Guillermo Venegas 5b104fb3fa Cleanup: Silence warnings from 1254fee589
Introduced in 1254fee5898ba2a8e21bb6b64ee5f235248ff386

Also remove translation from CLOG statements.

Pull Request:
2024-01-06 06:53:42 +01:00

83 lines
3.0 KiB

Basic FileHandler for Operator that imports just one file
When creating a ``Operator`` that imports files, you may want to
add them 'drag-and-drop' support, File Handlers helps to define
a set of files extensions (:class:`FileHandler.bl_file_extensions`)
that the ``Operator`` support and a :class:`FileHandler.poll_drop`
function that can be used to check in what specific context the ``Operator``
can be invoked with 'drag-and-drop' filepath data.
Same as operators that uses the file select window, this operators
required a set of properties, when the ``Operator`` can import just one
file per execution it needs to define the following property:
.. code-block:: python
filepath: bpy.props.StringProperty(subtype='FILE_PATH')
This ``filepath`` property now will be used by the ``FileHandler`` to
set the 'drag-and-drop' filepath data.
import bpy
class CurveTextImport(bpy.types.Operator):
""" Test importer that creates a text object from a .txt file """
bl_idname = "curve.text_import"
bl_label = "Import a text file as text object"
This Operator supports import one .txt file at the time, we need the
following filepath property that the file handler will use to set file path data.
filepath: bpy.props.StringProperty(subtype='FILE_PATH', options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
def poll(cls, context):
return (context.area and context.area.type == "VIEW_3D")
def execute(self, context):
""" Calls to this Operator can set unfiltered filepaths, ensure the file extension is .txt. """
if not self.filepath or not self.filepath.endswith(".txt"):
return {'CANCELLED'}
with open(self.filepath) as file:
text_curve ="FONT", name="Text")
text_curve.body = ''.join(file.readlines())
text_object ="Text", object_data=text_curve)
return {'FINISHED'}
By default the file handler invokes the operator with the filepath property set.
In this example if this property is set the operator is executed, if not the
file select window is invoked.
This depends on setting ``options={'SKIP_SAVE'}`` to the property options to avoid
to reuse filepath data between operator calls.
def invoke(self, context, event):
if self.filepath:
return self.execute(context)
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
class CURVE_FH_text_import(bpy.types.FileHandler):
bl_idname = "CURVE_FH_text_import"
bl_label = "File handler for curve text object import"
bl_import_operator = "curve.text_import"
bl_file_extensions = ".txt"
def poll_drop(cls, context):
return (context.area and context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D')