documentation for the Metaball module.

This commit is contained in:
Jacques Guignot 2003-07-10 21:56:03 +00:00
parent d4c849391e
commit 106263dda7

@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
# Blender.Metaball module and the Metaball PyType metaball
The Blender.Metaball submodule
This module provides access to the B{Metaball Data} in Blender.
import Blender
scene = Blencer.Scene.getCurrent () # get the current scene
ob = Blender.Metaball.New ('mball') # make metaball
def New (name):
Creates a new Metaball.
@type name: string
@param name: The name of the metaball. If this parameter is not given (or not valid) blender will assign a name to the metaball.
@rtype: Blender Metaball
@return: The created Metaball.
def Get (name):
Get the Metaball from Blender.
@type name: string
@param name: The name of the requested Metaball.
@rtype: Blender Metaball or a list of Blender Metaballs
@return: It depends on the 'name' parameter:
- (name): The Metaball with the given name;
- (): A list with all Metaballs in the current scene.
class Metaball:
The Metaball object
This metaball gives access to generic data from all metaballs in Blender.
@cvar name: The name of the metaball.
@cvar loc: The location of the metaball.
@cvar rot: The rotation of the metaball.
@cvar size: The size of the metaball.
def getName():
Retreives the name of a metaball object
@rtype: string
@return: the name of a metaball object
def setName(name):
Sets the name of a metaball object
@type name: string
@param name : the new name
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getBbox():
Retreives the bounding box of a metaball object
@rtype: a list of 24 floats(8 points, 3 coordinates)
@return: the bounding box of a metaball object
def getNMetaElems():
Retreives the number of metaelems (elementary spheres or cylinders) of a metaball object
@rtype: int
@return: number of metaelems of a metaball object
def getLoc():
Retreives the location of a metaball object
@rtype: a list of 3 floats
@return: locationof a metaball object
def setLoc(newloc):
Sets the location of a metaball object
@type newloc: list of 3 floats
@param newloc: the new location
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getRot():
Retreives the rotation of a metaball object
@rtype: a list of 3 floats
@return: rotationof a metaball object
def setRot(newrot):
Sets the rotation of a metaball object
@type newrot: list of 3 floats
@param newrot: the new rotation
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getSize():
Retreives the size of a metaball object
@rtype: a list of 3 floats
@return: size a metaball object
def setSize(newsize):
Sets the size of a metaball object
@type newsize: list of 3 floats
@param newsize: the new size
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getWiresize():
Retreives the wiresize of a metaball object
@rtype: float
@return: wire size a metaball object
def setWiresize(newsize):
Sets the wire size of a metaball object
@type newsize: float
@param newsize: the new size
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getRendersize():
Retreives the rendersize of a metaball object
@rtype: float
@return: render size a metaball object
def setRendersize(newsize):
Sets the render size of a metaball object
@type newsize: float
@param newsize: the new size
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getThresh():
Retreives the threshold of a metaball object
@rtype: float
@return: threshold of the metaball object
def setThresh(threshold):
Sets the threshold of a metaball object
@type threshold: float
@param threshold: the new size
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getMetadata(name,num):
Retrieves the metadata of a metaball object. A metaball is composed of one or several elementary objects, spheres or cylinders, which interact to create the smooth surface everybody knows. The get/set Metadata functions allow users to read/write the parameters of these elementary objects, called metaelements.
@type name: string
@param name: the name of the property to be read. The accepted values are :"type", "x", "y", "z", "expx", "expy", "expz", "rad", "rad2", "s", "len".
@type num: int
@param num: the position of the metaelem to be accessed.
@rtype: float
@return: the metaelement parameter value, generally a float, except for the parameter "type", which returns an int.
def setMetadata(name,num,val):
The setMetadata function has the same semantics as getMetadata, except that it needs the parameter value, and always returns PyNone.
@type name: string
@param name: the name of the property to be read. The accepted values are :"type", "x", "y", "z", "expx", "expy", "expz", "rad", "rad2", "s", "len".
@type num: int
@param num: the position of the metaelem to be accessed.
@type val: float, except if name is "type".
@param val: the new value of the parameter.
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getMetatype(pos):
Retreives the type of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@rtype: int
@return: type of the metaelem object
def setMetatype(pos,newtype):
Sets the type of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@type newtype: int
@param newtype: the new type
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getMetax(pos):
Retreives the x parameter of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@rtype: float
@return: x parameter of the metaelem object
def setMetax(pos,newx):
Sets the x parameter of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@type newx: float
@param newx: the new x parameter value
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getMetay(pos):
Retreives the y parameter of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@rtype: float
@return: y parameter of the metaelem object
def setMetay(pos,newy):
Sets the y parameter of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@type newy: float
@param newy: the new y parameter value
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getMetaz(pos):
Retreives the z parameter of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@rtype: float
@return: z parameter of the metaelem object
def setMetaz(pos,newz):
Sets the z parameter of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@type newz: float
@param newz: the new z parameter value
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getMetas(pos):
Retreives the s parameter of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@rtype: float
@return: s parameter of the metaelem object
def setMetas(pos,news):
Sets the s parameter of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@type news: float
@param news: the new x parameter value
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone
def getMetalen(pos):
Retreives the len parameter of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@rtype: float
@return: len parameter of the metaelem object
def setMetalen(pos,newlen):
Sets the len parameter of a metaelem object
@type pos: int
@param : the position of the metaelement
@type newlen: float
@param newlen: the new x parameter value
@rtype: PyNone
@return: PyNone