Fix for incomplete loading of liboslexec static library. This is needed in order to provide the osl_allocate_closure_component function for LLVM.

This commit is contained in:
Lukas Toenne 2012-10-06 14:35:48 +00:00
parent 1e2f475512
commit 2ecb4781a7

@ -770,8 +770,9 @@ if(UNIX AND NOT APPLE)
find_library(OSL_LIB_EXEC NAMES oslexec PATHS ${CYCLES_OSL}/lib)
find_library(OSL_LIB_COMP NAMES oslcomp PATHS ${CYCLES_OSL}/lib)
find_library(OSL_LIB_QUERY NAMES oslquery PATHS ${CYCLES_OSL}/lib)
# WARNING! depends on correct order of OSL libs linking
# Note: --whole-archive is needed to force loading of all symbols in liboslexec,
# otherwise LLVM is missing the osl_allocate_closure_component function
list(APPEND OSL_LIBRARIES ${OSL_LIB_COMP} -Wl,--whole-archive ${OSL_LIB_EXEC} -Wl,--no-whole-archive ${OSL_LIB_QUERY})
find_path(OSL_INCLUDES OSL/oslclosure.h PATHS ${CYCLES_OSL}/include)
find_program(OSL_COMPILER NAMES oslc PATHS ${CYCLES_OSL}/bin)