
567 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
import string
import os
import sys
from distutils import sysconfig
# Build directory.
root_build_dir = '..' + os.sep + 'build' + os.sep
# Blender version.
config_file = 'config.opts'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
sdl_cenv = Environment ()
sdl_lenv = Environment ()
link_env = Environment ()
env = Environment ()
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
if sys.platform == 'linux2':
use_international = 'false'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
use_gameengine = 'false'
use_openal = 'false'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'false'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'false'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
release_flags = ['-O2']
debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g']
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char']
cxxflags = []
defines = []
warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-W']
window_system = 'X11'
platform_libs = ['m', 'z', 'GL', 'GLU', 'png', 'jpeg', 'util']
platform_libpath = []
platform_linkflags = []
extra_includes = []
# SDL specific stuff.
sdl_cenv.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags')
sdl_lenv.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --libs')
sdl_cdict = sdl_cenv.Dictionary()
sdl_ldict = sdl_lenv.Dictionary()
sdl_cflags = string.join(sdl_cdict['CCFLAGS'])
sdl_include = sdl_cdict['CPPPATH'][0]
link_env.Append (LIBS=sdl_ldict['LIBS'])
link_env.Append (LIBPATH=sdl_ldict['LIBPATH'])
solid_include = '#extern/solid/include'
ode_include = '#extern/ode/dist/include/ode'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
# Python variables.
python_include = sysconfig.get_python_inc ()
python_libpath = sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config'
python_lib = 'python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]
# International stuff
if (use_international == 'true'):
platform_libpath += ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/lib',
platform_libs += ['ftgl', 'freetype']
extra_includes += ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/include',
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
use_international = 'false'
use_gameengine = 'false'
use_openal = 'false'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'true'
use_precomp = 'true'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'false'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
# TODO: replace darwin-6.8-powerpc with the actual directiory on the
# build machine
darwin_precomp = '#../lib/darwin-6.8-powerpc'
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char']
cxxflags = []
defines = ['_THREAD_SAFE']
if use_quicktime == 'true':
defines += ['WITH_QUICKTIME']
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-W']
release_flags = []
debug_flags = ['-g']
window_system = 'CARBON'
# SDL specific stuff.
sdl_cenv.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags')
sdl_lenv.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --libs')
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
sdl_cdict = sdl_cenv.Dictionary()
sdl_ldict = sdl_lenv.Dictionary()
sdl_cflags = string.join(sdl_cdict['CCFLAGS'])
# Want to use precompiled libraries?
if use_precomp == 'true':
sdl_ldict['LIBS'] = ['libSDL.a']
sdl_ldict['LIBPATH'] = [darwin_precomp + '/sdl/lib']
sdl_cdict['CPPPATH'] = [darwin_precomp + '/sdl/include']
sdl_include = sdl_cdict['CPPPATH'][0]
link_env.Append (LIBS=sdl_ldict['LIBS'])
link_env.Append (LIBPATH=sdl_ldict['LIBPATH'])
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
platform_libs = ['z', 'GL', 'GLU', 'png', 'jpeg', 'stdc++']
extra_includes = ['/sw/include']
platform_libpath = ['/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries']
platform_linkflags = []
# Python variables.
python_lib = 'python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]
python_libpath = sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config'
python_include = sysconfig.get_python_inc ()
elif sys.platform == 'cygwin':
use_international = 'false'
use_gameengine = 'false'
use_openal = 'false'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'false'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'false'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
release_flags = ['-O2']
debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g']
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-mno-cygwin', '-mwindows', '-funsigned-char']
defines = ['FREE_WINDOWS', 'NDEBUG']
cxxflags = []
warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-Wno-char-subscripts']
platform_libs = ['png', 'jpeg', 'netapi32',
'opengl32', 'glu32', 'winmm',
'mingw32', 'z']
platform_libpath = ['/usr/lib/w32api', '/lib/w32api']
platform_linkflags = ['-mwindows', '-mno-cygwin', '-mconsole']
window_system = 'WIN32'
extra_includes = ['/usr/include']
