Fluid: Cleanup in flow emission loops

- Initial velocities are no longer influenced by surface distance value.
- Added optimizations for different flow types (e.g. skip part of loop for liquid flow objects).
- Comments style cleanup and removed old todos.
This commit is contained in:
Sebastián Barschkis 2020-01-27 17:28:07 +01:00
parent e782d35d34
commit 42318e358a

@ -630,10 +630,9 @@ static void obstacles_from_mesh_task_cb(void *__restrict userdata,
ObstaclesFromDMData *data = userdata;
FluidDomainSettings *mds = data->mds;
/* slightly rounded-up sqrt(3 * (0.5)^2) == max. distance of cell boundary along the diagonal */
const float surface_distance = 2.0f; // 0.867f;
/* Note: Use larger surface distance to cover larger area with obvel. Manta will use these obvels
* and extrapolate them (inside and outside obstacle) */
/* Distance from unit cube center to one of the vertices.
* I.e. half the cube diagonal or sqrt(3) * 0.5. */
const float surface_distance = 0.867f;
for (int x = mds->res_min[0]; x < mds->res_max[0]; x++) {
for (int y = mds->res_min[1]; y < mds->res_max[1]; y++) {
@ -1123,8 +1122,7 @@ static void em_freeData(EmissionMap *em)
static void em_combineMaps(
EmissionMap *output, EmissionMap *em2, int additive, float sample_size)
static void em_combineMaps(EmissionMap *output, EmissionMap *em2, int additive, float sample_size)
int i, x, y, z;
@ -1240,8 +1238,7 @@ static void emit_from_particles_task_cb(void *__restrict userdata,
1.0f :
(1.0f - (nearest.dist - data->solid) / data->smooth);
/* Uses particle velocity as initial velocity for smoke. */
if (mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_INITVELOCITY &&
(mfs->psys->part->phystype != PART_PHYS_NO)) {
if (mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_INITVELOCITY && (mfs->psys->part->phystype != PART_PHYS_NO)) {
&em->velocity[index * 3], &data->particle_vel[nearest.index * 3], mfs->vel_multi);
@ -1583,16 +1580,22 @@ static void sample_mesh(FluidFlowSettings *mfs,
BVHTreeNearest nearest = {0};
float volume_factor = 0.0f;
float sample_str = 0.0f;
float emission_strength = 0.0f;
hit.index = -1;
hit.dist = PHI_MAX;
nearest.index = -1;
nearest.dist_sq = mfs->surface_distance *
mfs->surface_distance; /* find_nearest uses squared distance */
/* Check volume collision */
if (mfs->volume_density) {
/* Distance from unit cube center to one of the vertices.
* I.e. half the cube diagonal or sqrt(3) * 0.5. */
const float surface_distance = 0.867f;
nearest.dist_sq = surface_distance * surface_distance; /* find_nearest uses squared distance. */
bool is_gas_flow = (mfs->type == FLUID_FLOW_TYPE_SMOKE || mfs->type == FLUID_FLOW_TYPE_FIRE ||
/* Emission inside the flow object. */
if (is_gas_flow && mfs->volume_density) {
if (BLI_bvhtree_ray_cast(tree_data->tree,
@ -1601,11 +1604,10 @@ static void sample_mesh(FluidFlowSettings *mfs,
tree_data) != -1) {
float dot = ray_dir[0] * hit.no[0] + ray_dir[1] * hit.no[1] + ray_dir[2] * hit.no[2];
/* If ray and hit face normal are facing same direction
* hit point is inside a closed mesh. */
/* If ray and hit face normal are facing same direction hit point is inside a closed mesh. */
if (dot >= 0) {
/* Also cast a ray in opposite direction to make sure
* point is at least surrounded by two faces */
/* Also cast a ray in opposite direction to make sure point is at least surrounded by two
* faces. */
hit.index = -1;
hit.dist = PHI_MAX;
@ -1624,48 +1626,45 @@ static void sample_mesh(FluidFlowSettings *mfs,
/* find the nearest point on the mesh */
/* Find the nearest point on the mesh. */
if (BLI_bvhtree_find_nearest(
tree_data->tree, ray_start, &nearest, tree_data->nearest_callback, tree_data) != -1) {
float weights[3];
int v1, v2, v3, f_index = nearest.index;
float n1[3], n2[3], n3[3], hit_normal[3];
/* emit from surface based on distance */
/* Emission from surface is based on UI configurable distance value. */
if (mfs->surface_distance) {
