Added some useful methods to the generators.textile

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James Strocel 2012-04-24 12:08:05 -07:00
parent 52188c77f1
commit f45f1bacb0

@ -451,6 +451,27 @@ Adds a specified source to +Gemfile+:
add_source ""
h4. +inject_into_file+
Injects a block of code into a defined position in your file.
inject_into_file 'name_of_file.rb', :after => "#The code goes below this line. Don't for get the Line break at the end\n" do <<-'RUBY'
puts "Hello World"
h4. +gsub_file+
Replaces text inside a file.
gsub_file 'name_of_file.rb', 'method.to_be_replaced', 'method.the_replacing_code'
Regular Expressions can be used to make this method more precise. You can also use append_file and prepend_file in the same way to place code at the beginning and end of a file respectively.
h4. +application+
Adds a line to +config/application.rb+ directly after the application class definition.