# SDL specific stuff.
sdl_cenv.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags')
sdl_lenv.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --libs')
sdl_cdict = sdl_cenv.Dictionary()
sdl_ldict = sdl_lenv.Dictionary()
sdl_cflags = '-DWIN32'
sdl_include = sdl_cdict['CPPPATH'][0]
link_env.Append (LIBS=sdl_ldict['LIBS'])
link_env.Append (LIBPATH=sdl_ldict['LIBPATH'])
# We need to force the Cygwin environment to use the g++ linker.
link_env.Replace (CC='g++')
# Python variables.
python_include = sysconfig.get_python_inc ()
python_libpath = sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config'
python_lib = 'python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
use_international = 'true'
use_gameengine = 'true'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
use_openal = 'true'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'true'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'true'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
release_flags = ['/G6', '/GF']
debug_flags = []
extra_flags = ['/EHsc', '/J', '/W3', '/Gd', '/MT']
cxxflags = []
defines += ['_LIB', 'WITH_FREETYPE2', 'USE_OPENAL']
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
warn_flags = []
platform_libs = ['SDL', 'freetype2ST', 'ftgl_static_ST', 'gnu_gettext',
'qtmlClient', 'odelib', 'openal_static', 'soundsystem',
'ws2_32', 'dxguid', 'opengl32', 'libjpeg', 'glu32',
'vfw32', 'winmm', 'libpng_st', 'libz_st', 'solid',
'qhull', 'iconv', 'kernel32', 'user32', 'gdi32',
'winspool', 'comdlg32', 'advapi32', 'shell32',
'ole32', 'oleaut32', 'uuid', 'odbc32', 'odbccp32',
'libcmt', 'libc']
platform_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/ftgl/lib',
platform_linkflags = [
window_system = 'WIN32'
extra_includes = ['#../lib/windows/zlib/include',
if use_international == 'true':
extra_includes += ['#../lib/windows/ftgl/include',
if use_quicktime == 'true':
extra_includes += ['#../lib/windows/QTDevWin/CIncludes']
if use_openal == 'true':
extra_includes += ['#../lib/windows/openal/include']
sdl_include = '#../lib/windows/sdl/include'
sdl_cflags = ''
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
window_system = 'WIN32'
solid_include = '#../lib/windows/solid/include'
ode_include = '#../lib/windows/ode/include'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
# Python lib name
python_include = '#../lib/windows/python/include/python2.2'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
python_libpath = '#../lib/windows/python/lib'
python_lib = 'python22'
elif string.find (sys.platform, 'sunos') != -1:
use_international = 'true'
use_gameengine = 'false'
use_openal = 'false'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'false'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'false'
release_flags = ['-O2']
debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g']
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char']
cxxflags = []
defines = []
warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-W']
window_system = 'X11'
platform_libs = ['m', 'z', 'GL', 'GLU', 'png', 'jpeg', 'util']
platform_libpath = []
platform_linkflags = []
extra_includes = []
# SDL specific stuff.
sdl_cenv.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags')
sdl_lenv.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --libs')
sdl_cdict = sdl_cenv.Dictionary()
sdl_ldict = sdl_lenv.Dictionary()
sdl_cflags = string.join(sdl_cdict['CCFLAGS'])
sdl_include = sdl_cdict['CPPPATH'][0]
link_env.Append (LIBS=sdl_ldict['LIBS'])
link_env.Append (LIBPATH=sdl_ldict['LIBPATH'])
solid_include = '#extern/solid/include'
ode_include = '#extern/ode/dist/include/ode'
