RenderTests: Enable EEVEE-Next Raytracing

Allow testing of material refractions. Also set the reflection probe to match
the raytracing pipeline closely.

Pull Request:
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Jeroen Bakker 2024-01-30 10:44:04 +01:00
parent 58b9240c82
commit 4b3254279c

@ -20,12 +20,21 @@ def setup():
# Enable Eevee features
scene = bpy.context.scene
eevee = scene.eevee
ray_tracing = eevee.ray_tracing_options
eevee.gtao_distance = 1
eevee.use_volumetric_shadows = True
eevee.volumetric_tile_size = '2'
eevee.use_motion_blur = True
# Due to an issue in HiZ-buffer set the probbe resolution to 256. When the
# Overscan of 50 will doesn't offset the final image, and adds more information for screen based ray tracing.
eevee.use_overscan = True
eevee.overscan_size = 50.0
eevee.use_raytracing = True
eevee.ray_tracing_method = 'SCREEN'
ray_tracing.resolution_scale = "1"
ray_tracing.screen_trace_quality = 1.0
ray_tracing.screen_trace_thickness = 1.0
# Due to an issue in HiZ-buffer set the probe resolution to 256. When the
# probe resolution is to high it will be corrupted as the HiZ buffer isn't
# large enough
eevee.gi_cubemap_resolution = '256'
@ -33,11 +42,12 @@ def setup():
# Does not work in edit mode
# Simple probe setup
bpy.ops.object.lightprobe_add(type='SPHERE', location=(0.05, 0.0, 0.03))
bpy.ops.object.lightprobe_add(type='SPHERE', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
cubemap = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
cubemap.scale = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) = 0.0 = 0.975 = 0.8 = 1.2
bpy.ops.object.lightprobe_add(type='VOLUME', location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
grid = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]