sample_str = sqrtf(nearest.dist_sq) / mfs->surface_distance;
CLAMP(sample_str, 0.0f, 1.0f);
sample_str = pow(1.0f - sample_str, 0.5f);
emission_strength = sqrtf(nearest.dist_sq) / mfs->surface_distance;
CLAMP(emission_strength, 0.0f, 1.0f);
emission_strength = pow(1.0f - emission_strength, 0.5f);
else {
sample_str = 0.0f;
emission_strength = 0.0f;
/* calculate barycentric weights for nearest point */
/* Calculate barycentric weights for nearest point. */
v1 = mloop[mlooptri[f_index].tri[0]].v;
v2 = mloop[mlooptri[f_index].tri[1]].v;
v3 = mloop[mlooptri[f_index].tri[2]].v;
interp_weights_tri_v3(weights, mvert[v1].co, mvert[v2].co, mvert[v3].co, nearest.co);
if (mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_INITVELOCITY && velocity_map) {
/* apply normal directional velocity */
/* Apply normal directional velocity. */
if (mfs->vel_normal) {
/* interpolate vertex normal vectors to get nearest point normal */
/* Interpolate vertex normal vectors to get nearest point normal. */
normal_short_to_float_v3(n1, mvert[v1].no);
normal_short_to_float_v3(n2, mvert[v2].no);
normal_short_to_float_v3(n3, mvert[v3].no);
interp_v3_v3v3v3(hit_normal, n1, n2, n3, weights);
/* apply normal directional and random velocity
* - TODO: random disabled for now since it doesn't really work well
* as pressure calc smoothens it out. */
/* Apply normal directional velocity. */
velocity_map[index * 3] += hit_normal[0] * mfs->vel_normal * 0.25f;
velocity_map[index * 3 + 1] += hit_normal[1] * mfs->vel_normal * 0.25f;
velocity_map[index * 3 + 2] += hit_normal[2] * mfs->vel_normal * 0.25f;
/* TODO: for fire emitted from mesh surface we can use
* Vf = Vs + (Ps/Pf - 1)*S to model gaseous expansion from solid to fuel */
/* apply object velocity */
/* Apply object velocity. */
if (has_velocity && mfs->vel_multi) {
float hit_vel[3];
@ -1683,16 +1682,16 @@ static void sample_mesh(FluidFlowSettings *mfs,
velocity_map[index * 3 + 2] += mfs->vel_coord[2];
/* apply vertex group influence if used */
/* Apply vertex group influence if it is being used. */
if (defgrp_index != -1 && dvert) {
float weight_mask = defvert_find_weight(&dvert[v1], defgrp_index) * weights[0] +
defvert_find_weight(&dvert[v2], defgrp_index) * weights[1] +
defvert_find_weight(&dvert[v3], defgrp_index) * weights[2];
sample_str *= weight_mask;
emission_strength *= weight_mask;
/* apply emission texture */
if ((mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_TEXTUREEMIT) && mfs->noise_texture) {
/* Apply emission texture. */
if (is_gas_flow && (mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_TEXTUREEMIT) && mfs->noise_texture) {
float tex_co[3] = {0};
TexResult texres;
@ -1709,24 +1708,19 @@ static void sample_mesh(FluidFlowSettings *mfs,
interp_v2_v2v2v2(tex_co, UNPACK3(uv), weights);
/* map between -1.0f and 1.0f */
/* Map texure coord between -1.0f and 1.0f. */
tex_co[0] = tex_co[0] * 2.0f - 1.0f;
tex_co[1] = tex_co[1] * 2.0f - 1.0f;
tex_co[2] = mfs->texture_offset;
texres.nor = NULL;
BKE_texture_get_value(NULL, mfs->noise_texture, tex_co, &texres, false);
sample_str *= texres.tin;
emission_strength *= texres.tin;
/* multiply initial velocity by emitter influence */
if (mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_INITVELOCITY && velocity_map) {
mul_v3_fl(&velocity_map[index * 3], sample_str);
/* apply final influence based on volume factor */
influence_map[index] = MAX2(volume_factor, sample_str);
/* Apply final influence value but also consider volume initialization factor. */
influence_map[index] = MAX2(volume_factor, emission_strength);
typedef struct EmitFromDMData {
@ -1761,25 +1755,30 @@ static void emit_from_mesh_task_cb(void *__restrict userdata,
x - em->min[0], em->res[0], y - em->min[1], em->res[1], z - em->min[2]);
const float ray_start[3] = {((float)x) + 0.5f, ((float)y) + 0.5f, ((float)z) + 0.5f};
/* Compute emission only for flow objects that produce fluid (i.e. skip outflow objects).
