Add implement integration test to Testing Guide. [ci skip]

This commit is contained in:
Zachary Scott 2014-12-30 10:15:54 -08:00
parent 2326e0ee9f
commit 0874bff480

@ -786,6 +786,81 @@ When performing requests, you will have [`ActionDispatch::Integration::RequestHe
If you'd like to modify the session, or state of your integration test you should look for [`ActionDispatch::Integration::Session`]( to help.
### Implementing an integration test
Let's add an integration test to our blog application. We'll start with a basic workflow of creating a new blog article, to verify that everything is working properly.
We'll start by generating our integration test skeleton:
$ bin/rails generate integration_test blog_flow
It should have created a test file placeholder for us, with the output of the previous command you should see:
invoke test_unit
create test/integration/blog_flow_test.rb
Now let's open that file and write our first assertion:
require 'test_helper'
class BlogFlowTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
test "can see the welcome page" do
get "/"
assert_select "h1", "Welcome#index"
If you remember from earlier in the "Testing Views" section we covered `assert_select` to query the resulting HTML of a request.
When visit our root path, we should see `welcome/index.html.erb` rendered for the view. So this assertion should pass.
#### Creating articles integration
How about testing our ability to create a new article in our blog and see the resulting article.
test "can create an article" do
get "/articles/new"
assert_response :success
assert_template "articles/new", partial: "articles/_form"
post "/articles", article: {title: "can create", body: "article successfully."}
assert_response :redirect
assert_response :success
assert_template "articles/show"
assert_select "p", "Title:\n can create"
Let's break this test down so we can understand it.
We start by calling the `:new` action on our Articles controller. This response should be successful, and we can verify the correct template is rendered including the form partial.
After this we make a post request to the `:create` action of our Articles controller:
post "/articles", article: {title: "can create", body: "article successfully."}
assert_response :redirect
The two lines following the request are to handle the redirect we setup when creating a new article.
NOTE: Don't forget to call `follow_redirect!` if you plan to make subsequent requests after a redirect is made.
Finally we can assert that our response was successful, template was rendered, and our new article is readable on the page.
#### Taking it further
We were able to successfully test a very small workflow for visiting our blog and creating a new article. If we wanted to take this further we could add tests for commenting, removing articles, or editting comments. Integration tests are a great place to experiment with all kinds of use-cases for our applications.
Setup and Teardown