Campbell Barton e955c94ed3 License Headers: Set copyright to "Blender Authors", add AUTHORS
Listing the "Blender Foundation" as copyright holder implied the Blender
Foundation holds copyright to files which may include work from many

While keeping copyright on headers makes sense for isolated libraries,
Blender's own code may be refactored or moved between files in a way
that makes the per file copyright holders less meaningful.

Copyright references to the "Blender Foundation" have been replaced with
"Blender Authors", with the exception of `./extern/` since these this
contains libraries which are more isolated, any changed to license
headers there can be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Some directories in `./intern/` have also been excluded:

- `./intern/cycles/` it's own `AUTHORS` file is planned.
- `./intern/opensubdiv/`.

An "AUTHORS" file has been added, using the chromium projects authors
file as a template.

Design task: #110784

Ref !110783.
2023-08-16 00:20:26 +10:00

458 lines
17 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2022 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
Dump the python API into a JSON file, or generate changelogs from those JSON API dumps.
Typically, changelog output from this tool should be added into "doc/python_api/rst/change_log.rst"
API dump files are saved together with the generated API doc on the server, with a general index file.
This way the changelog generation simply needs to re-download the previous version's dump for the diffing process.
# Dump api blender_version.json in CWD:
blender --background --factory-startup --python doc/python_api/ -- \
--indexpath="path/to/api/docs/api_dump_index.json" \
dump --filepath-out="path/to/api/docs/<version>/api_dump.json"
# Create changelog:
blender --background --factory-startup --python doc/python_api/ -- \
--indexpath="path/to/api/docs/api_dump_index.json" \
changelog --filepath-out doc/python_api/rst/change_log.rst
# Api comparison can also run without blender,
# will by default generate changeloig between the last two available versions listed in the index,
# unless input files are provided explicitely:
python doc/python_api/ -- \
--indexpath="path/to/api/docs/api_dump_index.json" \
changelog --filepath-in-from blender_api_2_63_0.json \
--filepath-in-to blender_api_2_64_0.json \
--filepath-out changes.rst
API dump index format:
{[version_main, version_sub]: "<version>/api_dump.json", ...
API dump format:
[version_main, vserion_sub, version_path],
{"basic_type", "member_name":
["Name", type, range, length, default, descr, f_args, f_arg_types, f_ret_types]}, ...
}, ...
import json
import os
api_names = "basic_type" "name", "type", "range", "length", "default", "descr", "f_args", "f_arg_types", "f_ret_types"
def api_version():
import bpy
return None, None
version = tuple([:2])
version_key = "%d.%d" % (version[0], version[1])
return version, version_key
def api_version_previous_in_index(index, version):
print("Searching for previous version to %s in %r" % (version, index))
version_prev = (version[0], version[1])
while True:
version_prev = (version_prev[0], version_prev[1] - 1)
if version_prev[1] < 0:
version_prev = (version_prev[0] - 1, 99)
if version_prev[0] < 0:
return None, None
version_prev_key = "%d.%d" % (version_prev[0], version_prev[1])
if version_prev_key in index:
print("Found previous version %s: %r" % (version_prev, index[version_prev_key]))
return version_prev, version_prev_key
class JSONEncoderAPIDump(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if o is ...:
return "..."
if isinstance(o, set):
return tuple(o)
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
def api_dump(args):
import rna_info
import inspect
version, version_key = api_version()
if version is None:
raise ValueError("API dumps can only be generated from within Blender.")
dump = {}
dump_module = dump["bpy.types"] = {}
struct = rna_info.BuildRNAInfo()[0]
for struct_id, struct_info in sorted(struct.items()):
struct_id_str = struct_info.identifier
if rna_info.rna_id_ignore(struct_id_str):
for base in struct_info.get_bases():
struct_id_str = base.identifier + "." + struct_id_str
dump_class = dump_module[struct_id_str] = {}
props = [(prop.identifier, prop) for prop in]
for prop_id, prop in sorted(props):
# if prop.type == 'boolean':
# continue
prop_type = prop.type
prop_length = prop.array_length
prop_range = round(prop.min, 4), round(prop.max, 4)
prop_default = prop.default