* Result in em->influence. Also computes initial velocities. Result in em->velocity. */
if ((data->mfs->behavior == FLUID_FLOW_BEHAVIOR_GEOMETRY) ||
(data->mfs->behavior == FLUID_FLOW_BEHAVIOR_INFLOW)) {
/* Calculate levelset values from meshes. Result in em->distances. */
@ -1812,9 +1811,8 @@ static void emit_from_mesh(
float flow_center[3] = {0};
int min[3], max[3], res[3];
/* copy mesh for thread safety because we modify it,
* main issue is its VertArray being modified, then replaced and freed
/* Copy mesh for thread safety as we modify it.
* Main issue is its VertArray being modified, then replaced and freed. */
me = BKE_mesh_copy_for_eval(mfs->mesh, true);
/* Duplicate vertices to modify. */
@ -1846,23 +1844,22 @@ static void emit_from_mesh(
/* Transform mesh vertices to
* domain grid space for fast lookups */
/* Transform mesh vertices to domain grid space for fast lookups */
for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++) {
float n[3];
/* vert pos */
/* Vertex position. */
mul_m4_v3(flow_ob->obmat, mvert[i].co);
manta_pos_to_cell(mds, mvert[i].co);
/* vert normal */
/* Vertex normal. */
normal_short_to_float_v3(n, mvert[i].no);
mul_mat3_m4_v3(flow_ob->obmat, n);
mul_mat3_m4_v3(mds->imat, n);
normal_float_to_short_v3(mvert[i].no, n);
/* vert velocity */
/* Vertex velocity. */
if (mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_INITVELOCITY) {
float co[3];
add_v3fl_v3fl_v3i(co, mvert[i].co, mds->shift);
@ -1873,18 +1870,18 @@ static void emit_from_mesh(
copy_v3_v3(&mfs->verts_old[i * 3], co);
/* calculate emission map bounds */
/* Calculate emission map bounds. */
em_boundInsert(em, mvert[i].co);
mul_m4_v3(flow_ob->obmat, flow_center);
manta_pos_to_cell(mds, flow_center);
/* set emission map */
/* Set emission map. */
mds, em->min, em->max, NULL, NULL, (int)ceil(mfs->surface_distance), dt);
em_allocateData(em, mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_INITVELOCITY);
/* setup loop bounds */
/* Setup loop bounds. */
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
min[i] = em->min[i];
max[i] = em->max[i];
@ -1917,7 +1914,7 @@ static void emit_from_mesh(
settings.min_iter_per_thread = 2;
BLI_task_parallel_range(min[2], max[2], &data, emit_from_mesh_task_cb, &settings);
/* free bvh tree */
/* Free bvh tree. */
if (vert_vel) {
@ -2442,36 +2439,40 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
flowobjs = BKE_collision_objects_create(
depsgraph, ob, mds->fluid_group, &numflowobj, eModifierType_Fluid);
/* Update all flow related flags and ensure that corresponding grids get initialized */
/* Update all flow related flags and ensure that corresponding grids get initialized. */
update_flowsflags(mds, flowobjs, numflowobj);
/* init emission maps for each flow */
/* Initialize emission maps for each flow. */
emaps = MEM_callocN(sizeof(struct EmissionMap) * numflowobj, "manta_flow_maps");
/* Prepare flow emission maps */
/* Prepare flow emission maps. */
for (flow_index = 0; flow_index < numflowobj; flow_index++) {
Object *flowobj = flowobjs[flow_index];
FluidModifierData *mmd2 = (FluidModifierData *)modifiers_findByType(flowobj,
/* Check for initialized smoke object */
/* Check for initialized smoke object. */
if ((mmd2->type & MOD_FLUID_TYPE_FLOW) && mmd2->flow) {
FluidFlowSettings *mfs = mmd2->flow;
int subframes = mfs->subframes;
EmissionMap *em = &emaps[flow_index];
/* Optimization: No need to compute emission value if it won't be applied. */
if (mfs->behavior == FLUID_FLOW_BEHAVIOR_GEOMETRY && !is_first_frame) {
