update ActiveModel::Validations docs [ci skip]

This commit is contained in:
Francesco Rodriguez 2012-07-29 19:52:25 -05:00
parent 78502673ac
commit 01e61eed6a
2 changed files with 127 additions and 36 deletions

@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ module ActiveModel
# person.first_name = 'zoolander'
# person.valid? # => false
# person.invalid? # => true
# person.errors # => #<Hash {:first_name=>["starts with z."]}>
# person.errors.messages # => {:first_name=>["starts with z."]}
# Note that <tt>ActiveModel::Validations</tt> automatically adds an +errors+ method
# to your instances initialized with a new <tt>ActiveModel::Errors</tt> object, so
# there is no need for you to do this manually.
# Note that <tt>ActiveModel::Validations</tt> automatically adds an +errors+
# method to your instances initialized with a new <tt>ActiveModel::Errors</tt>
# object, so there is no need for you to do this manually.
module Validations
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
@ -63,24 +63,25 @@ module ClassMethods
# attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name
# validates_each :first_name, :last_name, :allow_blank => true do |record, attr, value|
# validates_each :first_name, :last_name, allow_blank: true do |record, attr, value|
# record.errors.add attr, 'starts with z.' if value.to_s[0] == ?z
# end
# end
# Options:
# * <tt>:on</tt> - Specifies the context where this validation is active
# (e.g. <tt>:on => :create</tt> or <tt>:on => :custom_validation_context</tt>)
# (e.g. <tt>on: :create</tt> or <tt>on: :custom_validation_context</tt>)
# * <tt>:allow_nil</tt> - Skip validation if attribute is +nil+.
# * <tt>:allow_blank</tt> - Skip validation if attribute is blank.
# * <tt>:if</tt> - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine
# if the validation should occur (e.g. <tt>:if => :allow_validation</tt>,
# or <tt>:if => Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step > 2 }</tt>). The method,
# proc or string should return or evaluate to a true or false value.
# * <tt>:unless</tt> - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine if the validation should
# not occur (e.g. <tt>:unless => :skip_validation</tt>, or
# <tt>:unless => Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step <= 2 }</tt>). The
# method, proc or string should return or evaluate to a true or false value.
# if the validation should occur (e.g. <tt>if: :allow_validation</tt>,
# or <tt>if: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step > 2 }</tt>). The method,
# proc or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or +false+ value.
# * <tt>:unless</tt> - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to
# determine if the validation should not occur (e.g. <tt>unless: :skip_validation</tt>,
# or <tt>unless: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step <= 2 }</tt>). The
# method, proc or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or +false+
# value.
def validates_each(*attr_names, &block)
validates_with BlockValidator, _merge_attributes(attr_names), &block
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ def validates_each(*attr_names, &block)
# validate :must_be_friends
# def must_be_friends
# errors.add(:base, "Must be friends to leave a comment") unless commenter.friend_of?(commentee)
# errors.add(:base, 'Must be friends to leave a comment') unless commenter.friend_of?(commentee)
# end
# end
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ def validates_each(*attr_names, &block)
# end
# def must_be_friends
# errors.add(:base, "Must be friends to leave a comment") unless commenter.friend_of?(commentee)
# errors.add(:base, 'Must be friends to leave a comment') unless commenter.friend_of?(commentee)
# end
# end
@ -121,23 +122,24 @@ def validates_each(*attr_names, &block)
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validate do
# errors.add(:base, "Must be friends to leave a comment") unless commenter.friend_of?(commentee)
# errors.add(:base, 'Must be friends to leave a comment') unless commenter.friend_of?(commentee)
# end
# end
# Options:
# * <tt>:on</tt> - Specifies the context where this validation is active
# (e.g. <tt>:on => :create</tt> or <tt>:on => :custom_validation_context</tt>)
# (e.g. <tt>on: :create</tt> or <tt>on: :custom_validation_context</tt>)
# * <tt>:allow_nil</tt> - Skip validation if attribute is +nil+.
# * <tt>:allow_blank</tt> - Skip validation if attribute is blank.
# * <tt>:if</tt> - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine
# if the validation should occur (e.g. <tt>:if => :allow_validation</tt>,
# or <tt>:if => Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step > 2 }</tt>). The method,
# proc or string should return or evaluate to a true or false value.
