Code cleanup: simplify kernel side work stealing code.

This commit is contained in:
Brecht Van Lommel 2017-09-21 03:37:22 +02:00
parent 01dfaac77b
commit 07ec0effb6
5 changed files with 65 additions and 124 deletions

@ -27,90 +27,54 @@ CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
# pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics : enable
ccl_device_inline uint kernel_total_work_size(KernelGlobals *kg)
return kernel_split_params.w * kernel_split_params.h * kernel_split_params.num_samples;
ccl_device_inline uint kernel_num_work_pools(KernelGlobals *kg)
return ccl_global_size(0) * ccl_global_size(1) / WORK_POOL_SIZE;
ccl_device_inline uint work_pool_from_ray_index(KernelGlobals *kg, uint ray_index)
return ray_index / WORK_POOL_SIZE;
ccl_device_inline uint work_pool_work_size(KernelGlobals *kg, uint work_pool)
uint total_work_size = kernel_total_work_size(kg);
uint num_pools = kernel_num_work_pools(kg);
if(work_pool >= num_pools || work_pool * WORK_POOL_SIZE >= total_work_size) {
return 0;
uint work_size = (total_work_size / (num_pools * WORK_POOL_SIZE)) * WORK_POOL_SIZE;
uint remainder = (total_work_size % (num_pools * WORK_POOL_SIZE));
if(work_pool < remainder / WORK_POOL_SIZE) {
work_size += WORK_POOL_SIZE;
else if(work_pool == remainder / WORK_POOL_SIZE) {
work_size += remainder % WORK_POOL_SIZE;
return work_size;
ccl_device_inline uint get_global_work_index(KernelGlobals *kg, uint work_index, uint ray_index)
uint num_pools = kernel_num_work_pools(kg);
uint pool = work_pool_from_ray_index(kg, ray_index);
return (work_index / WORK_POOL_SIZE) * (num_pools * WORK_POOL_SIZE)
+ (pool * WORK_POOL_SIZE)
+ (work_index % WORK_POOL_SIZE);
/* Returns true if there is work */
ccl_device bool get_next_work(KernelGlobals *kg, ccl_private uint *work_index, uint ray_index)
ccl_device bool get_next_work(KernelGlobals *kg,
uint thread_index,
ccl_private uint *global_work_index)
uint work_pool = work_pool_from_ray_index(kg, ray_index);
uint pool_size = work_pool_work_size(kg, work_pool);
uint total_work_size = kernel_split_params.w
* kernel_split_params.h
* kernel_split_params.num_samples;
if(pool_size == 0) {
/* With a small amount of work there may be more threads than work due to
* rounding up of global size, stop such threads immediately. */
if(thread_index >= total_work_size) {
return false;
*work_index = atomic_fetch_and_inc_uint32(&kernel_split_params.work_pools[work_pool]);
return (*work_index < pool_size);
/* Increase atomic work index counter in pool. */
uint pool = thread_index / WORK_POOL_SIZE;
uint work_index = atomic_fetch_and_inc_uint32(&kernel_split_params.work_pools[pool]);
/* Map per-pool work index to a global work index. */
uint global_size = ccl_global_size(0) * ccl_global_size(1);
kernel_assert(global_size % WORK_POOL_SIZE == 0);
kernel_assert(thread_index < global_size);
*global_work_index = (work_index / WORK_POOL_SIZE) * global_size
+ (pool * WORK_POOL_SIZE)
+ (work_index % WORK_POOL_SIZE);
/* Test if all work for this pool is done. */
return (*global_work_index < total_work_size);
/* This function assumes that the passed `work` is valid. */
/* Decode sample number w.r.t. assigned `work`. */
ccl_device uint get_work_sample(KernelGlobals *kg, uint work_index, uint ray_index)
/* Map global work index to pixel X/Y and sample. */
ccl_device_inline void get_work_pixel(KernelGlobals *kg,
uint global_work_index,
ccl_private uint *x,
ccl_private uint *y,
ccl_private uint *sample)
return get_global_work_index(kg, work_index, ray_index) / (kernel_split_params.w * kernel_split_params.h);
uint tile_pixels = kernel_split_params.w * kernel_split_params.h;
uint sample_offset = global_work_index / tile_pixels;
uint pixel_offset = global_work_index - sample_offset * tile_pixels;
uint y_offset = pixel_offset / kernel_split_params.w;
uint x_offset = pixel_offset - y_offset * kernel_split_params.w;
/* Decode pixel and tile position w.r.t. assigned `work`. */
ccl_device void get_work_pixel_tile_position(KernelGlobals *kg,
ccl_private uint *pixel_x,
ccl_private uint *pixel_y,
ccl_private uint *tile_x,
ccl_private uint *tile_y,
uint work_index,
uint ray_index)
uint pixel_index = get_global_work_index(kg, work_index, ray_index) % (kernel_split_params.w*kernel_split_params.h);
*tile_x = pixel_index % kernel_split_params.w;
*tile_y = pixel_index / kernel_split_params.w;
*pixel_x = *tile_x + kernel_split_params.x;
*pixel_y = *tile_y + kernel_split_params.y;
*x = kernel_split_params.x + x_offset;
*y = kernel_split_params.y + y_offset;
*sample = kernel_split_params.start_sample + sample_offset;

