Fixing a bug found while checking "[#31937] UV/Image Editor: Copy Mirrored UV Coords" (which isn't a bug at all).

The tool works OK, except it was messing vertices' order of polys, often giving ugly results! Now only using sorted list of vertices indices to find matching polys.
This commit is contained in:
Bastien Montagne 2012-06-29 12:41:39 +00:00
parent 8a3d571744
commit 4f294a8f02

@ -58,12 +58,9 @@ class MeshMirrorUV(Operator):
vcos = ( for v in mesh.vertices)
for i, co in enumerate(vcos):
if co[0] > 0.0:
mirror_gt[co] = i
elif co[0] < 0.0:
mirror_lt[co] = i
if co[0] >= 0.0:
mirror_gt[co] = i
if co[0] <= 0.0:
mirror_lt[co] = i
#for i, v in enumerate(mesh.vertices):
@ -97,14 +94,13 @@ class MeshMirrorUV(Operator):
puvsel[i] = (False not in
( for uv in uv_loops[lstart:lend]))
# Vert idx of the poly.
vidxs[i] = tuple(sorted(l.vertex_index
for l in loops[lstart:lend]))
vidxs[i] = tuple(l.vertex_index for l in loops[lstart:lend])
# As we have no yet...
pcents[i] = tuple(map(lambda x: x / p.loop_total,
map(sum, zip(*(verts[idx].co
for idx in vidxs[i])))))
# Preparing next step finding matching polys.
mirror_pm[vidxs[i]] = i
mirror_pm[tuple(sorted(vidxs[i]))] = i
for i in range(nbr_polys):
# Find matching mirror poly.