# Python variables.
python_include = sysconfig.get_python_inc ()
python_libpath = sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config'
python_lib = 'python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]
# International stuff
if (use_international == 'true'):
platform_libpath += ['#../lib/solaris-2.8-sparc/ftgl',
platform_libs += ['ftgl', 'freetype']
extra_includes += ['#../lib/solaris-2.8-sparc/ftgl/include',
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
elif string.find (sys.platform, 'irix') != -1:
use_international = 'false'
use_gameengine = 'false'
use_openal = 'false'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'false'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'false'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
irix_precomp = '#../lib/irix-6.5-mips'
extra_flags = ['-n32', '-mips3', '-Xcpluscomm']
cxxflags = ['-n32', '-mips3', '-Xcpluscomm', '-LANG:std']
cxxflags += ['-LANG:libc_in_namespace_std=off']
window_system = 'X11'
release_flags = ['-O2', '-OPT:Olimit=0']
debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g']
defines = []
warn_flags = ['-fullwarn', '-woff', '1001,1110,1201,1209,1355,1424,1681,3201']
sdl_cflags = ''
sdl_include = irix_precomp + '/sdl/include/SDL'
link_env.Append (LIBS=['libSDL.a'])
link_env.Append (LIBPATH=['/usr/lib32/mips3', irix_precomp + '/sdl/lib'])
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
python_libpath = irix_precomp + '/python/lib/python2.2/config'
python_include = irix_precomp + '/python/include/python2.2'
python_lib = 'python2.2'
platform_libs = ['SDL', 'movieGL', 'GLU', 'GL', 'Xmu', 'Xext', 'X11',
'c', 'm', 'dmedia', 'cl', 'audio',
'Cio', 'png', 'jpeg', 'z', 'pthread']
platform_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/png/lib',
irix_precomp + '/jpeg/lib',
'/usr/lib32', '/lib/freeware/lib32']
platform_linkflags = ['-mips3', '-n32']
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
extra_includes = [irix_precomp + '/jpeg/include',
irix_precomp + '/png/include',
solid_include = irix_precomp + '/solid/include'
ode_include = irix_precomp + '/ode/include'
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
elif string.find (sys.platform, 'hp-ux') != -1:
window_system = 'X11'
defines = []
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
print "Unknown platform"
# End of platform specific section
# User configurable options to be saved in a config file.
# Checking for an existing config file - use that one if it exists,
# otherwise create one.
if os.path.exists (config_file):
print "Using config file: " + config_file
print "Creating new config file: " + config_file
config=open (config_file, 'w')
config.write ("# Configuration file containing user definable options.\n")
config.write ("VERSION = '2.32-cvs'\n")
config.write ("BUILD_BINARY = 'release'\n")
config.write ("BUILD_DIR = '%s'\n"%(root_build_dir))
config.write ("USE_INTERNATIONAL = '%s'\n"%(use_international))
config.write ("BUILD_GAMEENGINE = '%s'\n"%(use_gameengine))
if use_sumo == 'true':
config.write ("USE_PHYSICS = 'solid'\n")
config.write ("USE_PHYSICS = 'ode'\n")
config.write ("USE_OPENAL = '%s'\n"%(use_openal))
config.write ("USE_FMOD = '%s'\n"%(use_fmod))
config.write ("USE_QUICKTIME = '%s'\n"%(use_quicktime))
config.close ()
# Read the options from the config file and update the various necessary flags
user_options_env = Environment ()
user_options = Options (config_file)
user_options.AddOptions (
('VERSION', 'Blender version', version),
('BUILD_DIR', 'Target directory for intermediate files.',
'Set to 1 to have international support.',
(EnumOption ('USE_PHYSICS', 'solid',
'Select which physics engine to use.',
allowed_values = ('ode', 'solid'))),
'Set to 1 to build blender with game engine support.',
(BoolOption ('USE_OPENAL',
'Set to 1 to build the game engine with OpenAL support.',
(BoolOption ('USE_FMOD',
'Set to 1 to build the game engine with FMod support.',
(BoolOption ('USE_QUICKTIME',
'Set to 1 to add support for QuickTime.',
(EnumOption ('BUILD_BINARY', 'release',
'Select a release or debug binary.',
allowed_values = ('release', 'debug'))),
user_options.Update (user_options_env)
user_dict = user_options_env.Dictionary()
