Another file missed in IK commit.

This commit is contained in:
Brecht Van Lommel 2005-08-27 13:27:49 +00:00
parent 8d36b517f9
commit fa0bbaf380

@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
* Original author: Laurence
* Contributor(s): Brecht
@ -34,26 +35,20 @@
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2001 NaN Technologies B.V.
* @author Laurence
* @author Laurence, Brecht
* @mainpage IK - Blender inverse kinematics module.
* @section about About the IK module
* This module allows you to create segments and form them into
* chains. You can then define a goal point that the end of the
* chain should attempt to reach - an inverse kinematic problem.
* This module will then modify the segments in the chain in
* order to get the end of the chain as near as possible to the
* goal. This solver uses an inverse jacobian method to find
* a solution.
* tree. You can then define a goal points that the end of a given
* segment should attempt to reach - an inverse kinematic problem.
* This module will then modify the segments in the tree in order
* to get the as near as possible to the goal. This solver uses an
* inverse jacobian method to find a solution.
* @section issues Known issues with this IK solver.
* - The current solver works with only one type of segment. These
* segments always have 3 degress of freedom (DOF). i.e. the solver
* uses all these degrees to solve the IK problem. It would be
* nice to allow the user to specify different segment types such
* as 1 DOF joints in a given plane. 2 DOF joints about given axis.
* - There is currently no support for joint constraints in the
* solver. This is within the realms of possibility - please ask
* if this functionality is required.
@ -77,124 +72,93 @@
extern "C" {
* External segment structure
* Typical order of calls for solving an IK problem:
* - create number of IK_Segment's and set their parents and transforms
* - create an IK_Solver
* - set a number of goals for the IK_Solver to solve
* - call IK_Solve
* - free the IK_Solver
* - get basis and translation changes from segments
* - free all segments
* This structure defines a single segment of an IK chain.
* IK_Segment defines a single segment of an IK tree.
* - Individual segments are always defined in local coordinates.
* - The segment is assumed to be oriented in the local
* - The segment is assumed to be oriented in the local
* y-direction.
* - seg_start is the start of the segment relative to the end
* - start is the start of the segment relative to the end
* of the parent segment.
* - basis is a column major matrix defining the rest position
* of the bone.
* - length is the simply the length of the bone.
* - basis_change is a 3x3 matrix representing the change
* from the rest position of the segment to the solved position.
* In fact it is the transpose of this matrix because blender
* does something weird with quaternion conversion. This is
* strictly an ouput variable for returning the results of an
* an ik solve back to you.
* The local transformation specified as a column major matrix
* of a segment is then defined as.
* translate(seg_start)*basis*transpose(basis_change)*translate(0,length,0)
* - rest_basis is a column major matrix defineding the rest
* position (w.r.t. which the limits are defined), must
* be a pure rotation
* - basis is a column major matrix defining the current change
* from the rest basis, must be a pure rotation
* - length is the length of the bone.
* - basis_change and translation_change respectively define
* the change in rotation or translation for rotational joints
* and translational joints. basis_change is a column major 3x3
* matrix.
* For rotational joints the local transformation is then defined as:
* start*rest_basis*basis*basis_change*translate(0,length,0)
* For translational joints:
* start*rest_basis*basis*translation_change*translate(0,length,0)
typedef struct IK_Segment_Extern {
float seg_start[3];
float basis[9];
float length;
float basis_change[9];
} IK_Segment_Extern;
typedef void IK_Segment;
typedef IK_Segment_Extern* IK_Segment_ExternPtr;
enum IK_SegmentFlag {
IK_XDOF = 1,
IK_YDOF = 2,
IK_ZDOF = 4,
* External chain structure.
* This structure is filled when you call IK_LoadChain.
* The first segment in the chain is the root segment.
* The end of the last segment is the end-effector of the chain
* this is the point that tries to move to the goal in the ik
* solver.
* - num_segments is the number of segments in the array pointed
* to by the member segments.
* - chain_dof is the number of degrees of freedom of the chain
* that is the number of independent ways the chain can be changed
* to reach the goal.