@ -84,14 +84,9 @@ ccl_device void kernel_buffer_update(KernelGlobals *kg,
ccl_global float3 *throughput = &kernel_split_state.throughput[ray_index];
if(IS_STATE(ray_state, ray_index, RAY_UPDATE_BUFFER)) {
uint work_index = kernel_split_state.work_array[ray_index];
uint sample = get_work_sample(kg, work_index, ray_index) + kernel_split_params.start_sample;
uint tile_x, tile_y, pixel_x, pixel_y;
get_work_pixel_tile_position(kg, &pixel_x, &pixel_y, &tile_x, &tile_y, work_index, ray_index);
ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_split_params.buffer;
buffer += (kernel_split_params.offset + pixel_x + pixel_y*stride) *;
uint sample = state->sample;
uint buffer_offset = kernel_split_state.buffer_offset[ray_index];
ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_split_params.buffer + buffer_offset;
/* accumulate result in output buffer */
kernel_write_result(kg, buffer, sample, L);
@ -102,31 +97,26 @@ ccl_device void kernel_buffer_update(KernelGlobals *kg,
if(IS_STATE(ray_state, ray_index, RAY_TO_REGENERATE)) {
/* We have completed current work; So get next work */
uint work_index;
int valid_work = get_next_work(kg, &work_index, ray_index);
if(!valid_work) {
if(!get_next_work(kg, ray_index, &work_index)) {
/* If work is invalid, this means no more work is available and the thread may exit */
ASSIGN_RAY_STATE(ray_state, ray_index, RAY_INACTIVE);
if(IS_STATE(ray_state, ray_index, RAY_TO_REGENERATE)) {
kernel_split_state.work_array[ray_index] = work_index;
/* Get the sample associated with the current work */
uint sample = get_work_sample(kg, work_index, ray_index) + kernel_split_params.start_sample;
/* Get pixel and tile position associated with current work */
uint tile_x, tile_y, pixel_x, pixel_y;
get_work_pixel_tile_position(kg, &pixel_x, &pixel_y, &tile_x, &tile_y, work_index, ray_index);
uint x, y, sample;
get_work_pixel(kg, work_index, &x, &y, &sample);
/* Remap rng_state according to the current work */
/* Remap rng_state to current pixel. */
ccl_global uint *rng_state = kernel_split_params.rng_state;
rng_state += kernel_split_params.offset + pixel_x + pixel_y*stride;
rng_state += kernel_split_params.offset + x + y*stride;
/* Remap buffer according to the current work */
ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_split_params.buffer;
buffer += (kernel_split_params.offset + pixel_x + pixel_y*stride) *;
/* Store buffer offset for writing to passes. */
uint buffer_offset = (kernel_split_params.offset + x + y*stride) *;
kernel_split_state.buffer_offset[ray_index] = buffer_offset;
/* Initialize random numbers and ray. */
uint rng_hash;
kernel_path_trace_setup(kg, rng_state, sample, pixel_x, pixel_y, &rng_hash, ray);
kernel_path_trace_setup(kg, rng_state, sample, x, y, &rng_hash, ray);
if(ray->t != 0.0f) {
/* Initialize throughput, path radiance, Ray, PathState;
@ -145,6 +135,7 @@ ccl_device void kernel_buffer_update(KernelGlobals *kg,
/* These rays do not participate in path-iteration. */
float4 L_rad = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
/* Accumulate result in output buffer. */
ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_split_params.buffer + buffer_offset;
kernel_write_pass_float4(buffer, sample, L_rad);
ASSIGN_RAY_STATE(ray_state, ray_index, RAY_TO_REGENERATE);