# * <tt>:unless</tt> - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine if the validation should
# not occur (e.g. <tt>:unless => :skip_validation</tt>, or
# <tt>:unless => Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step <= 2 }</tt>). The
# method, proc or string should return or evaluate to a true or false value.
# if the validation should occur (e.g. <tt>if: :allow_validation</tt>,
# or <tt>if: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step > 2 }</tt>). The method,
# proc or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or +false+ value.
# * <tt>:unless</tt> - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to
# determine if the validation should not occur (e.g. <tt>unless: :skip_validation</tt>,
# or <tt>unless: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step <= 2 }</tt>). The
# method, proc or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or +false+
# value.
def validate(*args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!
if options.key?(:on)
@ -171,39 +173,101 @@ def validators
# List all validators that are being used to validate a specific attribute.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name , :age
# validates_presence_of :name
# validates_inclusion_of :age, in: 0..99
# end
# Person.validators_on(:name)
# # => [
# # #<ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator:0x007fe604914e60 @attributes=[:name], @options={}>,
# # #<ActiveModel::Validations::InclusionValidator:0x007fe603bb8780 @attributes=[:age], @options={:in=>0..99}>
# # ]
def validators_on(*attributes)
attributes.map do |attribute|
# Check if method is an attribute method or not.
# Returns +true+ if +attribute+ is an attribute method, +false+ otherwise.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# end
# User.attribute_method?(:name) # => true
# User.attribute_method?(:age) # => false
def attribute_method?(attribute)
# Copy validators on inheritance.
def inherited(base)
def inherited(base) #:nodoc:
dup = _validators.dup
base._validators = dup.each { |k, v| dup[k] = v.dup }
# Clean the +Errors+ object if instance is duped
def initialize_dup(other) # :nodoc:
# Clean the +Errors+ object if instance is duped.
def initialize_dup(other) #:nodoc:
@errors = nil
# Returns the +Errors+ object that holds all information about attribute error messages.
# Returns the +Errors+ object that holds all information about attribute
# error messages.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.valid? # => false
# person.errors # => #<ActiveModel::Errors:0x007fe603816640 @messages={:name=>["can't be blank"]}>
def errors
@errors ||= Errors.new(self)
# Runs all the specified validations and returns true if no errors were added
# otherwise false. Context can optionally be supplied to define which callbacks
# to test against (the context is defined on the validations using :on).
# Runs all the specified validations and returns +true+ if no errors were
# added otherwise +false+.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = ''
# person.valid? # => false
# person.name = 'david'
# person.valid? # => true
# Context can optionally be supplied to define which callbacks to test
# against (the context is defined on the validations using <tt>:on</tt>).
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name, on: :new
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.valid? # => true
# person.valid?(:new) # => false
def valid?(context = nil)
current_context, self.validation_context = validation_context, context
@ -212,8 +276,35 @@ def valid?(context = nil)
self.validation_context = current_context
# Performs the opposite of <tt>valid?</tt>. Returns true if errors were added,
# false otherwise.
# Performs the opposite of <tt>valid?</tt>. Returns +true+ if errors were
# added, +false+ otherwise.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = ''
# person.invalid? # => true
# person.name = 'david'
# person.invalid? # => false
# Context can optionally be supplied to define which callbacks to test
# against (the context is defined on the validations using <tt>:on</tt>).
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name, on: :new
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.invalid? # => false
# person.invalid?(:new) # => true
def invalid?(context = nil)
@ -238,7 +329,7 @@ def invalid?(context = nil)
def run_validations!
def run_validations! #:nodoc:
run_callbacks :validate

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ module ActiveModel
class Validator
attr_reader :options
# Returns the kind of the validator. Examples:
# Returns the kind of the validator.
# PresenceValidator.kind # => :presence
# UniquenessValidator.kind # => :uniqueness