bmesh: Fkey now creates faces from 5 or more disconnected vertices.

Added function: BM_face_create_ngon_vcloud
creating quads and tris use this too since it finds the best face winding direction based on surrounding face (if any)
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2012-03-14 22:57:15 +00:00
parent c2d93e8d4a
commit ea79c470d2
3 changed files with 212 additions and 39 deletions

@ -263,9 +263,197 @@ err:
return NULL;
typedef struct AngleIndexPair {
float angle;
int index;
} AngleIndexPair;
/* bmesh_make_face_from_face(BMesh *bm, BMFace *source, BMFace *target) */
static int angle_index_pair_cmp(const void *e1, const void *e2)
const AngleIndexPair *p1 = e1, *p2 = e2;
if (p1->angle > p2->angle) return 1;
else if (p1->angle < p2->angle) return -1;
else return 0;
* Makes an NGon from an un-ordered set of verts
* assumes...
* - that verts are only once in the list.
* - that the verts have roughly planer bounds
* - that the verts are roughly circular
* there can be concave areas but overlapping folds from the center point will fail.
* a brief explanation of the method used
* - find the center point
* - find the normal of the vcloud
* - order the verts around the face based on their angle to the normal vector at the center point.
* \note Since this is a vcloud there is no direction.
BMFace *BM_face_create_ngon_vcloud(BMesh *bm, BMVert **vert_arr, int totv, int nodouble)
BMFace *f;
float totv_inv = 1.0f / (float)totv;
int i = 0;
float cent[3], nor[3];
float *far = NULL, *far_cross = NULL;
float far_vec[3];
float far_cross_vec[3];
float sign_vec[3]; /* work out if we are pos/neg angle */
float far_dist, far_best;
float far_cross_dist, far_cross_best = 0.0f;
AngleIndexPair *vang;
BMVert **vert_arr_map;
BMEdge **edge_arr;
int i_prev;
unsigned int winding[2] = {0, 0};
/* get the center point and collect vector array since we loop over these a lot */
for (i = 0; i < totv; ++i) {
madd_v3_v3fl(cent, vert_arr[i]->co, totv_inv);
/* find the far point from cent */
far_best = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < totv; ++i) {
far_dist = len_squared_v3v3(vert_arr[i]->co, cent);
if (far_dist > far_best || far == NULL) {
far = vert_arr[i]->co;
far_best = far_dist;
sub_v3_v3v3(far_vec, far, cent);
far_dist = len_v3(far_vec); /* real dist */
/* --- */
/* find a point 90deg about to compare with */
far_cross_best = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < totv; ++i) {
if (far == vert_arr[i]->co) {
sub_v3_v3v3(far_cross_vec, vert_arr[i]->co, cent);
far_cross_dist = normalize_v3(far_cross_vec);
/* more of a weight then a distance */
far_cross_dist = (/* first we want to have a value close to zero mapped to 1 */
1.0 - fabsf(dot_v3v3(far_vec, far_cross_vec)) *
/* second we multiply by the distance
* so points close to the center are not preferred */
if (far_cross_dist > far_cross_best || far_cross == NULL) {
far_cross = vert_arr[i]->co;
far_cross_best = far_cross_dist;
sub_v3_v3v3(far_cross_vec, far_cross, cent);
/* --- */
/* now we have 2 vectors we can have a cross product */
cross_v3_v3v3(nor, far_vec, far_cross_vec);
cross_v3_v3v3(sign_vec, far_vec, nor); /* this vector should match 'far_cross_vec' closely */
/* --- */
/* now calcualte every points angle around the normal (signed) */
vang = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(AngleIndexPair) * totv, __func__);
for (i = 0; i < totv; ++i) {
float co[3];
float proj_vec[3];
float angle;
/* center relative vec */
sub_v3_v3v3(co, vert_arr[i]->co, cent);
/* align to plane */
project_v3_v3v3(proj_vec, co, nor);
sub_v3_v3(co, proj_vec);
/* now 'co' is valid - we can compare its angle against the far vec */
angle = angle_v3v3(far_vec, co);
if (dot_v3v3(co, sign_vec) < 0.0f) {
angle = -angle;
vang[i].angle = angle;
vang[i].index = i;
/* sort by angle and magic! - we have our ngon */
qsort(vang, totv, sizeof(AngleIndexPair), angle_index_pair_cmp);
/* --- */
/* create edges and find the winding (if faces are attached to any existing edges) */
vert_arr_map = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMVert **) * totv, __func__);
edge_arr = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMEdge **) * totv, __func__);
for (i = 0; i < totv; ++i) {
vert_arr_map[i] = vert_arr[vang[i].index];
i_prev = totv - 1;
for (i = 0; i < totv; ++i) {
edge_arr[i] = BM_edge_create(bm, vert_arr_map[i_prev], vert_arr_map[i], NULL, TRUE);
/* the edge may exist already and be attached to a face
* in this case we can find the best winding to use for the new face */
if (edge_arr[i]->l) {
BMVert *test_v1, *test_v2;
/* we want to use the reverse winding to the existing order */
BM_edge_ordered_verts(edge_arr[i], &test_v2, &test_v1);
winding[(vert_arr_map[i_prev] == test_v2)]++;
i_prev = i;
/* --- */
if (winding[0] < winding[1]) {
winding[0] = 1;
winding[1] = 0;
else {
winding[0] = 0;
winding[1] = 1;
/* --- */
/* create the face */
f = BM_face_create_ngon(bm, vert_arr_map[winding[0]], vert_arr_map[winding[1]], edge_arr, totv, nodouble);
return f;
* Called by operators to remove elements that they have marked for

