OpenColorIO: remove default display workaround

A fix for this is in 2.0 (and recent 1.1.x versions), no need for this anymore.

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Brecht Van Lommel 2021-01-31 21:01:25 +01:00
parent 5393054a5d
commit 6b40ee608c

@ -50,27 +50,6 @@ using namespace OCIO_NAMESPACE;
# define __func__ __FUNCTION__
/* NOTE: This is because OCIO 1.1.0 has a bug which makes default
* display to be the one which is first alphabetically.
* Fix has been submitted as a patch
* For until then we use first usable display instead. */
# include <algorithm>
# include <map>
# include <mutex>
# include <set>
# include <string>
# include <vector>
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
static void OCIO_reportError(const char *err)
std::cerr << "OpenColorIO Error: " << err << std::endl;
@ -213,30 +192,6 @@ int OCIOImpl::configGetIndexForColorSpace(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, const c
const char *OCIOImpl::configGetDefaultDisplay(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config)
if (getenv("OCIO_ACTIVE_DISPLAYS") == NULL) {
const char *active_displays = (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getActiveDisplays();
if (active_displays[0] != '\0') {
const char *separator_pos = strchr(active_displays, ',');
if (separator_pos == NULL) {
return active_displays;
static std::string active_display;
/* NOTE: Configuration is shared and is never changed during
* runtime, so we only guarantee two threads don't initialize at the
* same. */
static std::mutex mutex;
if (active_display.empty()) {
active_display = active_displays;
active_display[separator_pos - active_displays] = '\0';
return active_display.c_str();
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getDefaultDisplay();
@ -271,90 +226,8 @@ const char *OCIOImpl::configGetDisplay(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, int index)
return NULL;
namespace {
void splitStringEnvStyle(vector<string> *tokens, const string &str)
const int len = str.length();
int token_start = 0, token_length = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const char ch = str[i];
if (ch != ',' && ch != ':') {
/* Append non-separator char to a token. */
else {
/* Append current token to the list (if any). */
if (token_length > 0) {
string token = str.substr(token_start, token_length);
/* Re-set token pointers. */
token_start = i + 1;
token_length = 0;
/* Append token which might be at the end of the string. */
if (token_length != 0) {
string token = str.substr(token_start, token_length);
string stringToLower(const string &str)
string lower = str;
std::transform(lower.begin(), lower.end(), lower.begin(), tolower);
return lower;
} // namespace
const char *OCIOImpl::configGetDefaultView(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, const char *display)
/* NOTE: We assume that first active view always exists for a default
* display. */
if (getenv("OCIO_ACTIVE_VIEWS") == NULL) {
ConstConfigRcPtr config_ptr = *((ConstConfigRcPtr *)config);
const char *active_views_encoded = config_ptr->getActiveViews();
if (active_views_encoded[0] != '\0') {
const string display_lower = stringToLower(display);
static map<string, string> default_display_views;
static std::mutex mutex;
/* Check if the view is already known. */
map<string, string>::const_iterator it = default_display_views.find(display_lower);
if (it != default_display_views.end()) {
return it->second.c_str();
/* Active views. */
vector<string> active_views;
splitStringEnvStyle(&active_views, active_views_encoded);
/* Get all views supported by tge display. */
set<string> display_views;
const int num_display_views = config_ptr->getNumViews(display);
for (int view_index = 0; view_index < num_display_views; ++view_index) {
const char *view = config_ptr->getView(display, view_index);
/* Get first view which is supported by tge display. */
for (const string &view : active_views) {
const string view_lower = stringToLower(view);
if (display_views.find(view_lower) != display_views.end()) {
default_display_views[display_lower] = view;
return default_display_views[display_lower].c_str();
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getDefaultView(display);