Deprecate link_to :popup

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Peek 2010-01-29 20:00:55 -06:00
parent 7f181e4750
commit bddd1bb626
3 changed files with 8 additions and 59 deletions

@ -189,24 +189,21 @@ def javascript_cdata_section(content) #:nodoc:
def convert_options_to_javascript!(html_options, url = '')
confirm, popup = html_options.delete("confirm"), html_options.delete("popup")
confirm = html_options.delete("confirm")
if html_options.key?("popup")
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(":popup has been deprecated", caller)
method, href = html_options.delete("method"), html_options['href']
if popup && method
raise ActionView::ActionViewError, "You can't use :popup and :method in the same link"
elsif confirm && popup
add_confirm_to_attributes!(html_options, confirm)
html_options["data-popup"] = popup_attributes(popup)
elsif confirm && method
if confirm && method
add_confirm_to_attributes!(html_options, confirm)
add_method_to_attributes!(html_options, method, url)
elsif confirm
add_confirm_to_attributes!(html_options, confirm)
elsif method
add_method_to_attributes!(html_options, method, url)
elsif popup
html_options["data-popup"] = popup_attributes(popup)
@ -226,10 +223,6 @@ def add_disable_with_to_attributes!(html_options, disable_with)
html_options["data-disable-with"] = disable_with if disable_with
def popup_attributes(popup)
popup.is_a?(Array) ? "{title: '#{popup.first}', options: '#{popup.last}'}" : "true"
def options_for_javascript(options)
if options.empty?

@ -120,10 +120,6 @@ def url_for(options = {})
# * <tt>:confirm => 'question?'</tt> - This will add a JavaScript confirm
# prompt with the question specified. If the user accepts, the link is
# processed normally, otherwise no action is taken.
# * <tt>:popup => true || array of window options</tt> - This will force the
# link to open in a popup window. By passing true, a default browser window
# will be opened with the URL. You can also specify an array of options
# that are passed to the <tt></tt> JavaScript call.
# * <tt>:method => symbol of HTTP verb</tt> - This modifier will dynamically
# create an HTML form and immediately submit the form for processing using
# the HTTP verb specified. Useful for having links perform a POST operation
@ -136,10 +132,6 @@ def url_for(options = {})
# the request object's methods for <tt>post?</tt>, <tt>delete?</tt> or <tt>put?</tt>.
# * The +html_options+ will accept a hash of html attributes for the link tag.
# You can mix and match the +html_options+ with the exception of
# <tt>:popup</tt> and <tt>:method</tt> which will raise an
# <tt>ActionView::ActionViewError</tt> exception.
# ==== Examples
# Because it relies on +url_for+, +link_to+ supports both older-style controller/action/id arguments
# and newer RESTful routes. Current Rails style favors RESTful routes whenever possible, so base
@ -203,17 +195,11 @@ def url_for(options = {})
# link_to "Nonsense search", searches_path(:foo => "bar", :baz => "quux")
# # => <a href="/searches?foo=bar&amp;baz=quux">Nonsense search</a>
# The three options specific to +link_to+ (<tt>:confirm</tt>, <tt>:popup</tt>, and <tt>:method</tt>) are used as follows:
# The three options specific to +link_to+ (<tt>:confirm</tt> and <tt>:method</tt>) are used as follows:
# link_to "Visit Other Site", "", :confirm => "Are you sure?"
# # => <a href="" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');">Visit Other Site</a>
# link_to "Help", { :action => "help" }, :popup => true
# # => <a href="/testing/help/" onclick=";return false;">Help</a>
# link_to "View Image", @image, :popup => ['new_window_name', 'height=300,width=600']
# # => <a href="/images/9" onclick=",'new_window_name','height=300,width=600');return false;">View Image</a>
# link_to "Delete Image", @image, :confirm => "Are you sure?", :method => :delete
# # => <a href="/images/9" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure?')) { var f = document.createElement('form');
# = 'none'; this.parentNode.appendChild(f); f.method = 'POST'; f.action = this.href;
@ -308,7 +294,7 @@ def button_to(name, options = {}, html_options = {})
url = options.is_a?(String) ? options : self.url_for(options)
name ||= url
convert_options_to_javascript!(html_options, url)
html_options.merge!("type" => "submit", "value" => name)

@ -183,32 +183,6 @@ def test_link_tag_with_javascript_confirm
def test_link_tag_with_popup
"<a href=\"\" data-popup=\"true\">Hello</a>",
link_to("Hello", "", :popup => true)
"<a href=\"\" data-popup=\"true\">Hello</a>",
link_to("Hello", "", :popup => 'true')
"<a href=\"\" data-popup=\"{title: 'window_name', options: 'width=300,height=300'}\">Hello</a>",
link_to("Hello", "", :popup => ['window_name', 'width=300,height=300'])
def test_link_tag_with_popup_and_javascript_confirm
"<a href=\"\" data-confirm=\"Fo\' sho\'?\" data-popup=\"true\">Hello</a>",
link_to("Hello", "", { :popup => true, :confirm => "Fo' sho'?" })
"<a href=\"\" data-confirm=\"Are you serious?\" data-popup=\"{title: 'window_name', options: 'width=300,height=300'}\">Hello</a>",
link_to("Hello", "", { :popup => ['window_name', 'width=300,height=300'], :confirm => "Are you serious?" })
def test_link_tag_using_post_javascript
"<a href='' data-url='' data-method=\"post\">Hello</a>",
@ -245,10 +219,6 @@ def test_link_tag_using_delete_javascript_and_href_and_confirm
def test_link_tag_using_post_javascript_and_popup
assert_raise(ActionView::ActionViewError) { link_to("Hello", "", :popup => true, :method => :post, :confirm => "Are you serious?") }
def test_link_tag_using_block_in_erb
__in_erb_template = ''