/* Length of one adaptive frame. If using adaptive stepping, length is smaller than actual
* frame length */
float adaptframe_length = time_per_frame / frame_length;
/* Adaptive frame length as percentage */
CLAMP(adaptframe_length, 0.0f, 1.0f);
/* Further splitting because of emission subframe: If no subframes present, sample_size is 1
/* More splitting because of emission subframe: If no subframes present, sample_size is 1. */
float sample_size = 1.0f / (float)(subframes + 1);
/* First frame cannot have any subframes because there is (obviously) no previous frame from
* where subframes could come from */
* where subframes could come from. */
if (is_first_frame) {
subframes = 0;
@ -2482,7 +2483,7 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
/* Emission loop. When not using subframes this will loop only once. */
for (subframe = subframes; subframe >= 0; subframe--) {
/* Temporary emission map used when subframes are enabled, i.e. at least one subframe */
/* Temporary emission map used when subframes are enabled, i.e. at least one subframe. */
EmissionMap em_temp = {NULL};
/* Set scene time */
@ -2493,22 +2494,22 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
scene->r.cfra = frame - 1;
/* Last frame in this loop (subframe == suframes). Can be real end frame or in between
* frames (adaptive frame) */
* frames (adaptive frame). */
else {
/* Handle adaptive subframe (ie has subframe fraction). Need to set according scene
* subframe parameter */
* subframe parameter. */
if (time_per_frame < frame_length) {
scene->r.subframe = adaptframe_length;
scene->r.cfra = frame - 1;
/* Handle absolute endframe (ie no subframe fraction). Need to set the scene subframe
* parameter to 0 and advance current scene frame */
* parameter to 0 and advance current scene frame. */
else {
scene->r.subframe = 0.0f;
scene->r.cfra = frame;
/* Sanity check: subframe portion must be between 0 and 1 */
/* Sanity check: subframe portion must be between 0 and 1. */
CLAMP(scene->r.subframe, 0.0f, 1.0f);
/* Debugging: Print subframe information. */
@ -2523,11 +2524,11 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
/* Update frame time, this is considering current subframe fraction
* BLI_mutex_lock() called in manta_step(), so safe to update subframe here
* TODO (sebbas): Using BKE_scene_frame_get(scene) instead of new DEG_get_ctime(depsgraph)
* as subframes don't work with the latter yet */
* as subframes don't work with the latter yet. */
depsgraph, scene, flowobj, true, 5, BKE_scene_frame_get(scene), eModifierType_Fluid);
/* Emission from particles */
/* Emission from particles. */
if (mfs->source == FLUID_FLOW_SOURCE_PARTICLES) {
if (subframes) {
emit_from_particles(flowobj, mds, mfs, &em_temp, depsgraph, scene, subframe_dt);
@ -2536,7 +2537,7 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
emit_from_particles(flowobj, mds, mfs, em, depsgraph, scene, subframe_dt);
/* Emission from mesh */
/* Emission from mesh. */
else if (mfs->source == FLUID_FLOW_SOURCE_MESH) {
if (subframes) {
emit_from_mesh(flowobj, mds, mfs, &em_temp, subframe_dt);
@ -2550,11 +2551,10 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
/* If this we emitted with temp emission map in this loop (subframe emission), we combine
* the temp map with the original emission map */
* the temp map with the original emission map. */
if (subframes) {
/* Combine emission maps */
em, &em_temp, !(mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_ABSOLUTE), sample_size);