if type(prop_default) is float:
prop_default = round(prop_default, 4)
if prop_range[0] == -1 and prop_range[1] == -1:
prop_range = None
dump_class[prop_id] = (
"prop_rna", # basic_type, # name
prop_type, # type
prop_range, # range
prop_length, # length
prop.default, # default
prop.description, # descr
Ellipsis, # f_args
Ellipsis, # f_arg_types
Ellipsis, # f_ret_types
del props
# python props, tricky since we don't know much about them.
for prop_id, attr in struct_info.get_py_properties():
dump_class[prop_id] = (
"prop_py", # basic_type
Ellipsis, # name
Ellipsis, # type
Ellipsis, # range
Ellipsis, # length
Ellipsis, # default
attr.__doc__, # descr
Ellipsis, # f_args
Ellipsis, # f_arg_types
Ellipsis, # f_ret_types
# kludge func -> props
funcs = [(func.identifier, func) for func in struct_info.functions]
for func_id, func in funcs:
func_ret_types = tuple([prop.type for prop in func.return_values])
func_args_ids = tuple([prop.identifier for prop in func.args])
func_args_type = tuple([prop.type for prop in func.args])
dump_class[func_id] = (
"func_rna", # basic_type
Ellipsis, # name
Ellipsis, # type
Ellipsis, # range
Ellipsis, # length
Ellipsis, # default
func.description, # descr
func_args_ids, # f_args
func_args_type, # f_arg_types
func_ret_types, # f_ret_types
del funcs
# kludge func -> props
funcs = struct_info.get_py_functions()
for func_id, attr in funcs:
# arg_str = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(py_func))
sig = inspect.signature(attr)
func_args_ids = [k for k, v in sig.parameters.items()]
dump_class[func_id] = (
"func_py", # basic_type
Ellipsis, # name
Ellipsis, # type
Ellipsis, # range
Ellipsis, # length
Ellipsis, # default
attr.__doc__, # descr
func_args_ids, # f_args
Ellipsis, # f_arg_types
Ellipsis, # f_ret_types
del funcs
filepath_out = args.filepath_out
with open(filepath_out, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle:
json.dump((version, dump), file_handle, cls=JSONEncoderAPIDump)
indexpath = args.indexpath
rootpath = os.path.dirname(indexpath)
if os.path.exists(indexpath):
with open(indexpath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle:
index = json.load(file_handle)
index = {}
index[version_key] = os.path.relpath(filepath_out, rootpath)
with open(indexpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle:
json.dump(index, file_handle)
print("API version %s dumped into %r, and index %r has been updated" % (version_key, filepath_out, indexpath))
def compare_props(a, b, fuzz=0.75):
# must be same basic_type, function != property
if a[0] != b[0]:
return False
tot = 0
totlen = 0
for i in range(1, len(a)):
if not (Ellipsis is a[i] is b[i]):
tot += (a[i] == b[i])
totlen += 1
return ((tot / totlen) >= fuzz)
def api_changelog(args):
indexpath = args.indexpath
filepath_in_from = args.filepath_in_from
filepath_in_to = args.filepath_in_to
filepath_out = args.filepath_out
rootpath = os.path.dirname(indexpath)
version, version_key = api_version()
if version is None and (filepath_in_from is None or filepath_in_to is None):
raise ValueError("API dumps files must be given when ran outside of Blender.")
with open(indexpath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle:
index = json.load(file_handle)
if filepath_in_to is None:
filepath_in_to = index.get(version_key, None)
if filepath_in_to is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot find API dump file for Blender version " + str(version) + " in index file.")
print("Found to file: %r" % filepath_in_to)
if filepath_in_from is None:
version_from, version_from_key = api_version_previous_in_index(index, version)
if version_from is None:
raise ValueError("No previous version of Blender could be found in the index.")
filepath_in_from = index.get(version_from_key, None)
if filepath_in_from is None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot find API dump file for previous Blender version " +
str(version_from) +
" in index file."
print("Found from file: %r" % filepath_in_from)
with open(os.path.join(rootpath, filepath_in_from), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle:
_, dict_from = json.load(file_handle)
with open(os.path.join(rootpath, filepath_in_to), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle:
dump_version, dict_to = json.load(file_handle)
assert tuple(dump_version) == version
api_changes = []
# first work out what moved
for mod_id, mod_data in dict_to.items():
mod_data_other = dict_from[mod_id]
