Add documentation about config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses

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This commit is contained in:
Yuki Nishijima 2014-09-26 19:45:05 -07:00
parent 4581d04477
commit 89b8836f24

@ -364,6 +364,29 @@ encrypted cookies salt value. Defaults to `'signed encrypted cookie'`.
method should be performed on the parameters. See [Security Guide](security.html#unsafe-query-generation)
for more information. It defaults to true.
* `config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses` configures what exceptions are assigned to an HTTP status. It accepts a hash and you can specify pairs of exception/status. By default, this is defined as:
config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses = {
'ActionController::RoutingError' => :not_found,
'AbstractController::ActionNotFound' => :not_found,
'ActionController::MethodNotAllowed' => :method_not_allowed,
'ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod' => :method_not_allowed,
'ActionController::NotImplemented' => :not_implemented,
'ActionController::UnknownFormat' => :not_acceptable,
'ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken' => :unprocessable_entity,
'ActionDispatch::ParamsParser::ParseError' => :bad_request,
'ActionController::BadRequest' => :bad_request,
'ActionController::ParameterMissing' => :bad_request,
'ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound' => :not_found,
'ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError' => :conflict,
'ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid' => :unprocessable_entity,
'ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved' => :unprocessable_entity
Any execptions that are not configured will be assigned to 500 Internal server error.
* `ActionDispatch::Callbacks.before` takes a block of code to run before the request.
* `ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare` takes a block to run after `ActionDispatch::Callbacks.before`, but before the request. Runs for every request in `development` mode, but only once for `production` or environments with `cache_classes` set to `true`.