Extensions: "build --split-platform" now includes it's own wheels

The `[build.generated]` section now includes a filtered list of wheels
to simplify checking existing wheels on the server.

Also disallow quotes & control characters in wheel paths because they
already shouldn't be used and doing so would cause escaping issues in
the generated TOML.

Implements #124242.
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2024-07-08 12:37:40 +10:00
parent f3630777f6
commit 74f8ac15f5

@ -1698,9 +1698,16 @@ def pkg_manifest_validate_field_wheels(
filename_spec = "{distribution}-{version}(-{build tag})?-{python tag}-{abi tag}-{platform tag}.whl"
for wheel in value:
if "\"" in wheel:
return "wheel paths most not contain quotes, found {!r}".format(wheel)
if "\\" in wheel:
return "wheel paths must use forward slashes, found {!r}".format(wheel)
if (error := pkg_manifest_validate_field_any_non_empty_string_stripped_no_control_chars(
wheel, True,
)) is not None:
return "wheel paths detected: {:s}, found {!r}".format(error, wheel)
wheel_filename = os.path.basename(wheel)
if not wheel_filename.lower().endswith(".whl"):
return "wheel paths must end with \".whl\", found {!r}".format(wheel)
@ -1898,6 +1905,9 @@ def pkg_manifest_dict_apply_build_generated_table(manifest_dict: Dict[str, Any])
if (platforms := build_generated.get("platforms")) is not None:
manifest_dict["platforms"] = platforms
if (wheels := build_generated.get("wheels")) is not None:
manifest_dict["wheels"] = wheels
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Standalone Utilities
@ -1986,6 +1996,35 @@ def blender_platform_compatible_with_wheel_platform(platform: str, wheel_platfor
return platform == platform_blender
def blender_platform_compatible_with_wheel_platform_from_filepath(platform: str, wheel_filepath: str) -> bool:
wheel_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(wheel_filepath))[0]
wheel_filename_split = wheel_filename.split("-")
# This should be unreachable because the manifest has been validated, add assert.
assert len(wheel_filename_split) >= 5, "Internal error, manifest validation disallows this"
wheel_platform = wheel_filename_split[-1]
return blender_platform_compatible_with_wheel_platform(platform, wheel_platform)
def paths_filter_wheels_by_platform(
wheels: List[str],
platform: str,
) -> List[str]:
All paths are wheels with filenames that follow the wheel spec.
Return wheels which are compatible with the ``platform``.
wheels_result: List[str] = []
for wheel_filepath in wheels:
if blender_platform_compatible_with_wheel_platform_from_filepath(platform, wheel_filepath):
return wheels_result
def build_paths_filter_wheels_by_platform(
build_paths: List[Tuple[str, str]],
platform: str,
@ -1997,17 +2036,7 @@ def build_paths_filter_wheels_by_platform(
build_paths_for_platform: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
for item in build_paths:
# Both the absolute/relative path can be used to get the filename.
# Use the relative since it's likely to be shorter.
wheel_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item[1]))[0]
wheel_filename_split = wheel_filename.split("-")
# This should be unreachable because the manifest has been validated, add assert.
assert len(wheel_filename_split) >= 5, "Internal error, manifest validation disallows this"
wheel_platform = wheel_filename_split[-1]
if blender_platform_compatible_with_wheel_platform(platform, wheel_platform):
if blender_platform_compatible_with_wheel_platform_from_filepath(platform, item[1]):
return build_paths_for_platform
@ -4011,6 +4040,18 @@ class subcmd_author:
b"# This must not be included in source manifests.\n",
"platforms = [\"{:s}\"]\n".format(platform).encode("utf-8"),
# Including wheels simplifies server side check as this list can be tested
# without the server having to filter by platform too.
b"wheels = [",
", ".join([
# NOTE: accept no string escaping as the rules for wheel paths
# are already strict so strings don't require quoting.
"\"{:s}\"".format(wheel) for wheel in paths_filter_wheels_by_platform(
manifest.wheels or [],