/* Combine emission maps. */
em_combineMaps(em, &em_temp, !(mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_ABSOLUTE), sample_size);
@ -2569,7 +2569,7 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
# endif
/* Adjust domain size if needed. Only do this once for every frame */
/* Adjust domain size if needed. Only do this once for every frame. */
adaptive_domain_adjust(mds, ob, emaps, numflowobj, dt);
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
float *velz_initial = manta_get_in_velocity_z(mds->fluid);
uint z;
/* Grid reset before writing again */
/* Grid reset before writing again. */
for (z = 0; z < mds->res[0] * mds->res[1] * mds->res[2]; z++) {
if (phi_in) {
phi_in[z] = PHI_MAX;
@ -2631,13 +2631,13 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
/* Apply emission data */
/* Apply emission data for every flow object. */
for (flow_index = 0; flow_index < numflowobj; flow_index++) {
Object *flowobj = flowobjs[flow_index];
FluidModifierData *mmd2 = (FluidModifierData *)modifiers_findByType(flowobj,
// check for initialized flow object
/* Check for initialized flow object. */
if ((mmd2->type & MOD_FLUID_TYPE_FLOW) && mmd2->flow) {
FluidFlowSettings *mfs = mmd2->flow;
EmissionMap *em = &emaps[flow_index];
@ -2648,28 +2648,29 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
int gx, gy, gz, ex, ey, ez, dx, dy, dz;
size_t e_index, d_index;
// loop through every emission map cell
/* Loop through every emission map cell. */
for (gx = em->min[0]; gx < em->max[0]; gx++) {
for (gy = em->min[1]; gy < em->max[1]; gy++) {
for (gz = em->min[2]; gz < em->max[2]; gz++) {
/* get emission map index */
/* Compute emission map index. */
ex = gx - em->min[0];
ey = gy - em->min[1];
ez = gz - em->min[2];
e_index = manta_get_index(ex, em->res[0], ey, em->res[1], ez);
/* get domain index */
/* Get domain index. */
dx = gx - mds->res_min[0];
dy = gy - mds->res_min[1];
dz = gz - mds->res_min[2];
d_index = manta_get_index(dx, mds->res[0], dy, mds->res[1], dz);
/* make sure emission cell is inside the new domain boundary */
/* Make sure emission cell is inside the new domain boundary. */
if (dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dz < 0 || dx >= mds->res[0] || dy >= mds->res[1] ||
dz >= mds->res[2]) {
if (mfs->behavior == FLUID_FLOW_BEHAVIOR_OUTFLOW) { // outflow
/* Delete fluid in outflow regions. */
if (mfs->behavior == FLUID_FLOW_BEHAVIOR_OUTFLOW) {
@ -2681,6 +2682,7 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
/* Do not apply inflow after the first frame when in geometry mode. */
else if (mfs->behavior == FLUID_FLOW_BEHAVIOR_GEOMETRY && !is_first_frame) {
@ -2703,8 +2705,9 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
/* Main inflow application. */
else if (mfs->behavior == FLUID_FLOW_BEHAVIOR_INFLOW ||
mfs->behavior == FLUID_FLOW_BEHAVIOR_GEOMETRY) { // inflow
/* only apply inflow if enabled */
if (mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_USE_INFLOW) {
@ -2727,7 +2730,6 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
/* initial velocity */
if (mfs->flags & FLUID_FLOW_INITVELOCITY) {
velx_initial[d_index] = velocity_map[e_index * 3];
vely_initial[d_index] = velocity_map[e_index * 3 + 1];
@ -2735,14 +2737,11 @@ static void update_flowsfluids(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph,
} // low res loop
// free emission maps
} /* End of flow emission map loop. */
} // end emission
} /* End of flow object loop. */