Tsutomu Kuroda b0e2fc843b Fix human attribute_name to handle deeply nested attributes
When a model nests another model that also nests yet another model
using accepts_nested_attributes_for method, its Errors object can
have an attribute name with "contacts.addresses.street" style.

In this case, the dots within the namespace should be substituted
with slashes so that we can provide the translation under the
"activemodel.attributes.person/contacts/addresses.street" key.

This commit is related to #3859.
2012-05-16 08:39:48 +09:00

70 lines
2.3 KiB

module ActiveModel
# == Active Model Translation
# Provides integration between your object and the Rails internationalization
# (i18n) framework.
# A minimal implementation could be:
# class TranslatedPerson
# extend ActiveModel::Translation
# end
# TranslatedPerson.human_attribute_name('my_attribute')
# # => "My attribute"
# This also provides the required class methods for hooking into the
# Rails internationalization API, including being able to define a
# class based +i18n_scope+ and +lookup_ancestors+ to find translations in
# parent classes.
module Translation
include ActiveModel::Naming
# Returns the +i18n_scope+ for the class. Overwrite if you want custom lookup.
def i18n_scope
# When localizing a string, it goes through the lookup returned by this
# method, which is used in ActiveModel::Name#human,
# ActiveModel::Errors#full_messages and
# ActiveModel::Translation#human_attribute_name.
def lookup_ancestors
self.ancestors.select { |x| x.respond_to?(:model_name) }
# Transforms attribute names into a more human format, such as "First name"
# instead of "first_name".
# Person.human_attribute_name("first_name") # => "First name"
# Specify +options+ with additional translating options.
def human_attribute_name(attribute, options = {})
options = { :count => 1 }.merge!(options)
parts = attribute.to_s.split(".")
attribute = parts.pop
namespace = parts.join("/") unless parts.empty?
attributes_scope = "#{self.i18n_scope}.attributes"
if namespace
defaults = lookup_ancestors.map do |klass|
defaults << :"#{attributes_scope}.#{namespace}.#{attribute}"
defaults = lookup_ancestors.map do |klass|
defaults << :"attributes.#{attribute}"
defaults << options.delete(:default) if options[:default]
defaults << attribute.humanize
options[:default] = defaults
I18n.translate(defaults.shift, options)