for class_id, class_data in mod_data.items():
class_data_other = mod_data_other.get(class_id)
if class_data_other is None:
# TODO, document new structs
# find the props which are not in either
set_props_new = set(class_data.keys())
set_props_other = set(class_data_other.keys())
set_props_shared = set_props_new & set_props_other
props_moved = []
props_new = []
props_old = []
func_args = []
set_props_old = set_props_other - set_props_shared
set_props_new = set_props_new - set_props_shared
# first find settings which have been moved old -> new
for prop_id_old in set_props_old.copy():
prop_data_other = class_data_other[prop_id_old]
for prop_id_new in set_props_new.copy():
prop_data = class_data[prop_id_new]
if compare_props(prop_data_other, prop_data):
props_moved.append((prop_id_old, prop_id_new))
# remove
# func args
for prop_id in set_props_shared:
prop_data = class_data[prop_id]
prop_data_other = class_data_other[prop_id]
if prop_data[API_BASIC_TYPE] == prop_data_other[API_BASIC_TYPE]:
if prop_data[API_BASIC_TYPE].startswith("func"):
args_new = prop_data[API_F_ARGS]
args_old = prop_data_other[API_F_ARGS]
if args_new != args_old:
func_args.append((prop_id, args_old, args_new))
if props_moved or set_props_new or set_props_old or func_args:
props_new[:] = sorted(set_props_new)
props_old[:] = sorted(set_props_old)
api_changes.append((mod_id, class_id, props_moved, props_new, props_old, func_args))
# also document function argument changes
with open(filepath_out, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fout:
fw = fout.write
# Write header.
":tocdepth: 2\n"
"Change Log\n"
"Changes in Blender's Python API between releases.\n"
".. note, this document is auto generated by\n"
"%s to %s\n"
"\n" % (version_from_key, version_key))
def write_title(title, title_char):
fw("%s\n%s\n\n" % (title, title_char * len(title)))
for mod_id, class_id, props_moved, props_new, props_old, func_args in api_changes:
class_name = class_id.split(".")[-1]
title = mod_id + "." + class_name
write_title(title, "-")
if props_new:
write_title("Added", "^")
for prop_id in props_new:
fw("* :class:`%s.%s.%s`\n" % (mod_id, class_name, prop_id))
if props_old:
write_title("Removed", "^")
for prop_id in props_old:
fw("* **%s**\n" % prop_id) # can't link to removed docs
if props_moved:
write_title("Renamed", "^")
for prop_id_old, prop_id in props_moved:
fw("* **%s** -> :class:`%s.%s.%s`\n" % (prop_id_old, mod_id, class_name, prop_id))
if func_args:
write_title("Function Arguments", "^")
for func_id, args_old, args_new in func_args:
args_new = ", ".join(args_new)
args_old = ", ".join(args_old)
fw("* :class:`%s.%s.%s` (%s), *was (%s)*\n" % (mod_id, class_name, func_id, args_new, args_old))
print("Written: %r" % filepath_out)
def main(argv=None):
import sys
import argparse
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
if "--" not in argv:
argv = [] # as if no args are passed
argv = argv[argv.index("--") + 1:] # get all args after "--"
# When --help or no args are given, print this help
usage_text = "Run blender in background mode with this script: "
"blender --background --factory-startup --python %s -- [options]" % os.path.basename(__file__)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=usage_text,
"--indexpath", dest="indexpath", metavar='FILE', required=True,
help="Path of the JSON file containing the index of all available API dumps.")
parser_commands = parser.add_subparsers(required=True)
parser_dump = parser_commands.add_parser('dump', help="Dump the current Blender Python API into a JSON file.")
"--filepath-out", dest="filepath_out", metavar='FILE', required=True,
help="Path of the JSON file containing the dump of the API.")
parser_changelog = parser_commands.add_parser(
help="Generate the RST changelog page based on two Blender Python API JSON dumps.",
"--filepath-in-from", dest="filepath_in_from", metavar='FILE', default=None,
help="JSON dump file to compare from (typically, previous version). "
"If not given, will be automatically determined from current Blender version and index file.")
"--filepath-in-to", dest="filepath_in_to", metavar='FILE', default=None,
help="JSON dump file to compare to (typically, current version). "
"If not given, will be automatically determined from current Blender version and index file.")
"--filepath-out", dest="filepath_out", metavar='FILE', required=True,
help="Output sphinx changelog RST file.")
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
if __name__ == "__main__":