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ void BM_face_copy_shared(BMesh *bm, BMFace *f);
BMFace *BM_face_create_ngon(BMesh *bm, BMVert *v1, BMVert *v2, BMEdge **edges, int len, int nodouble);
BMFace *BM_face_create_ngon_vcloud(BMesh *bm, BMVert **vert_arr, int len, int nodouble);
void BMO_remove_tagged_faces(BMesh *bm, const short oflag);
void BMO_remove_tagged_edges(BMesh *bm, const short oflag);
void BMO_remove_tagged_verts(BMesh *bm, const short oflag);

@ -1390,45 +1390,8 @@ void bmo_contextual_create_exec(BMesh *bm, BMOperator *op)
e = BM_edge_create(bm, verts[0], verts[1], NULL, TRUE);
BMO_elem_flag_enable(bm, e, ELE_OUT);
else if (amount == 3) {
/* create triangle */
f = BM_face_create_quad_tri(bm, verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], NULL, NULL, TRUE);
else if (0) { /* nice feature but perhaps it should be a different tool? */
if (f) {
BMO_elem_flag_enable(bm, f, ELE_OUT);
else if (amount == 4) {
f = NULL;
/* the order of vertices can be anything, 6 cases to check */
if (is_quad_convex_v3(verts[0]->co, verts[1]->co, verts[2]->co, verts[3]->co)) {
f = BM_face_create_quad_tri(bm, verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3], NULL, TRUE);
else if (is_quad_convex_v3(verts[0]->co, verts[2]->co, verts[3]->co, verts[1]->co)) {
f = BM_face_create_quad_tri(bm, verts[0], verts[2], verts[3], verts[1], NULL, TRUE);
else if (is_quad_convex_v3(verts[0]->co, verts[2]->co, verts[1]->co, verts[3]->co)) {
f = BM_face_create_quad_tri(bm, verts[0], verts[2], verts[1], verts[3], NULL, TRUE);
else if (is_quad_convex_v3(verts[0]->co, verts[1]->co, verts[3]->co, verts[2]->co)) {
f = BM_face_create_quad_tri(bm, verts[0], verts[1], verts[3], verts[2], NULL, TRUE);
else if (is_quad_convex_v3(verts[0]->co, verts[3]->co, verts[2]->co, verts[1]->co)) {
f = BM_face_create_quad_tri(bm, verts[0], verts[3], verts[2], verts[1], NULL, TRUE);
else if (is_quad_convex_v3(verts[0]->co, verts[3]->co, verts[1]->co, verts[2]->co)) {
f = BM_face_create_quad_tri(bm, verts[0], verts[3], verts[1], verts[2], NULL, TRUE);
else {
printf("cannot find nice quad from concave set of vertices\n");
if (f) {
BMO_elem_flag_enable(bm, f, ELE_OUT);
else {
/* tricky feature for making a line/edge from selection history...
* Rather then do nothing, when 5+ verts are selected, check if they are in our history,
@ -1473,4 +1436,24 @@ void bmo_contextual_create_exec(BMesh *bm, BMOperator *op)
/* done creating edges */
else {
/* TODO, all these verts may be connected by edges.
* we should check on this before assuming they are a random set of verts */
BMVert **vert_arr = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMVert **) * totv, __func__);
int i = 0;
BMO_ITER(v, &oiter, bm, op, "geom", BM_VERT) {
vert_arr[i] = v;
f = BM_face_create_ngon_vcloud(bm, vert_arr, totv, TRUE);
if (f) {
BMO_elem_flag_enable(bm, f, ELE_OUT);