do not want to opt-in to this behavior set `config.action_pack.raise_on_missing_callback_actions` to `false` in your application configuration. See #43487 for more details.
*Jess Bees*
* Allow cookie options[:domain] to accept a proc to set the cookie domain on a more flexible per-request basis
* When a host is not specified for an `ActionController::Renderer`'s env,
the host and related options will now be derived from the routes'
`default_url_options` and `ActionDispatch::Http::URL.secure_protocol`.
This means that for an application with a configuration like:
Rails.application.default_url_options = { host: "rubyonrails.org" }
Rails.application.config.force_ssl = true
rendering a URL like:
ApplicationController.renderer.render inline: "<%= blog_url %>"
will now return `"https://rubyonrails.org/blog"` instead of
*Jonathan Hefner*
* Add details of cookie name and size to `CookieOverflow` exception.
*Andy Waite*
* Don't double log the `controller`, `action`, or `namespaced_controller` when using `ActiveRecord::QueryLog`
Previously if you set `config.active_record.query_log_tags` to an array that included
`:controller`, `:namespaced_controller`, or `:action`, that item would get logged twice.
This bug has been fixed.
*Alex Ghiculescu*
* Add the following permissions policy directives: `hid`, `idle-detection`, `screen-wake-lock`,
`serial`, `sync-xhr`, `web-share`.
*Guillaume Cabanel*
* The `speaker`, `vibrate`, and `vr` permissions policy directives are now
There is no browser support for these directives, and no plan for browser
support in the future. You can just remove these directives from your
*Jonathan Hefner*
* Added the `:status` option to `assert_redirected_to` to specify the precise
HTTP status of the redirect. Defaults to `:redirect` for backwards
*Jon Dufresne*
2022-09-16 18:11:36 +00:00
* Rescue `JSON::ParserError` in Cookies JSON deserializer to discards marshal dumps:
2022-09-09 22:13:08 +00:00
Without this change, if `action_dispatch.cookies_serializer` is set to `:json` and
the app tries to read a `:marshal` serialized cookie, it would error out which wouldn't
clear the cookie and force app users to manually clear it in their browser.
(See #45127 for original bug discussion)
*Nathan Bardoux*
2022-09-09 21:05:13 +00:00
* Add `HTTP_REFERER` when following redirects on integration tests
This makes `follow_redirect!` a closer simulation of what happens in a real browser
*Felipe Sateler*
* Added `exclude?` method to `ActionController::Parameters`.
*Ian Neubert*
* Rescue `EOFError` exception from `rack` on a multipart request.
*Nikita Vasilevsky*
* Log redirects from routes the same way as redirects from controllers.
*Dennis Paagman*
* Prevent `ActionDispatch::ServerTiming` from overwriting existing values in `Server-Timing`.
Previously, if another middleware down the chain set `Server-Timing` header,
it would overwritten by `ActionDispatch::ServerTiming`.
*Jakub Malinowski*
* Allow opting out of the `SameSite` cookie attribute when setting a cookie.
You can opt out of `SameSite` by passing `same_site: nil`.
`cookies[:foo] = { value: "bar", same_site: nil }`
Previously, this incorrectly set the `SameSite` attribute to the value of the `cookies_same_site_protection` setting.
*Alex Ghiculescu*
* Allow using `helper_method`s in `content_security_policy` and `permissions_policy`
Previously you could access basic helpers (defined in helper modules), but not
helper methods defined using `helper_method`. Now you can use either.
content_security_policy do |p|
p.default_src "https://example.com"
p.script_src "https://example.com" if helpers.script_csp?
*Alex Ghiculescu*
* Reimplement `ActionController::Parameters#has_value?` and `#value?` to avoid parameters and hashes comparison.
Deprecated equality between parameters and hashes is going to be removed in Rails 7.2.
The new implementation takes care of conversions.
*Seva Stefkin*
* Allow only String and Symbol keys in `ActionController::Parameters`.
Raise `ActionController::InvalidParameterKey` when initializing Parameters
with keys that aren't strings or symbols.
*Seva Stefkin*
* Add the ability to use custom logic for storing and retrieving CSRF tokens.
By default, the token will be stored in the session. Custom classes can be
defined to specify arbitrary behavior, but the ability to store them in
encrypted cookies is built in.
*Andrew Kowpak*
* Make ActionController::Parameters#values cast nested hashes into parameters.
*Gannon McGibbon*
* Introduce `html:` and `screenshot:` kwargs for system test screenshot helper
Use these as an alternative to the already-available environment variables.
For example, this will display a screenshot in iTerm, save the HTML, and output
its path.
take_screenshot(html: true, screenshot: "inline")
*Alex Ghiculescu*
* Allow `ActionController::Parameters#to_h` to receive a block.
*Bob Farrell*
* Allow relative redirects when `raise_on_open_redirects` is enabled
*Tom Hughes*
* Allow Content Security Policy DSL to generate for API responses.
*Tim Wade*
* Fix `authenticate_with_http_basic` to allow for missing password.
Before Rails 7.0 it was possible to handle basic authentication with only a username.
authenticate_with_http_basic do |token, _|
This ability is restored.
*Jean Boussier*
* Fix `content_security_policy` returning invalid directives.
Directives such as `self`, `unsafe-eval` and few others were not
single quoted when the directive was the result of calling a lambda
returning an array.
content_security_policy do |policy|
policy.frame_ancestors lambda { [:self, "https://example.com"] }
With this fix the policy generated from above will now be valid.
*Edouard Chin*
* Fix `skip_forgery_protection` to run without raising an error if forgery
protection has not been enabled / `verify_authenticity_token` is not a
defined callback.
This fix prevents the Rails 7.0 Welcome Page (`/`) from raising an
`ArgumentError` if `default_protect_from_forgery` is false.
*Brad Trick*
* Make `redirect_to` return an empty response body.
Application controllers that wish to add a response body after calling
`redirect_to` can continue to do so.
*Jon Dufresne*
* Use non-capturing group for subdomain matching in `ActionDispatch::HostAuthorization`
Since we do nothing with the captured subdomain group, we can use a non-capturing group instead.
*Sam Bostock*
2022-02-22 17:53:52 +00:00
* Fix `ActionController::Live` to copy the IsolatedExecutionState in the ephemeral thread.
2022-02-22 17:53:52 +00:00
Since its inception `ActionController::Live` has been copying thread local variables
to keep things such as `CurrentAttributes` set from middlewares working in the controller action.
With the introduction of `IsolatedExecutionState` in 7.0, some of that global state was lost in
2022-02-22 17:53:52 +00:00
`ActionController::Live` controllers.
*Jean Boussier*
* Fix setting `trailing_slash: true` in route definition.
get '/test' => "test#index", as: :test, trailing_slash: true
test_path() # => "/test/"
*Jean Boussier*
2022-01-26 14:47:35 +00:00
* Make `Session#merge!` stringify keys.
2022-01-26 14:47:35 +00:00
Previously `Session#update` would, but `merge!` wouldn't.
*Drew Bragg*
* Add `:unsafe_hashes` mapping for `content_security_policy`
# Before
policy.script_src :strict_dynamic, "'unsafe-hashes'", "'sha256-rRMdkshZyJlCmDX27XnL7g3zXaxv7ei6Sg+yt4R3svU='"
# After
policy.script_src :strict_dynamic, :unsafe_hashes, "'sha256-rRMdkshZyJlCmDX27XnL7g3zXaxv7ei6Sg+yt4R3svU='"
*Igor Morozov*
2021-12-07 15:52:30 +00:00
Please check [7-0-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/7-0-stable/actionpack/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.