Extract the layout proc into a method, and write documentation explaining what the proc does in various cases.

This commit is contained in:
Yehuda Katz + Carl Lerche 2009-06-17 18:55:10 -07:00
parent ca8f8fb031
commit b4a91db441
2 changed files with 38 additions and 9 deletions

@ -111,10 +111,6 @@ def capture(*args, &block)
# WARNING: content_for is ignored in caches. So you shouldn't use it
# for elements that will be fragment cached.
# The deprecated way of accessing a content_for block is to use an instance variable
# named <tt>@content_for_#{name_of_the_content_block}</tt>. The preferred usage is now
# <tt><%= yield :footer %></tt>.
def content_for(name, content = nil, &block)
content = capture(&block) if block_given?
return @_content_for[name] << content if content

@ -60,16 +60,49 @@ def _render_content_with_layout(content, layout, locals)
# You can think of a layout as a method that is called with a block. This method
# returns the block that the layout is called with. If the user calls yield :some_name,
# the block, by default, returns content_for(:some_name). If the user calls yield,
# the default block returns content_for(:layout).
# The user can override this default by passing a block to the layout.
# ==== Example
# # The template
# <% render :layout => "my_layout" do %>Content<% end %>
# # The layout
# <html><% yield %></html>
# In this case, instead of the default block, which would return content_for(:layout),
# this method returns the block that was passed in to render layout, and the response
# would be <html>Content</html>.
# Finally, the block can take block arguments, which can be passed in by yield.
# ==== Example
# # The template
# <% render :layout => "my_layout" do |name| %>Hello <%= customer.name %><% end %>
# # The layout
# <html><% yield Struct.new(:name).new("David") %></html>
# In this case, the layout would receive the block passed into <tt>render :layout</tt>,
# and the Struct specified in the layout would be passed into the block. The result
# would be <html>Hello David</html>.
def layout_proc(name)
@_default_layout ||= proc { |*names| @_content_for[names.first || :layout] }
!@_content_for.key?(name) && @_proc_for_layout || @_default_layout
def _render_template(template, local_assigns = {})
with_template(template) do
template.render(self, local_assigns) do |*names|
if !@_content_for.key?(names.first) && @_proc_for_layout
capture(*names, &@_proc_for_layout)
elsif content = @_content_for[names.first || :layout]
capture(*names, &layout_proc(names.first))
rescue Exception => e