AS guide: changes the example in explanation of MissingSourceFile

This commit is contained in:
Xavier Noria 2009-08-08 02:54:48 +02:00
parent 8d32c2c39b
commit 47a3701df9

@ -890,15 +890,14 @@ The class +MissingSourceFile+ is a subclass of +LoadError+, so any code that res
For example, when an action of +PostsController+ is called Rails tries to load +posts_helper.rb+, but that file may not exist. That's fine, the helper module is not mandatory so Rails silences a load error. But it could be the case that the helper module does exist, but it in turn requires another library that is missing. In that case Rails must reraise the exception. The method +is_missing?+ provides a way to distinguish both cases:
def inherited_with_helper(child)
child.master_helper_module =
child.master_helper_module.__send__(:include, master_helper_module)
rescue MissingSourceFile => e
raise unless e.is_missing?("#{}_helper")
def default_helper_module!
module_name = name.sub(/Controller$/, '')
module_path = module_name.underscore
helper module_path
rescue MissingSourceFile => e
raise e unless e.is_missing? "#{module_path}_helper"
rescue NameError => e
raise e unless e.missing_name? "#{module_name}Helper"