adds a preamble to the guides generator, documents what it does and the environment variables it supports

This commit is contained in:
Xavier Noria 2010-04-03 12:08:47 -07:00
parent 11161e6c96
commit 512b4bccfb

@ -1,3 +1,50 @@
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script generates the guides. It can be invoked either directly or via the
# generate_guides rake task within the railties directory.
# Guides are taken from the source directory, and the resulting HTML goes into the
# output directory. Assets are stored under files, and copied to output/files as
# part of the generation process.
# Some arguments may be passed via environment variables:
# Internal references (anchors) are checked. If a reference is broken
# levenshtein distance is used to suggest an existing one. This is useful
# since IDs are generated by Textile from titles and thus rewordings alter
# them.
# Warns about duplicate IDs in headers. Please do resolve them, if any,
# so guides are valid XHTML.
# This check only happens if WARN_BROKEN_LINKS is also active.
# Set to "1" to indicate edge guides are generated.
# Generate all guides.
# If you want to generate only one or a set of guides.
# Prefixes are enough:
# # generates only association_basics.html
# ONLY=assoc ruby rails_guides.rb
# Separate many using commas:
# # generates only
# ONLY=assoc,migrations ruby rails_guides.rb
# Note that if you are working on a guide, generation will
# by default process only that one, so ONLY is rarely used
# nowadays.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
require 'set'
require 'fileutils'