don't start a new process for every test file

we can just reuse the parent process.  We should figure out what files
are commonly required among the test files and try to require them in
the parent so that the require time cost is amortized across the
This commit is contained in:
Aaron Patterson 2015-11-03 17:42:52 -08:00
parent 491f488f5a
commit 5a0e0e7299

@ -5,20 +5,33 @@ task :default => :test
desc "Run all unit tests"
task :test => 'test:isolated'
dash_i = [
dash_i.reverse_each do |x|
$:.unshift x unless $:.include? x
$-w = true
require 'bundler/setup' unless defined?(Bundler)
require 'active_support'
namespace :test do
task :isolated do
dirs = (ENV["TEST_DIR"] || ENV["TEST_DIRS"] || "**").split(",")
test_files = { |dir| "test/#{dir}/*_test.rb" }
Dir[*test_files].each do |file|
next true if file.include?("fixtures")
dash_i = [
ruby "-w", "-I#{dash_i.join ':'}", file
puts "#{FileUtils::RUBY} -w -I#{dash_i.join ':'} #{file}"
# We could run these in parallel, but pretty much all of the
# railties tests already run in parallel, so ¯\_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯
Process.waitpid fork { ARGV.clear; load file }