* - segments points to an array of IK_Segment_Extern structs
* containing the segments of this chain.
* - intern is pointer used by the module to store information
* about the chain. Please do not touch the member in any way.
typedef enum IK_SegmentAxis {
} IK_SegmentAxis;
typedef struct IK_Chain_Extern {
int num_segments;
int chain_dof;
IK_Segment_ExternPtr segments;
void * intern;
} IK_Chain_Extern;
extern IK_Segment *IK_CreateSegment(int flag);
extern void IK_FreeSegment(IK_Segment *seg);
typedef IK_Chain_Extern* IK_Chain_ExternPtr;
extern void IK_SetParent(IK_Segment *seg, IK_Segment *parent);
extern void IK_SetTransform(IK_Segment *seg, float start[3], float rest_basis[][3], float basis[][3], float length);
extern void IK_SetLimit(IK_Segment *seg, IK_SegmentAxis axis, float lmin, float lmax);
extern void IK_SetStiffness(IK_Segment *seg, IK_SegmentAxis axis, float stiffness);
extern void IK_GetBasisChange(IK_Segment *seg, float basis_change[][3]);
extern void IK_GetTranslationChange(IK_Segment *seg, float *translation_change);
* Create a clean chain structure.
* @return A IK_Chain_Extern structure allocated on the heap.
* Do not attempt to delete or free this memory yourself please
* use the FreeChain(...) function for this.
extern IK_Chain_ExternPtr IK_CreateChain(void);
* Copy segment information into the chain structure.
* @param chain A chain to load the segments into.
* @param segments a ptr to an array of IK_Input_Segment_Extern structures
* @param num_segs the number of segments to load into the chain
* @return 1 if the chain was correctly loaded into the structure.
* @return 0 if an error occured loading the chain. This will normally
* occur when there is not enough memory to allocate internal chain data.
* In this case you should not use the chain structure and should call
* IK_FreeChain to free the memory associated with the chain.
extern int IK_LoadChain(IK_Chain_ExternPtr chain,IK_Segment_ExternPtr segments, int num_segs);
* Compute the solution of an inverse kinematic problem.
* @param chain a ptr to an IK_Segment_Extern loaded with the segments
* to solve for.
* @param goal the goal of the IK problem
* @param tolerance .The distance to the solution within which the chain is deemed
* to be solved.
* @param max_iterations. The maximum number of iterations to use in solving the
* problem.
* @param max_angle_change. The maximum allowed angular change. 0.1 is a good value here.
* @param output. Results of the solution are written to the segments pointed to by output.
* Only the basis and basis_change fields are written. You must make sure that you have
* allocated enough room for the output segments.
* @return 0 if the solved chain did not reach the goal. This occurs when the
* goal was unreachable by the chain end effector.
* @return 1 if the chain reached the goal.
* An IK_Solver must be created to be able to execute the solver.
* An arbitray number of goals can be created, stating that a given
* end effector must have a given position or rotation. If multiple
* goals are specified, they can be weighted (range 0..1) to get
* some control over their importance.
* IK_Solve will execute the solver, that will run until either the
* system converges, or a maximum number of iterations is reached.
* It returns 1 if the system converged, 0 otherwise.
extern int IK_SolveChain(
IK_Chain_ExternPtr chain,
float goal[3],
float tolerance,
int max_iterations,
float max_angle_change,
IK_Segment_ExternPtr output
typedef void IK_Solver;
* Free a chain and all it's internal memory.
IK_Solver *IK_CreateSolver(IK_Segment *root);
void IK_FreeSolver(IK_Solver *solver);
extern void IK_FreeChain(IK_Chain_ExternPtr);
void IK_SolverAddGoal(IK_Solver *solver, IK_Segment *tip, float goal[3], float weight);
void IK_SolverAddGoalOrientation(IK_Solver *solver, IK_Segment *tip, float goal[][3], float weight);
int IK_Solve(IK_Solver *solver, float tolerance, int max_iterations);
#ifdef __cplusplus