Jonathan Hefner d1411b2018 Split up code blocks for multi-file examples [ci-skip]
RDoc treats consecutive indented lines as a single code block.  For code
examples that span multiple files / languages, this confuses the syntax
highlighter and makes the examples harder to read.  Unfortunately, RDoc
doesn't provide syntax to prevent this, and it ignores multiple
consecutive blank lines.  However, by inserting an empty tag such as
`<code></code>`, we can force RDoc to recognize separate code blocks.
2024-01-07 17:27:23 -06:00

80 lines
2.6 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
require "active_support/testing/file_fixtures"
require "active_record/secure_token"
module ActiveStorage
# = Active Storage \FixtureSet
# Fixtures are a way of organizing data that you want to test against; in
# short, sample data.
# To learn more about fixtures, read the ActiveRecord::FixtureSet documentation.
# === YAML
# Like other Active Record-backed models, ActiveStorage::Attachment and
# ActiveStorage::Blob records inherit from ActiveRecord::Base instances and
# therefore can be populated by fixtures.
# Consider a hypothetical <tt>Article</tt> model class, its related
# fixture data, as well as fixture data for related ActiveStorage::Attachment
# and ActiveStorage::Blob records:
# # app/models/article.rb
# class Article < ApplicationRecord
# has_one_attached :thumbnail
# end
# <code></code>
# # fixtures/active_storage/blobs.yml
# first_thumbnail_blob: <%= ActiveStorage::FixtureSet.blob filename: "first.png" %>
# <code></code>
# # fixtures/active_storage/attachments.yml
# first_thumbnail_attachment:
# name: thumbnail
# record: first (Article)
# blob: first_thumbnail_blob
# When processed, Active Record will insert database records for each fixture
# entry and will ensure the Active Storage relationship is intact.
class FixtureSet
include ActiveSupport::Testing::FileFixtures
include ActiveRecord::SecureToken
# Generate a YAML-encoded representation of an ActiveStorage::Blob
# instance's attributes, resolve the file relative to the directory mentioned
# by ActiveSupport::Testing::FileFixtures.file_fixture, and upload
# the file to the Service
# === Examples
# # tests/fixtures/active_storage/blobs.yml
# second_thumbnail_blob: <%= ActiveStorage::FixtureSet.blob(
# filename: "second.svg",
# ) %>
# third_thumbnail_blob: <%= ActiveStorage::FixtureSet.blob(
# filename: "third.svg",
# content_type: "image/svg+xml",
# service_name: "public"
# ) %>
def self.blob(filename:, **attributes)
new.prepare Blob.new(filename: filename, key: generate_unique_secure_token), **attributes
def prepare(instance, **attributes)
io = file_fixture(instance.filename.to_s).open
instance.attributes.transform_values { |value| value.is_a?(Hash) ? value.to_json : value }.compact.to_json