fix [#30017] Make Dupli-Face needs active mesh object

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Campbell Barton 2012-01-29 21:28:04 +00:00
parent b820ec4ae4
commit 56fe01c3fb

@ -489,8 +489,7 @@ class ShapeTransfer(Operator):
return (obj and obj.mode != 'EDIT')
def execute(self, context):
C = bpy.context
ob_act = C.active_object
ob_act = context.active_object
objects = [ob for ob in C.selected_editable_objects if ob != ob_act]
if 1: # swap from/to, means we cant copy to many at once.
@ -585,11 +584,6 @@ class MakeDupliFace(Operator):
bl_idname = "object.make_dupli_face"
bl_label = "Make Dupli-Face"
def poll(cls, context):
obj = context.active_object
return (obj and obj.type == 'MESH')
def _main(self, context):
from mathutils import Vector
@ -601,22 +595,22 @@ class MakeDupliFace(Operator):
Vector((-offset, +offset, 0.0)),
def matrix_to_quat(matrix):
def matrix_to_quad(matrix):
# scale = matrix.median_scale
trans = matrix.to_translation()
rot = matrix.to_3x3() # also contains scale
return [(rot * b) + trans for b in base_tri]
scene = bpy.context.scene
scene = context.scene
linked = {}
for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
for obj in context.selected_objects:
data =
if data:
linked.setdefault(data, []).append(obj)
for data, objects in linked.items():
face_verts = [axis for obj in objects
for v in matrix_to_quat(obj.matrix_world)
for v in matrix_to_quad(obj.matrix_world)
for axis in v]
faces = list(range(len(face_verts) // 3))