the features that are needed to run the game. Compile tested with
scons, make, but not cmake, that seems to have an issue not related
to these changes. The changes include:
* GLSL support in the viewport and game engine, enable in the game
menu in textured draw mode.
* Synced and merged part of the duplicated blender and gameengine/
gameplayer drawing code.
* Further refactoring of game engine drawing code, especially mesh
storage changed a lot.
* Optimizations in game engine armatures to avoid recomputations.
* A python function to get the framerate estimate in game.
* An option take object color into account in materials.
* An option to restrict shadow casters to a lamp's layers.
* Increase from 10 to 18 texture slots for materials, lamps, word.
An extra texture slot shows up once the last slot is used.
* Memory limit for undo, not enabled by default yet because it
needs the .B.blend to be changed.
* Multiple undo for image painting.
* An offset for dupligroups, so not all objects in a group have to
be at the origin.
Merge of branch soc-2008-quorn to trunk:
Merged 14970:16308 to trunk@16307, updated to HEAD.
Merged 16318
Main features from this branch:
- Python text plugins
- Suggestions and documentation elements
- Improved syntax highlighting
- Word wrap
- Additional editing tools
- Various undo and clipboard fixes
- File header info and modification checks
- Added a centralized function for resolving targets (aaa.bbb.ccc)
- Added documentation support for locally defined classes and methods
- The time taken to parse now dictates how long to use the cache before parsing again
- Other tweaks and comments and support for numeric var types
The text plugin scripts have been updated to make use of these features.
FLT files written by the FLT exporter would
reference external files (other FLT files,
texture maps, ect) with standard backslash
seperators on win32. However, many tools
that deal with FLT files expect directory
seperators to always be forward slashes
regardless of platform.
Please commit to 2.47 branch
patch history:
v1.12 - 2008.08.03
c2 warningfix: relocating of globals: layersmap, oblist
c2 modif UI: buttons newScene+targetLayer moved to start panel
v1.12 - 2008.07.04
c1 added control Curve's OrderU parameter
c1 modif UI: preset buttons X-2D-3D moved to start panel
b6 added handling exception of not registered LAYERs (Hammer-HL-editor DXF output)
b5 rebuild UI: global preset 2D for Curve-Import
b5 added UI-options: PL-MESH N+N plmesh_flip and normals_out
b5 added support for SPLINEs, added control OrderU parameter
b5 rewrote draw module for NURBS_curve and Bezier_curve
v1.12 - 2008.06.22
b4 change versioning system 1.0.12 -> 1.12
b4 print at start version-info to console
b3 bugfix: conflict with existing meshes (different
Text.setCursorPos(row, col) now pops the text into view if it is in the active window space. The outliner uses this to jump to any definition in a script; it is invoked with Ctrl+T.
Space types that are to support shortcuts like this should call BPY_menu_do_shortcut(...) from the event queue read method (See winqreadtextspace in drawtext.c for example)