Cleanup: trailing space

This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2018-08-30 01:05:13 +10:00
parent ddf8c49736
commit 76a9752be2
4 changed files with 7 additions and 9 deletions

@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ if(WITH_OPENCOLORIO)
set(OPENCOLORIO ${LIBDIR}/opencolorio)
set(OPENCOLORIO_LIBPATH ${LIBDIR}/opencolorio/lib)
optimized ${OPENCOLORIO_LIBPATH}/OpenColorIO.lib
optimized ${OPENCOLORIO_LIBPATH}/tinyxml.lib
optimized ${OPENCOLORIO_LIBPATH}/libyaml-cpp.lib

@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ void BVH8::pack_nodes(const BVHNode *root)
idx = nextNodeIdx;
nextNodeIdx += node_is_unaligned(nodes[i], bvh8)
stack.push_back(BVHStackEntry(nodes[i], idx));

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ struct avxb
/// Constructors, Assignment & Cast Operators
__forceinline avxb ( ) {}
__forceinline avxb ( const avxb& other ) { m256 = other.m256; }
__forceinline avxb& operator=( const avxb& other ) { m256 = other.m256; return *this; }
@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ struct avxb
__forceinline operator const __m256&( void ) const { return m256; }
__forceinline operator const __m256i( void ) const { return _mm256_castps_si256(m256); }
__forceinline operator const __m256d( void ) const { return _mm256_castps_pd(m256); }
//__forceinline avxb ( bool a )
// : m256(_mm_lookupmask_ps[(size_t(a) << 3) | (size_t(a) << 2) | (size_t(a) << 1) | size_t(a)]) {}
//__forceinline avxb ( bool a, bool b)
//__forceinline avxb ( bool a, bool b)
// : m256(_mm_lookupmask_ps[(size_t(b) << 3) | (size_t(a) << 2) | (size_t(b) << 1) | size_t(a)]) {}
//__forceinline avxb ( bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d)
// : m256(_mm_lookupmask_ps[(size_t(d) << 3) | (size_t(c) << 2) | (size_t(b) << 1) | size_t(a)]) {}
@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ __forceinline const avxb operator ==( const avxb& a, const avxb& b ) { return _m
__forceinline const avxb select( const avxb& m, const avxb& t, const avxb& f ) {
#if defined(__KERNEL_SSE41__)
return _mm256_blendv_ps(f, t, m);
return _mm256_blendv_ps(f, t, m);
return _mm256_or_ps(_mm256_and_ps(m, t), _mm256_andnot_ps(m, f));
return _mm256_or_ps(_mm256_and_ps(m, t), _mm256_andnot_ps(m, f));
@ -189,4 +189,3 @@ ccl_device_inline void print_avxb(const char *label, const avxb &a)

@ -237,4 +237,3 @@ __forceinline const avxb operator <=(const avxf& a, const avxf& b) {
_mm256_set_m128(_mm_loadu_ps(hiaddr), _mm_loadu_ps(loaddr))