AS guide: removes docs for even? and odd?, no longer in AS

This commit is contained in:
Xavier Noria 2009-11-09 23:29:17 +01:00
parent cdeaf0f4db
commit 18ce0f517d

@ -825,19 +825,6 @@ The method +multiple_of?+ tests whether an integer is multiple of the argument:
WARNING: Due the way it is implemented the argument must be nonzero, otherwise +ZeroDivisionError+ is raised.
h4. +even?+ and +odd?+
Integers in Ruby 1.8.7 and above respond to +even?+ and +odd?+, Active Support defines them for older versions:
-1.even? # => false
-1.odd? # => true
0.even? # => true
0.odd? # => false
2.even? # => true
2.odd? # => false
h4. +ordinalize+
The method +ordinalize+ returns the ordinal string corresponding to the receiver integer: