Tests: add wrapper script to launch a graphical headless session

This wrapper script can be used instead of executing "blender"
to launch blender in it's own display server which is closed
when Blender quits.
The BLENDER_BIN environment variable is used to run Blender,
forwarding arguments & passing the exit-code back to the script.

This can be used to run automated graphical-tests while still being
in background (from a user perspective).
This has the advantage that windows don't popup in the foreground,
or on servers/VM's that aren't running a graphical session.
Running many Blender instances, each in their own display server
is also supported, allowing for tests to make use of multiple jobs.

Tested with graphical undo tests which have not yet been made part of
CTests (needs further investigation).

Currently this only supports WAYLAND however it can run on X11
since it launches it's own WAYLAND compositor instance for each
Blender session. The wrapper has been written with the intention of
adding support for other back-ends in the future (if practical).

Use the WESTON compositor since it's widely available and has a
headless server, any other WAYLAND-server could likely be used without
much trouble.
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2023-11-04 14:08:15 +11:00
parent 134393e846
commit ee3da7c26c

@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2023 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
Wrapper for Blender that launches a graphical instances of Blender
in it's own display-server.
This can be useful when a graphical context is required (when ``--background`` can't be used)
and it's preferable not to have windows opening on the users system.
The main use case for this is tests that run simulated events, see: ``bl_run_operators_event_simulate.py``.
- All arguments are forwarded to Blender.
- Headless operation checks for environment variables.
- Blender's exit code is used on exit.
Environment Variables:
- ``BLENDER_BIN``: the Blender binary to run.
(defaults to ``blender`` which must be in the ``PATH``).
WAYLAND Environment Variables:
- ``WESTON_BIN``: The weston binary to run,
(defaults to ``weston`` which must be in the ``PATH``).
- ``WAYLAND_ROOT_DIR``: The base directory (prefix) of a portable WAYLAND installation,
(may be left unset, in that case the system's installed WAYLAND is used).
- ``WESTON_ROOT_DIR``: The base directory (prefix) of a portable WESTON installation,
(may be left unset, in that case the system's installed WESTON is used).
Currently only WAYLAND is supported, other systems could be added.
import subprocess
import sys
import signal
import os
import tempfile
from typing import (
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
# For debugging, print out all information.
BLENDER_BIN = os.environ.get("BLENDER_BIN", "blender")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic Utilities
def scantree(path: str) -> Iterator[os.DirEntry[str]]:
"""Recursively yield DirEntry objects for given directory."""
for entry in os.scandir(path):
if entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False):
yield from scantree(entry.path)
yield entry
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Implementation Back-Ends
class backend_base:
def run(args: Sequence[str]) -> int:
sys.stderr.write("No headless back-ends for {!r} with args {!r}\n".format(sys.platform, args))
return 1
class backend_wayland(backend_base):
def _wait_for_wayland_server(*, socket: str, timeout: float) -> bool:
Uses the expected socket file in `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` to detect when the WAYLAND server starts.
import time
time_idle = min(timeout / 100.0, 0.05)
xdg_runtime_dir = os.environ.get("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", "")
if not xdg_runtime_dir:
xdg_runtime_dir = "/var/run/user/{:d}".format(os.getuid())
filepath = os.path.join(xdg_runtime_dir, socket)
t_beg = time.time()
t_end = t_beg + timeout
while True:
if os.path.exists(filepath):
return True
if time.time() >= t_end:
return False
def _weston_env_and_ini_from_portable(
wayland_root_dir: Optional[str],
weston_root_dir: Optional[str],
) -> Tuple[Optional[Dict[str, str]], str]:
Construct a portable environment to run WESTON in.
# NOTE(@ideasman42): WESTON does not make it convenient to run a portable instance,
# a reasonable amount of logic here is simply to get WESTON running with references to portable paths.
# Once pcakges are available on RedHad8, we might consider to remove this entire function.
weston_env = {}
weston_ini = []
ld_library_paths = []
if weston_root_dir is None:
# There is very little to do, simply write a configuration
# that removes the panel to give some extra screen real estate.
# Don't look for a background image.
# Don't look for a background image.
if wayland_root_dir is not None:
ld_library_paths.append(os.path.join(wayland_root_dir, "lib64"))
if weston_root_dir is not None:
weston_lib_dir = os.path.join(weston_root_dir, "lib")
os.path.join(weston_lib_dir, "weston"),
# Setup the `WESTON_MODULE_MAP`.
weston_map_filenames = {
"wayland-backend.so": "",
"gl-renderer.so": "",
"headless-backend.so": "",
"desktop-shell.so": "",
for entry in scantree(weston_lib_dir):
if entry.name in weston_map_filenames:
weston_map_filenames[entry.name] = os.path.normpath(entry.path)
module_map = []
for key, value in sorted(weston_map_filenames.items()):
if not value:
raise Exception("Failure to find {!r} in {!r}".format(key, weston_lib_dir))
module_map.append("{:s}={:s}".format(key, value))
weston_env["WESTON_MODULE_MAP"] = ";".join(module_map)
del module_map
if ld_library_paths:
ld_library_paths_str = os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "")
if ld_library_paths_str:
ld_library_paths.insert(0, ld_library_paths_str.rstrip(":"))
weston_env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ":".join(ld_library_paths)
del ld_library_paths_str
return (
{**os.environ, **weston_env} if weston_env else None,
def _weston_env_and_ini_from_system() -> Tuple[Optional[Dict[str, str]], str]:
weston_env = None
weston_ini = [
# Don't look for a background image.
return (
def _weston_env_and_ini() -> Tuple[Optional[Dict[str, str]], str]:
wayland_root_dir = os.environ.get("WAYLAND_ROOT_DIR")
weston_root_dir = os.environ.get("WESTON_ROOT_DIR")
if wayland_root_dir or weston_root_dir:
weston_env, weston_ini = backend_wayland._weston_env_and_ini_from_portable(
weston_env, weston_ini = backend_wayland._weston_env_and_ini_from_system()
return weston_env, weston_ini
def run(blender_args: Sequence[str]) -> int:
# Use the PID to support running multiple tests at once.
socket = "wl-blender-{:d}".format(os.getpid())
weston_bin = os.environ.get("WESTON_BIN", "weston")
# Ensure the WAYLAND server is NOT running (for this socket).
if backend_wayland._wait_for_wayland_server(socket=socket, timeout=0.0):
sys.stderr.write("Wayland server for socket \"{:s}\" already running, exiting!\n".format(socket))
return 1
weston_env, weston_ini = backend_wayland._weston_env_and_ini()
cmd = [
# `--config={..}` is added to point to a temp file.
cmd_kw: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if weston_env is not None:
cmd_kw["env"] = weston_env
if not VERBOSE:
cmd_kw["stderr"] = subprocess.PIPE
cmd_kw["stdout"] = subprocess.PIPE
print("Env:", weston_env)
print("Run:", cmd)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
) as weston_ini_tempfile:
with subprocess.Popen(
[*cmd, "--config={:s}".format(weston_ini_tempfile.name)],
) as proc_server:
del cmd, cmd_kw
if not backend_wayland._wait_for_wayland_server(socket=socket, timeout=1.0):
# The verbose mode will have written to standard out/error already.
# Only show the output is the server wasn't able to start.
if not VERBOSE:
assert proc_server.stdout is not None
assert proc_server.stderr is not None
sys.stderr.write("Unable to start wayland server, exiting!\n")
sys.stderr.write(proc_server.stdout.read().decode("utf-8", errors="surrogateescape"))
sys.stderr.write(proc_server.stderr.read().decode("utf-8", errors="surrogateescape"))
# Wait for the interrupt to be handled.
return 1
blender_env = {**os.environ, "WAYLAND_DISPLAY": socket}
cmd = [
print("Env:", blender_env)
print("Run:", cmd)
with subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=blender_env) as proc_blender:
blender_exit_code = proc_blender.returncode
del cmd
# Blender has finished, close the server.
# Wait for the interrupt to be handled.
# Forward Blender's exit code.
return blender_exit_code
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main Function
def main() -> int:
match sys.platform:
case "darwin":
backend = backend_base
case "win32":
backend = backend_base
case _:
backend = backend_wayland
return backend.run(sys.argv[1:])
if __name__ == "__main__":