@ -90,8 +90,6 @@ ccl_device void kernel_holdout_emission_blurring_pathtermination_ao(
if(ray_index != QUEUE_EMPTY_SLOT) {
int stride = kernel_split_params.stride;
ccl_global PathState *state = 0x0;
float3 throughput;
@ -99,15 +97,8 @@ ccl_device void kernel_holdout_emission_blurring_pathtermination_ao(
ShaderData *sd = &[ray_index];
if(IS_STATE(ray_state, ray_index, RAY_ACTIVE)) {
uint work_index = kernel_split_state.work_array[ray_index];
uint pixel_x, pixel_y, tile_x, tile_y;
get_work_pixel_tile_position(kg, &pixel_x, &pixel_y,
&tile_x, &tile_y,
ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_split_params.buffer;
buffer += (kernel_split_params.offset + pixel_x + pixel_y * stride) *;
uint buffer_offset = kernel_split_state.buffer_offset[ray_index];
ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_split_params.buffer + buffer_offset;
ccl_global Ray *ray = &kernel_split_state.ray[ray_index];
ShaderData *emission_sd = &kernel_split_state.sd_DL_shadow[ray_index];

@ -29,38 +29,32 @@ ccl_device void kernel_path_init(KernelGlobals *kg) {
kernel_split_state.ray_state[ray_index] = RAY_ACTIVE;
uint work_index = 0;
/* Get work. */
if(!get_next_work(kg, &work_index, ray_index)) {
uint work_index;
if(!get_next_work(kg, ray_index, &work_index)) {
/* No more work, mark ray as inactive */
kernel_split_state.ray_state[ray_index] = RAY_INACTIVE;
/* Get the sample associated with the work. */
uint sample = get_work_sample(kg, work_index, ray_index) + kernel_split_params.start_sample;
/* Get pixel and tile position associated with the work. */
uint pixel_x, pixel_y, tile_x, tile_y;
get_work_pixel_tile_position(kg, &pixel_x, &pixel_y,
&tile_x, &tile_y,
kernel_split_state.work_array[ray_index] = work_index;
uint x, y, sample;
get_work_pixel(kg, work_index, &x, &y, &sample);
/* Remap rng_state and buffer to current pixel. */
ccl_global uint *rng_state = kernel_split_params.rng_state;
rng_state += kernel_split_params.offset + pixel_x + pixel_y*kernel_split_params.stride;
rng_state += kernel_split_params.offset + x + y*kernel_split_params.stride;
ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_split_params.buffer;
buffer += (kernel_split_params.offset + pixel_x + pixel_y * kernel_split_params.stride) *;
/* Store buffer offset for writing to passes. */
uint buffer_offset = (kernel_split_params.offset + x + y*kernel_split_params.stride) *;
kernel_split_state.buffer_offset[ray_index] = buffer_offset;
/* Initialize random numbers and ray. */
uint rng_hash;
pixel_x, pixel_y,
x, y,
@ -84,6 +78,7 @@ ccl_device void kernel_path_init(KernelGlobals *kg) {
/* These rays do not participate in path-iteration. */
float4 L_rad = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
/* Accumulate result in output buffer. */
ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_split_params.buffer + buffer_offset;
kernel_write_pass_float4(buffer, sample, L_rad);
ASSIGN_RAY_STATE(kernel_split_state.ray_state, ray_index, RAY_TO_REGENERATE);

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ typedef ccl_global struct SplitBranchedState {
SPLIT_DATA_ENTRY(ccl_global int, is_lamp, 1) \
SPLIT_DATA_ENTRY(ccl_global Ray, light_ray, 1) \
SPLIT_DATA_ENTRY(ccl_global int, queue_data, (NUM_QUEUES*2)) /* TODO(mai): this is too large? */ \
SPLIT_DATA_ENTRY(ccl_global uint, work_array, 1) \
SPLIT_DATA_ENTRY(ccl_global uint, buffer_offset, 1) \
SPLIT_DATA_ENTRY(ShaderData, sd, 1) \
SPLIT_DATA_ENTRY(ShaderData, sd_DL_shadow, 1) \