root_build_dir = user_dict['BUILD_DIR']
if user_dict['USE_INTERNATIONAL'] == 1:
use_international = 'true'
use_international = 'false'
if user_dict['USE_PHYSICS'] == 'ode':
use_ode = 'true'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'false'
use_sumo = 'true'
if user_dict['BUILD_GAMEENGINE']:
use_gameengine = 'true'
defines += ['GAMEBLENDER=1']
use_gameengine = 'false'
defines += ['GAMEBLENDER=0']
if user_dict['USE_OPENAL'] == 1:
use_openal = 'true'
use_openal = 'false'
if user_dict['USE_FMOD'] == 1:
use_fmod = 'true'
use_fmod = 'false'
if user_dict['USE_QUICKTIME'] == 1:
use_quicktime = 'true'
use_quicktime = 'false'
if user_dict['BUILD_BINARY'] == 'release':
cflags = extra_flags + release_flags + warn_flags
cflags = extra_flags + debug_flags + warn_flags
# Game Engine settings
if use_gameengine == 'true':
if use_sumo == 'true':
defines += ['USE_SUMO_SOLID']
if use_ode == 'true':
defines += ['USE_ODE']
# Settings to be exported to other SConscript files
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
cflags = extra_flags + release_flags + warn_flags
Export ('use_international')
Export ('use_gameengine')
Export ('use_openal')
Export ('use_fmod')
Export ('use_quicktime')
Export ('use_ode')
Export ('use_sumo')
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
Export ('python_include')
Export ('cflags')
Export ('defines')
Export ('cxxflags')
Export ('window_system')
Export ('sdl_cflags')
Export ('sdl_include')
Export ('solid_include')
Export ('ode_include')
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
Export ('extra_includes')
Export ('platform_libs')
Export ('platform_libpath')
Export ('platform_linkflags')
Export ('root_build_dir')
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
BuildDir (root_build_dir+'/intern', 'intern', duplicate=0)
SConscript (root_build_dir+'intern/SConscript')
BuildDir (root_build_dir+'/source', 'source', duplicate=0)
SConscript (root_build_dir+'source/SConscript')
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
libpath = (['lib'])
libraries = (['blender_render',
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
link_env.Append (LIBS=libraries)
link_env.Append (LIBPATH=libpath)
link_env.Append (CPPDEFINES=defines)
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
if use_international == 'true':
link_env.Append (LIBS=['blender_FTF'])
if use_quicktime == 'true':
link_env.Append (LIBS=['blender_quicktime'])
if use_gameengine == 'true':
link_env.Append (LIBS=['blender_expressions',
if use_sumo == 'true':
link_env.Append (LIBS=['PHY_Sumo'])
if use_ode == 'true':
link_env.Append (LIBS=['PHY_Ode'])
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
link_env.Append (LIBS=python_lib)
link_env.Append (LIBPATH=python_libpath)
link_env.Append (LIBS=platform_libs)
link_env.Append (LIBPATH=platform_libpath)
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
link_env.Append (LINKFLAGS=' -framework Carbon')
link_env.Append (LINKFLAGS=' -framework AGL')
if use_quicktime == 'true':
link_env.Append (LINKFLAGS=' -framework QuickTime')
link_env.Append (LINKFLAGS=platform_linkflags)
source_files = [root_build_dir+'source/creator/buildinfo.c',
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
if sys.platform == 'win32':
source_files += ['source/icons/winblender.res']
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
include_paths = ['#/intern/guardedalloc',
link_env.BuildDir (root_build_dir, '.', duplicate=0)
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
link_env.Append (CPPPATH=include_paths)
link_env.Program (target='blender', source=source_files, CCFLAGS=cflags)
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
bundle = Environment ()
blender_app = 'blender'
bundle.Depends ('#/' + blender_app, blender_app)
bundle.Command ('#/',
"rm -rf && " + \
"cp -R source/darwin/ . && " +
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
"cat $SOURCE | sed s/VERSION/`cat release/VERSION`/ | \
sed s/DATE/`date +'%Y-%b-%d'`/ \
bundle.Command ('' + blender_app, blender_app,
'cp $SOURCE $TARGET && ' + \
'chmod +x $TARGET && ' + \
'find $SOURCE -name CVS -prune -exec rm -rf {} \; && ' +
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
'find $SOURCE -name .DS_Store -exec rm -rf {} \;')